Ficus transplant and features of care during the period of intensive growth.

Ficus has long been considered one of the most common plants. For some time he was unjustly sent to a link from which he had recently returned. It's just that people appreciated the unpretentiousness and amazing diversity with which ficuses delight. Only sometimes with them certain difficulties arise that can easily be overcome if you become more familiar with the requirements of the ficus.

The most difficult and responsible is a ficus transplant, which is a serious injury to the plant. Ficus after this procedure for a long time comes to its senses, greatly slows down growth, and in some cases - discards part of the foliage. You should not be afraid of this, as in a short time your friend will return to normal. If the growth process has slowed for a long period, it is worth examining it carefully for pests. They often choose plants with succulent leaves that cannot resist their pressure. In addition, spring and summer is a period of increased activity of various pests, so ficus, like other plants, should not be ignored.

If you do not know how to transplant ficus, carefully examine it. Try to determine its variety. If the usual ficus has settled in your home, the situation is quite simple. In this case, a ficus transplant is carried out in the spring, if the roots of the plant are completely covered with an earthen lump. You can easily find out about this - just raise the pot. If the roots peep out of the drainage holes, the time has come to relocate. When the drainage holes are small, you can gently tilt the plant and try to remove it from the pot. If the flower easily slips out and the earthen lump is completely in the roots, a ficus transplant is inevitable.

To transplant ficus, prepare an earthen mixture, although some prefer to buy ready-made in the store. Also take care of the availability of a suitable pot, which should only be 5 centimeters larger than the old one. It is often advised to take a pot that is 2-3 cm larger, but it all depends on the particular type of ficus, as well as on his personal sympathy for you. It’s just that some ficuses are very rapid growth, and in winter they should not be transplanted. During transplantation, place good drainage on the bottom of the pot, since the ficus does not like an excess of moisture. In this case, he will begin to drop the lower leaves, and such an unplanned leaf fall will not add beauty to the plant .

Ficus transplantation should be carried out in the spring or summer, when it is in the stage of intensive growth. During this period, it must be watered often, but not to be flooded. Sometimes it is better to give the earthen to whom to dry slightly than to overdo it with watering. It is also worth spraying ficus and applying various mineral fertilizers to support it during the growth period. Make sure that there are no drafts, as the ficus loves an even temperature, which should not fall below 20 Β° C.

A separate item always stands out the creation of ficus bonsai. Care (ficus undergoes significant changes) should be the most thorough. Do not try to give the plant the desired shape in one pruning, as this can lead to the most sad consequences. Ficus may simply not recover and die, and such a loss is then difficult to make up for. In addition, certain species of ficus are characterized by slow growth and moodiness, so it will take a lot of time to form a beautiful plant. If you are not ready to spend it on communication with your green comrades, it’s better not even start making bonsai.

In general, ficus is characterized by undemanding care, and minimal attention and care are capable of real miracles. Settle your ficus at home and it will quickly become the pride of your lively collection.


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