Sigma lenses for photo cards: specifications and customer reviews

Sigma is a Japanese lens manufacturing company. The price and quality of its products always remain at a high level. In some ways, Sigma lenses are sometimes better than native lenses for SLR cameras. For which cameras is it better to take such products?

Lenses for popular DSLRs

Not for all digital cameras "Sigma" produces lenses, but only for the most popular, more precisely, its "compatriots". There are only three of them:

  • "Canon."
  • Nikon
  • Sony.

Lenses for some cameras of other brands are on sale, but this is very rare. Why are there third-party accessories if all three listed above have their own branded ones?

sigma lenses

Sigma lenses for Nikon, Canon and Sony do not because of competition, but for the addition or replacement. You never know, because it also happens that in the native lenses the characteristics necessary for the photographer may be absent, or the price, the result of shooting, does not suit him. And in order to get the right product, you need to thoroughly study the information, see the reviews, read the reviews and, of course, see the photos taken with the copy of interest.

For Nikon Sigma Lenses

Nikon SLR cameras have a wide range of lenses. The Sigma company did not deprive gadgets of attention and provides an opportunity to choose what is needed among its products.

Lenses come in a variety of ways:

  • wide-angle;
  • telephoto lens;
  • portrait portrait;
  • fish eye;
  • standard.

We can say that Sigma lenses, and especially telephoto lenses, are considered the most amazing. Why? Not every manufacturer makes a telephoto lens with a focal length of 800 mm at an adequate price. If the amateur wants to shoot planes flying at an altitude of 3000 m above the ground, or to fix craters on the moon, then he will choose a lens with the strongest lenses.

As for other types of lenses, for example, fisheye, you can choose both native and Sigma. For the price they can differ, while having the same characteristics.

It is worth noting that for Nikon lenses are issued for full-frame and full-frame lenses. It is necessary to pay particular attention to the choice in this regard.

And for Canon cameras there are accessories

For Canon SLRs, there is also a huge selection of lenses of various types. List the same as in the previous section, it makes no sense. You can only talk about the virtues that Sigma lenses have for Canon. Quite often, you can meet user complaints about accessories from a native manufacturer. Canon cameras, unlike Nikon, do not have a stabilizer, so owners have to buy lenses with a USM motor, or, as modern users call it, a stab. Naturally, such a device will be more expensive at a price. But this disadvantage is compensated by the quality of shooting.

For example, Sigma lenses for Canon 10-20 mm have different apertures. Therefore, the photographer can make a choice, but the price and quality will be different. You must admit that a lens with an aperture equal to f / 3.5 allows you to take high-quality pictures in normal lighting, and with f / 4-5.6 you will have to use additional lighting or shoot in good weather.

Two 18-250 mm lenses for Nikon

Those who are looking for a budget option and a device for all occasions, as they say, it is recommended to buy a universal one. That is exactly what the Sigma 18-250 lens is for the Nikon. On sale you can find two versions of these lenses: 18-250 f / 3.5-6.3 Macro and 18-250 f / 3.5-6.3

18 250 sigma lens for nikon

At first glance, they are no different. In fact, in terms of design and purpose, these lenses have a significant difference. Please note that the first one says "Macro". That is, it is possible to conduct macro photography from a minimum distance of 35 cm. For the second, this parameter is 45 cm, that is, the small subject will not turn out as we would like. If you move closer, autofocus will not fix the subject, the picture will be blurry.

There are differences in the minimum and maximum viewing angles. The values ​​are larger in the lens that is suitable for macro mode. It is advisable to pay attention to another feature: thread diameters for filters. The first lens has 62 mm, the second - 72 mm. Oddly enough, the dimensions and weight of the lens with the ability to "macro" less.

We can say right away that the 18-250 mm f / 3.5-6.3 Macro is much better, but its price is also higher by about 5-10 thousand rubles.

About lenses 18-250 mm for "Canon"

The characteristics of similar lenses for Nikon SLR cameras were discussed above. There is only one big difference: only one model with the macro mode remained on sale. In order not to list the same characteristics again (they are exactly the same), it is better to talk about reviews. The Canon Sigma 18-250 lens is not just a universal lens. It can be used both when traveling or at conferences, or during photo hunting (photographing moving or stationary animals at a distance).

18,250 sigma lens for canon

One of the drawbacks, according to the owners: unsuccessful shooting with a focal length of more than 150 mm or with a value of ISO 100. With the latter, the problem is solved by manually setting and installing ISO 200 and higher. It should be borne in mind that with this parameter it is better not to overdo it, since noises will appear on the frame.

Like all Sigma lenses for Canon, this model is one of the best among other third-party lenses. Absolutely perfect models do not exist. It all depends on the photographers themselves, on the ability to use a SLR camera.

Lens for Nikon cameras 24-70 mm

What is it and why do I need a Sigma 24-70 lens for Nikon? This is a variable focal length device. The full name of the model is as follows: Sigma 24-70mm F / 2.8. Refers to standard zoom lenses. It is worth immediately warning that this is a weighty thing - 790 g. Its diameter and length are 88.6 and 94.7 mm, respectively. The diameter of the thread for the filter is 82 mm.

And now, let us open the veil. Let's see what users write about these Sigma lenses for Nikon. The reviews, as it turned out, are different, but mostly good. In order not to confuse those interested, it is better to start with warnings. As stated in the previous paragraph, the diameter of the thread under the filter is 82 mm. Unfortunately, the price of a filter is greater, the larger the diameter. Here the user pays for the amount of material used, and not just for the brand and quality. You need to be prepared for the fact that you have to pay more. And one more problem, however, it is far from being found in all products: poor attachment of the lens cap, image sharpness worsens at the edges, focusing often drops.

Sigma 24 70 lens for Nikon

Now let's talk about the good points - this is a high quality photograph. Sharpness is excellent (not counting the edges) if portrait shooting is in progress. In nature, landscapes can also be shot perfectly, but you need to pay attention to the elements that are not so important at the edges. The aperture ratio of the lens is good, you can shoot even in cloudy weather without damage. Those who know how to handle photographic equipment, adjust the focus, will appreciate the speed of autofocus.

This lens can be used for different purposes, it perfectly replaces a number of portraiture, wide-angle, zoom.

Wide angle lenses

This section introduces some Sigma wide-angle lenses. It makes sense to start with a Sigma AF 8-16 mm F / 4.5-5.6 lens for the Canon and Nikon. Why exactly with this? Because the name of the wide-angle lens is precisely because of the ability to cover the maximum surrounding information. No need to go far so that the entire class or group of 50 people gets into the frame. The smaller the focal length, the better. You can find pretty good reviews about him. Unfortunately, most non-professional and semi-professional SLR cameras have a matrix with crop equal to 1.5 or 1.6. This means that as a result, the focal length increases by 1.5-1.6 times. And such a lens is a real joy for lovers of a wide angle. After all, you can make a big good image, having a focal length of 12-12.8 mm. What are these numbers? This is the minimum focal length (8) times the crop factor (1.5-1.6). Naturally, having such characteristics, you can photograph beautiful landscapes. But there is one drawback. Note that the aperture is from f = 1 / 4.5 to f = 1 / 5.6. This means that shooting is best done in a very bright room or outdoors in fine weather. Otherwise, the frame will turn dark.

We list other Sigma wide-angle lenses for Nikon and Canon.

Sigma AF 10-20 mm F1 / 3.5 . In the kit there is a case and a hood, which is not always the case. This is one virtue. The other is a constant aperture. Let 1 / 3.5, but acceptable for indoor shooting. There is a drawback only in the price of the lens itself and the filters. Since the diameter is 82 mm.

wide angle sigma lenses

Sigma AF 12-24 mm F / 4.5-5.6 . The image stabilizer lens does not have. User reviews are as follows: you must be careful not to get moisture in the device. The aperture ratio is weak, so shooting indoors may upset. The only plus is a wide angle. We can add that at some points the wide-angle lens replaces the fisheye, however, there will be no sphere.

Sigma wide-angle lenses for Canon and Nikon with a focal length of the type of "constant" are f / 1.8 and f / 1.4: 20 mm, 24 mm, 28 mm, 30 mm, 35 mm. Lenses with such parameters have positive feedback from the owners. Sharpness, sharpness, bokeh, shooting under any conditions with a bang, compensation for a crop factor matrix.

Lenses for Sony cameras

Unfortunately, for Sony cameras, there are currently only a few models in Russia. Sigma lenses for Sony are on sale, for example, with such important parameters:

  • 60 mm f / 2.8.
  • 30 mm f / 2.8.
  • 19 mm f / 2.8.

Despite such a small selection, I want to please the owners of Sony DSLR cameras. They have chromatic aberration, which makes high-quality photos. Sharpness, as some users write, is razor-sharp. Aperture is excellent.

Sigma lenses for Sony cameras are quite inexpensive, unlike relatives and other manufacturers. The maximum price is 15 thousand rubles. But it all depends on the store.

Today you can find only positive reviews about these lenses. Now let's talk about what each of the above is for.

60 mm. For some reason, some online stores call it a telephoto lens, although this is not so. It is more suitable for portraiture, although distant subjects can be photographed without sacrificing quality and exposure.

30 mm. Standard lens. I use it both as a portrait and as wide-angle.

19 mm. Wide angle lens. It will allow you to shoot a panorama, team, landscape.

sigma lenses for sony

The listed lenses with a focal length of the type of "constant", which will be quite unusual and inconvenient for those who are accustomed to zoom. Nevertheless, from the company "Sigma" for owners of cameras "Sony" - it is a consolation, as the quality and price are pleasing.

Owner reviews

Most of the feedback from the owners of both Nikon and Canon cameras is more than positive. Why? Because Sigma really does everything in good faith. The manufacturer suggests that not only amateurs, but also professionals will use the lenses.

So what are the Sigma reviews really? Here are some examples. The very first thing that happy owners write in merit: sharpness. It’s important that the picture is clear.

On many lenses, a great aperture. Users praise the quality of shooting in all weather conditions and even indoors. Every professional knows how important it is for a photo to be beautiful in every way.

Boke - this is what else attracts you to photography. What is this? Blur background. This is important for any amateur photographer, and especially a professional, and especially when portraiture. Sigma lens users describe all the benefits in terms of boke. The photo is very interesting. You look at the portrait and you see not only the face of the person who is depicted, but also a gently blurred background that sets off the whole beauty of the model.

The motor of these lenses is almost silent, which helps to shoot even where silence is needed.

Should I choose between other manufacturers?

Whether to choose lenses of other manufacturers, everyone can decide for himself. But the choice is, in fact, small. Not many manufacturers make various types of accessories. Most, unfortunately, produce only one model for both Nikon and Canon. You can only give a list of those who manufacture lenses of different models:

  • Zeiss.
  • Tamron
  • "Zenith".
  • Tokina
  • Samyang.

Zenit is a domestic manufacturer of photographic equipment. He does not enjoy popularity and special trust. At the moment, you can find rare reviews about its products. As a rule, photographers try to choose proven models from other companies, including relatives.

sigma lenses reviews

Sigma, Tamron, and Samyang lenses are considered the most popular. The latter is unique, because almost all of its lenses have a β€œfixed” type focal length. There are, however, two models with a variable.

Speaking of Tamron, it’s worth mentioning right away that these lenses are good, but have one drawback: their sharpness is not high enough. True, this does not spoil the pictures. You can get beautiful photos taken in any weather conditions. There is a wide range of budget models.


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