How to tie shoelaces so that they do not untie when running and walking?

Many parents are faced with a moment when it becomes necessary to teach their child how to tie shoelaces correctly. It turns out that everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance, since tying shoelaces is a whole art that even an adult needs to learn. Especially this issue gains a high degree of relevance when a person is engaged in active sports. Here the question arises as to how to tie the shoelaces so that they do not untie.

Start of experiment

Athletes involved in athletics began to experiment among the first on the question of how to tie shoelaces so that they did not untie. The thing is that shoes for sports were not always as perfect as they are now. The quality and comfort of the world's first sneakers left much to be desired, and the lacing itself was so uncomfortable that it exerted very unpleasant pressure on the upper part of the foot. Therefore, people worked not only on how to conveniently tie shoes, but also on how to tie shoelaces so as not to untie when running.

How to tie shoelaces so as not to untie

Useful Tips

It is important not to put aside the fact that the main task of the laces is to fix the position of the foot in the sneaker or sneaker as best as possible. The thing is that if you tie the shoelaces badly, then they can simply untie while walking or running, which can lead to quite negative consequences, that is, injuries. There are a number of useful tips that will make it possible to reduce the risk of injury, namely:

  • Do not tighten the laces very tight. To do this, in the process of tying it is necessary to bend your fingers slightly in the direction of the inner side. This will allow you to achieve the maximum level of leg fixation and at the same time will not create a feeling of discomfort caused by strong tightening.
  • Since a person does a warm-up before each lesson, it is at this stage that it is recommended to correct the tightening of the laces. It must be correct. This means that you need to properly tighten the laces. This will evenly distribute the pressure.
  • When it is not possible to achieve the optimal lacing option, which will allow the foot to feel comfortable in the shoes, you can try another way. It consists in skipping one or more holes. If there are problem areas on the foot, it is most appropriate to skip holes in this place. This will reduce the level of pressure on this part of the leg, which means it will increase the level of comfort.

How to tie shoelaces so that they do not untie when running

An excellent solution to the problem of how to tie the shoelaces so that they do not untie will be the right choice of material for the shoelaces themselves. It is better to give preference to laces made of natural materials, since synthetic ones have a very slippery structure and are constantly untied.

Fashionable look of lacing

For those who are wondering about how to tie the shoelaces so that they do not untie and stick out, and at the same time it looks beautiful, a fashionable kind of lacing, which is also called straight, is suitable.

how to tie shoelaces so as not to untie and stick out

Start lacing should be from the bottom holes. In this case, the ends of the laces should be led inside the shoe. After that, the right lace is threaded immediately into the right hole, and only then into the left. The same thing is done with the left lace. The laces are threaded to the very top and, after exiting in the extreme hole, are tied to a classic knot.

how to tie shoelaces so as not to untie when walking

European lacing

You should no longer rack your brains on how to tie shoelaces so that they do not untie, on sneakers. The problem can be solved by the European type of lacing. It has a high level of strength. Not everyone likes this look, because it is not very attractive in appearance. Because there are quite wide gaps between the holes. Initially, the shoelaces are threaded through the lower holes so that their ends are brought out. Then, threading through the alternately located hole and to the side is carried out. At this time, the end of the second lace is also skipped crosswise, but one hole should be skipped and only then threaded to the side. Such actions are performed alternately. If everything is done correctly, a lacing is formed that looks like a ladder.

Additional hole

It will not be a discovery for anyone that on some models of sneakers there is an additional hole. Depending on the height of the sneaker or sneaker, it may be closer to the ankle. But rarely did anyone wonder what his purpose was. It is necessary for those who have a fairly thin leg and the main task is an additional level of fixation. How to tie shoelaces so that they do not untie when walking? Lace up your shoes to the end!

A simple type of lacing is more suitable for simple walks and so on. But as for playing sports, everything here is much more complicated, and the type of lacing must be treated with a greater degree of responsibility. Strongly tightened laces guarantee a high level of fixation, but there is one significant drawback. This leads to a violation of normal blood circulation.

With the help of an additional hole, it is possible to increase the level of uniform pressure distribution in the upper region of the foot, this will not only relieve discomfort, but also give an answer to the question of how to tie the shoelaces so that they do not untie.

Algorithm for tightening laces through an additional hole

how to tie shoelaces so that they do not untie on sneakers

  1. The laces in the sneaker or sneaker must be laced to the last hole.
  2. The end of the left lace should be pulled through the top into the last hole located on the left side. This must be done so that the lace is not fully tightened, that is, a small loop should remain.
  3. The same movements are made relative to the right side.
  4. Then the right lace is pulled into the left loop and vice versa.
  5. A simple knot of a classical type is tied.

That's all you need to know about tying shoelaces. Good and safe workouts for you!


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