In the family replenishment? Newborn kittens require special care.

In each cat, the birth of kittens proceeds very individually. As a rule, the animal does not need obstetric help from humans. However, there are cases when a woman in labor experiences difficulties with lambing. The first kitten in a cat appears no later than an hour after the start of labor. The interval between the birth of each subsequent baby should also not exceed this time.

If the birth is normal, the cat is calm. Therefore, heart-rending meow should alert you. Only a qualified veterinarian can assist with childbirth. Your Murka may need surgery to successfully resolve the burden.

Kittens are born completely helpless, blind and deaf. The first steps to care for newborns are carried out by the cat herself. First, she removes the birth coat in which the baby is born, then cleans his mouth and nasal openings so that the kitten can take a first breath. To top it off, mom nibbles on the umbilical cord connecting her to the kitten and licks his fur.
In the same way a cat does with all of its cubs.

The first feeding occurs within a few hours after birth. Together with breast milk, the baby receives a portion of antibodies to strengthen immunity.
If the mother is healthy and feels normal, for you caring for newborn kittens at first will come down to proper feeding of the cat.

A nursing mother needs a completely different diet than the food she is used to. First of all, the menu requires foods high in calcium: milk, cottage cheese, sour cream. If the cat refuses them, at least add a quarter tablet of calcium gluconate to each serving of food. Calcium is very important for the correct formation of limbs in newborn kittens.
In addition, it is recommended at least once a week to mix the cat with fish oil in the food and gradually add bone meal.

Try to give the cat boiled fish, vegetables and meat, even if before that it had only eaten β€œWhiskas”. The cat will eat at least five times a day. This is quite normal, do not try to limit the animal. Make sure that the nursing mother always has a container of water.

Unfortunately, not always mom-cat herself can feed her cubs. In this case, newborn kittens will be fully transferred to your care. Get ready, at first, to feed the babies every two to three hours. You can use milk formula for this purpose. This is more convenient than plain milk, because you can always cook the right amount of food and the mixture will not go bad. No need to buy an expensive imported one, from experience I know our Russian β€œKid” is no worse.

The second question is how to feed the baby. Again, from my own experience I know for sure that a bottle, even a very small one, will not help you. After all, newborn kittens are aimed at sucking food, and not licking it. And the nipple is too big for that. Therefore, the pipette is more useful here. Just type in the feeding mixture into it and bring it to the face of the kitten. Never press on the rubber tip. So the baby can choke. Feed the kitten until he is interested in food.

With the choice of posture for feeding problems should not arise. As a rule, newborn kittens eat lying on their tummy, slightly raising their muzzle.
One month after birth, the kittens are quite ready for the introduction of meat food into the diet. For these purposes, chicken or veal boiled, grinded, with the addition of a small amount of broth, is suitable. However, if desired, you can offer kids and raw meat. Be sure to include cottage cheese in the diet, newborn kittens urgently need a constant supply of calcium for the proper formation of the skeletal system. Ready-made food can be given to a kitten from eight weeks of life.

From the first minutes of the life of her offspring, the owners of the cat should make sure that the newborn kittens are conveniently placed in a fairly warm place, protected from drafts. In the first two weeks of life of babies, the temperature of their nest should be about 30 degrees, starting from the third - up to 24 degrees.
To maintain the temperature, it is best to use a heating pad with water. No need to put the box with kittens to heaters or near incandescent lamps.
Until the newborn kittens get strong enough, it is better not to bother them without special need. If your pet does not cope with numerous offspring, you can help her feed the babies. The cat will do the rest herself, obeying the ancient animal instincts.


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