Repairing raspberries are pruned twice a year

Pruning raspberry raspberries
It is the pruning of remont raspberries that is a distinctive feature of caring for this variety from its other varieties. Many gardeners prefer to grow this species, because it, although it requires more attention, is famous for productivity.

Raspberries are planted in rows. Pegs are surely driven in between the seedlings and a wire is drawn for support. Pruning remontant raspberries is a must, as the bush needs a lot of room. On each square meter, you need to leave a maximum of four stems, removing the extra.

Pruning raspberry raspberries is cut in two stages: in the first and second years of life. Some are limited at once, but experienced gardeners believe that in this case they will not be able to get the maximum effect.

In the first year of the bush's life, when the shoots grow to one hundred and twenty centimeters or more, pruning the remont raspberries consists in elementary pinching of the tops with a secateurs. After this, the plant ceases to grow upward, but it begins to develop lateral powerful shoots. And it is on them that next year will be the most berries.

Cropping remont raspberries in the fall

The first pruning of remont raspberries should be done in the spring to enable lateral shoots to develop normally.

In general, the fruiting of this raspberry variety occurs, as in other species, on two-year-old processes. However, annual side shoots are very prolific. But since the bush spends a lot of energy on the first crop and on the formation of processes for the second, agronomists offer a special technology for growing a repairing raspberry variety.

Autumn pruning raspberry remontant
The shoots which have grown over the first year are covered in flowers in July, which in August turn into berries. It is these stems that experts propose to clean. Pruning remont raspberries in the fall consists in cutting off all, without exception, three-centimeter stumps. Naturally, before that all the berries from the bushes should already be collected.

The final treatment, carried out before the onset of cold weather, helps the plant to winter well. Autumn pruning of remontant raspberries involves the removal of all shoots that have already yielded the crop, from their very foundation, as well as weakened young stems. Such a β€œtotal” formation of the bush frees the berry from many pests, for example, from shoot gall midge larvae or spider mites, from purple spotting pathogens.

Repair raspberries
In the second year in spring, the same bush is again cut off, while lateral shoots developed from the main trunk are again removed. This procedure is done in the spring to enable new shoots to mature as early as possible. On the lateral branches, secateurs pinch the tops to the first, and sometimes to the second strong kidney. In this case, and from them will go new shoots that give berries.

In the southern regions, the formation of remontant raspberry bushes is carried out in one, not two years. First, the tops are cut off, and already in the middle of summer, somewhere in July, when the lateral processes are already quite developed, they are pinched. This method is suitable for all varieties of raspberries.

Some gardeners in May slightly pinch off the tops of all shoots. This is done so that the fruiting of this garden culture begins a little later and lasts a longer time.

Breeding remont raspberries requires special skills for a guaranteed result. Only with proper planting, care, including pruning, in the midst of the season, you can get full baskets of delicious berries.


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