Prostipoma - unusual fish: description, features, preparation

Fish with the unusual name "prostipoma" is not well known to some, some have never heard of it. But the name of the older generation is well known. Prostipoma is a fish that can often be found on store shelves in the 60-70s of the last century. Although today it is often said that in those days under an unusual foreign name they could sell fish of other species.

prostipoma fish

External signs

Prostipoma is a fish whose photo will be remembered for a long time. Take a good look at it, then in the store you can easily recognize the counterfeit. Her body has an oblong shape, flattened from the sides, painted in dark color. There are dark spots on the edges of the gill covers. But on the sides and back there are no spots, the color is uniform.

prostipoma fish photo

Prostipoma is a fish whose description often refers to its sharp fins. Fishermen say that it’s really easy to get hurt. The fish itself is medium-sized, not much larger than herring. Its minimum length is 17 cm, and most fish caught reach 30 cm.

origin of name

It is noteworthy that prostipoma is a fish that is called differently in other languages. Soviet fishermen brought their prey to their homeland, but in the Russian language the word was simply not there. The scientific name of the fish, Pomadasys incisus, did not at all inspire Soviet marketers; they did not want to sell the workers a lip service or encashia.

Therefore, the search for names for this product continued. All English and Latin variants were thoroughly investigated. But neither the name of the detachment (Perciformes), nor the name of the family (Haemulidae) found anything suitable. Performa? Hemulida? Perhaps we could know this fish under one of these names.

Things were worse with English terminology. Bastard grunt - that's what the inhabitants of foggy Albion call this fish . This name is translated into Russian and is really bad - it turns out something like "illegitimate grumble."

And then I remembered a long-forgotten old name - Pristipoma, which takes its origins in Greek, and literally means "a shell with a saw." It was precisely that which was chosen. Russian-speaking customers quickly transformed it in their own way, turning it into "simple". By the way, this outlandish word instantly generated a wave of all sorts of funny sayings and jokes. For example, the inhabitants of Odessa said: "Peled, eel, prostipoma will brighten up the table of any home."

where is the usual

Industrial value

Prostipoma is a fish that belongs to the percussion order. It is of great industrial value due to tasty meat with a small amount of bones. Experts note that the population of this fish is rapidly declining, therefore, even on the shelves of many stores under this name, it is often not at all easy to come across.

Where is this rare fish found? Most often, it is found in the temperate or subtropical waters of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. The coastal waters of West Africa are especially rich in this fish.

Most of the catch belongs to Japanese vessels. In the Land of the Rising Sun, prostipoma is very much appreciated. Most of the catch is not sent to store shelves, but immediately falls into the hands of the best fish cooks in the country. Prostipoma is a fish whose photos are often the decoration of the menu of the most prestigious restaurants in Japan. Dishes from it are worth a lot.

prostipoma fish description

How to cook a simple man?

A good chef knows that this fish is tasty in fried and baked, and even boiled. But salted and dried simply less often.

The meat of this fish can have a fat content of 4 to 25%, it depends on the age, size and habitat of a single specimen. On the sides of the fish are streaks of dark muscles, like mackerel, tuna, and some sturgeons. The cut meat is very beautiful, with a delicate color and a pleasant structure. Given the fact that prostipoma is often served in restaurants, the aesthetic side of the issue is extremely important.

The dense fiber structure makes this fish suitable for grilling. It is especially good with vegetables: eggplant, tomatoes, bell pepper.

And from a large head, prostypomas prepare a broth. It has a harmonious shade, an exquisite aroma and high transparency, which makes it well suited as a base for fish soup, fish soups, gravy, sauces, jellied dishes.

Professionals do not recommend using an excessive amount of spices and seasonings when cooking, because prostipoma is a fish whose aroma in itself is quite rich and expressive. Extra spices can simply drown him.


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