How to master the magic of water and fire yourself

In order to master the magic of the elements, you must first be able to listen to yourself and your feelings. Indeed, it is feelings that help to merge with nature and become one with it, and, consequently, manage it. However, most people live without noticing magical natural phenomena around them due to habit. So, we all warm ourselves with fire, because it is vital, and water is our component at all. However, to understand how to master the magic of each of the elements, you should learn to feel them.

In order to understand how to master magic natural phenomena, you need to have exclusively good intentions. A person who carries a negative charge of energy and wants to tame the element risks risking turning it not only against himself, but also against others, and in multiple sizes. Such a person is more likely to be known as a black magician than a white one, and this will not end in anything good. Yes, and to tame the elements will be much faster if you can fully relax and give in to its effects, rather than ordering.

how to master the magic of fire
How to master the magic of fire yourself?

For starters, you will definitely need open fire. It’s best if it’s a bonfire, because candle flame is harder to control. However, in the absence of such an opportunity, a candle will do. So, you need to sit opposite the fire, relax and peer intently into the depths of its flame. You should look at every hot coal, try to catch a glimpse of every spark and at the same time feel how the heat of fire penetrates your whole body. Become one with the flame, dissolve in it. When this is achieved, you can proceed to the next step.

Try to predict in which place of the fire the flame will increase or where the spark will fly from. At first it will be difficult, but in this way you will develop intuition, the fire will become predictable. Further, by the power of thought, you should make the flame change in the place you need - to become stronger or weaker, or completely go out. Do not be discouraged if at first it does not work. Everything has its time. You need to constantly train, the result will be obvious. With experience it will be possible not only to extinguish the flame, but also to kindle it if necessary.

how to master the magic of water
How to master the magic of water on your own?

For the first lesson you will need access to water. It should be an open pond (ideally). In extreme cases, you can take a bath at home and immerse yourself in the water around the neck. So, being in this position, close your eyes and relax. Imagine that water enters your every cell, that you dissolve in it. Feel one with all the oceans and seas of the world. When this goal is achieved, let the water β€œwash” all the negative energy out of you. Thus, the body and soul will be cleansed of adversity, disease and experience, and replaced by lightness and peace. Only in no case should you immerse yourself in water with a bad mood. She, like a sponge, absorbs all the negative energy into herself, and the opposite result is obtained.

how to master magic
How to master the magic of the water element will tell you another way, more complex and requiring considerable experience. These are conspiracies. With their help, you can make "living" and "dead" water. "Living" is able to heal the sick, rejuvenate the elderly, neutralize poison in food and even revive. β€œDead” water, in spite of its name, is able to heal wounds on dead people and animals, in order to later resurrect them with the help of β€œliving”. However, for the ability to make such conspiracies, it is necessary to read a lot of special literature and, of course, have a gift for this.

But do not despair if you did not manage to control the elements. To understand how to master magic any of them, a person needs to be able not to order water or fire, but "make friends" with them, tame. Let the above lessons be the beginning of these achievements for you!


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