Rating of good books. The best books of all time

Choosing what to read, many before purchasing look at the rating of good books on various forums or store sites. On the one hand, this is understandable: the cost does not always allow you to throw money away and become a happy owner of waste paper, albeit beautifully designed in a bright cover. But on the other, do not forget that the tastes of all people are different. This also applies to the literature. Some prefer only the classics, considering everything else as rubbish and graphomania, while others are not averse to reading romance novels and science fiction, finding worthy works from authors of similar genres. So, looking at all kinds of tops and lists, do not forget about what you like. Otherwise, instead of a pleasant pastime, you can get a boring serving of conscription.

The Adventures of Thomas Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn

Yes, the book is considered children's, but this does not detract from its charms. This story is for those who are not afraid to seem strange and relive the exciting adventures of two boys again. And judging by the fact that the work is included in the TOP “Best Books” (readers rating shows high results), there are many of them.

good books rating

A small American town lives a dignified and decent life. A twelve-year-old child periodically brings confusion into it, managing, despite all the prohibitions of a relative, to make unwanted friends. And where there are friends, there is always a place for adventure. So Tom and Huckleberry manage to witness the murder and get a terrible enemy in the face of the Indian Joe, get lost in the cave and find a real treasure.

"Harry Potter"

Everyone loves fairy tales: both children and adults. That is why the story of the English writer J.K. Rowling about the wizard boy is confidently included in the rating of good books.

ranking of the best books of all time

The protagonist Harry Potter and his friends are not ordinary boys and girls. No, they are endowed with magical powers, so they study at a special school. But in addition to mastering the science of sorcery, they have to learn what real friendship, love is, and at the same time defeat the evil wizard Voldemort.

"The Lovely Bones"

Roman Alice Sibold, published in 2002, was the first in the TOP “Best Books of the Year”. Reader ratings and reviews still hold the book in high positions.

Fourteen-year-old Suzy Salmon was killed and dismembered by her neighbor. Nobody found her killer, as well as the body of the girl herself. After her death, Suzy for 10 years looks after her family from a personal paradise, watching how the family is gradually being destroyed.

top books readers rating

She can not intervene in any way and remains only in the role of an observer, appearing only a couple of times in front of relatives.


The rating of good books on various lists is high, but often some works are not appreciated. Many people compare the novel “Chocolate” with the film, but these are two different works, therefore, expecting to see Johnny Depp on the pages and not finding it, they take off points. But in vain.

Joanne Harris takes the reader to an extraordinary world. It seems that this is the Middle Ages, but in fact - a modern provincial town in France. The atmosphere is fascinating, it is easy to believe in magic with it.

best books of the year readers rating

Vianne Rocher decides to settle in a new place and start life with her daughter Anouk from scratch. Hoping for the best, a woman opens her own chocolate bar. But not everyone likes the new resident, accustomed to always be in the spotlight. With its appearance, residents change, and the usual measured life collapses. And is Vianne as simple as she tries to seem?

"Wuthering Heights"

The novel of the English writer Emily Bronte not only got into the ranking of the best books of all time, but is also considered the best romantic story ever written.

Young Heathcliff, picked up on the street and brought up with the master's children, falls in love with the daughter of his benefactor Catherine Ershno. The girl is beautiful, wayward and stubborn. Instead of recognizing her feelings for the young man, she begins to taunt him and chooses another boyfriend - the educated and wealthy Edgar Linton, whom she is going to marry. This is precisely what became the plot of a tragic story, stretching for more than one decade.

top books list rating

Heathcliff, having heard about the plans of his beloved, leaves the estate to return after a few years already rich. The young man wants to take revenge on his opponent and is ready for this for a lot. The marriage of Linton’s sister, the acquisition of Wuthering Heights, and even the death of Katherine do not stop him. Heathcliff is not going to be condescending even to children, using them for their own purposes. And only the love between Catherine's daughter and Hindley's son, so reminiscent of Heathcliff himself in his youth, soothe the heart of an embittered man.

"Three Musketeers"

The rating of the best books of all time, compiled according to readers, includes the famous work of Alexander Dumas about the adventures of the brave Gascon D'Artagnan and his friends.

Medieval France, intrigues, conspiracies ... How not to get confused by the young provincial in the brilliant Paris? How to learn to distinguish friends from enemies, not to fall into cleverly arranged traps by ill-wishers, to find love, and at the same time save the Queen’s good name? It’s not so difficult, it turns out that if there are those nearby who are ready with you in the fire, and in the water, and for the feast.

"Do not let me go"

In any TOP, the rating of the best books invariably includes this work by Kazuo Ishiguro. The book is heavy, sometimes creepy because of an oppressive sense of hopelessness. But reading it is definitely worth it.

top rated best books

The main characters are three young people (Katie, Ruth and Tommy), who grew up in a boarding school. For them, there is nothing unusual in their life, they did not see another and were ready for the future, prepared from birth: to become organ donors, and before that to help existing donors ... Does that sound scary? Not if the idea of ​​it as the only right decision has been hammered since childhood. But suddenly the guys have a chance to change the routine. They happily clutch at him, but ... Unfortunately, they were not lucky, and everything is back to square one.

"Stepford Wives"

The rating of good books includes a fantastic thriller written by Ira Levin back in 1972, but it still has not lost its relevance and arouses the interest of readers.

The small town of Stepford is unremarkable. But it only seems so if you have been living in it for a long time or just passing by. Recently moved here with her husband and children Joanna Eberhart is all new. Especially a woman is amazed at the behavior of local ladies. They are ideal housewives. Each of them is only concerned with maintaining comfort in its nest. Entertainment outside the home is almost perceived as a mortal sin, while men disappear in the evenings at meetings of a certain Male Association. To establish relations with neighbors is simply impossible. It seems that the only normal thing in the whole city is the sloppy Bobby Markovets.

best king books rating

What is Joanna's amazement when, instead of the usual rude Bobby, she sees a refined and restrained lady in front of her. The woman decides to figure out what’s the matter and, before it’s too late, to escape from Stepford.

Artworks by Stephen King

No matter how many books have been written, no one has yet succeeded in surpassing King in inventing all kinds of horrors. The modern king of mysticism is too peculiar a fantasy, and the topics he touches are much deeper than they seem at first glance. Indeed, in every work, in addition to the obvious opposition between good and evil, there is also a shadow side on which everyone fights for himself. It determines whether you are a person or not. And vampires, zombies, aliens and rebellious technology are nothing more than a backdrop.

The best of the best king of horror

It’s hard to name King’s best books. Most of them have a similar rating. Fans of the vampire theme should pay attention to the "Lot": bloodsuckers are atrocious in the best traditions of Bram Stoker, gradually capturing the power of a small city in modern America. Recently, the novel Under the Dome has been popular, which touches on the theme of aliens and survival in intolerable conditions. Those who want more gloomy prospects and details should read the “Tomminokers” - you certainly will not remain indifferent. No, there are no rivers of blood in this book, but there are enough nauseating moments. Despite the fact that aliens have long died, they can still affect others. And the result of their influence is terrible.

best king books rating

Well, he doesn’t give up his position as the classic “Pet Cemetery”. All King's stories are pretty tickling nerves and make you think about human nature.

It’s hard to choose the best books. The list, rating, and reviews of readers prompt you to look at new releases and something from the "old", half-forgotten or not yet read, partly helping to understand whether you want to read it or not.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16097/

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