Documentation of the teacher of the preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. Checking the documentation of educators

The kindergarten teacher is a key figure. The whole microclimate of the group and the condition of each child individually depend on his literacy, competence, and most importantly, love and faith in children. But the work of a tutor is not only in communication and parenting.

documentation of the teacher of the preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard
Like any other post, it involves certain documents, plans, and notes. In view of the fact that state standards are currently being introduced into educational institutions, the documentation of the preschool teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard is a necessary part of the work.

Without correctly drawn up plans, schemes, filled in information, it is impossible to correctly, competently, and most importantly, not to the detriment of children to carry out educational and health-improving work in kindergarten.

Consider the main documents that are followed and maintained by the tutor of the preschool educational institution.

Academic Year Plan

Before each school year, the teacher, together with the senior, draw up a plan of training and activities held in the group. It is based on the goals, tasks set for this age group.

To implement the plan, effective and efficient methods for teaching children are selected. Individual lessons with each baby are necessarily taken into account, depending on its specific features. And also a mandatory point is to work with the parents of the kids.

Before drawing up a plan for next year, the teacher analyzes the past year. It reveals all the successes and shortcomings, and with this in mind, plans work next year.

Current Month Plan

The plan drawn up for the year is promising. Depending on the specific situation, it may slightly change. Yes, and it’s difficult to take into account everything for the whole year ahead.

For more specific tasks make up a monthly plan. As a rule, it is signed literally every day, and the day is divided into two parts.

head teacher documentation
In the work with children in the morning they plan to conduct physical exercises, group and, if necessary, individual lessons.

Be sure to carry out at this time didactic games, reading books and observing nature. During breakfast and lunch, they plan to consolidate cultural skills.

Be sure to plan walks and activities during them.

The second half of the day includes skills consolidation, role-playing games, individual conversations with children. In the evening, as necessary, work is carried out with the parents of the pupils.

Children attendance card

Every day, it is mandatory to record which of the children came to the group. For this, a child attendance sheet is used. Firstly, it is necessary for setting children on food and, accordingly, charging parental fees.

kindergarten teacher documentation
Secondly, it is easier for the teacher to focus on conducting classes and distributing material. In addition, the nurse monitors the incidence rate of babies (by periods) on a report card, and also outlines her work aimed at improving health.

Health leaflet

Inseparably taking into account attendance, a health sheet is also maintained in kindergarten. After all, as a rule, children do not attend preschool education due to illness. The nurse and educator must work closely together. Without this interconnection, competent wellness work is impossible.

verification of teacher documentation
All children are different, therefore, an individual approach is needed. For example, depending on the growth of the children, a table and chair are selected so that the posture does not deteriorate. For this, 2 times a year, children are measured and weighed. Accordingly, they can change a set of furniture for children twice a year.

In addition, there are so-called health groups. Preventive examinations are carried out:

  • in young age groups (nursery) - 4 times a year;
  • in kindergarten groups - 2 times a year.

Identified diseases are necessarily recorded in the child’s cards and recommendations are written for working with each of them.

At the same time, the disease itself can be hidden by the parents from the teacher, because this is a medical secret. But the teacher needs only recommendations, it is based on them that the work is built.

Individual information about parents and pupils

The documentation of the preschool teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard necessarily requires the identification of information not only about children, but also about parents.

children attendance sheet
The teacher should in a discreet conversation find out from the parents the information and reflect in the journal. Moreover, it is impossible to publicly disclose the received data, because this can harm the child.

The information obtained helps the teacher neutralize the poor living conditions of the baby, if any. Yes, and the child can be better understood if you know more about the conditions of his residence and the status of his parents.

GEF DOW provides for the identification of the following data:

  • Surname, name and patronymic of the baby.
  • Year and birthday.
  • Actual place of residence.
  • Cellular phones (home, work).
  • Surnames, first names and patronymics of parents or legal representatives, as well as grandparents.
  • Places of work of mom and dad.
  • Family status.

The concept of “family status” includes the identification of the living conditions in which the child lives, the number of toddlers in the family, whether the full family or child is brought up by a mother or guardian, etc.

Educational work grid

The documentation of the teacher of the preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard assumes the obligatory maintenance of the educational work plan. In his work, the teacher uses the testimony of SanPiN, which regulates not to exceed the time of all classes. In the younger groups, classes should take no more than 30 minutes, in the middle - 40 minutes, in the senior - 45 minutes, in the preparatory - 1.5 hours.

health sheet in kindergarten
Mandatory breaks between classes, the duration of which is at least 10 minutes. During the lesson, breaks are also taken in order to conduct a physical education session.

Diagnostic work

Each teacher during his work is constantly studying his students. Such work should be conducted on an ongoing basis and systematically.

For this, the documentation of the kindergarten teacher includes cards for recording the knowledge, skills and abilities of each child. At the end of each year, a table is compiled, according to which the child's assimilation of the program, his shortcomings and successes are visible.

The final tables are needed by the educator for making plans for the next year, and preliminary data is needed for making plans for the month.

Diagnostic work is carried out twice a year. At the beginning of the school year and at the end. This technique helps the teacher to identify the necessary work in time and adjust plans for the new academic year.

Family engagement

The documentation of the preschool teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard assumes the availability of all data on the parents of the children. The teacher must constantly communicate with adults who come for the child.

Parents are introduced to the tasks and goals of the program conducted in the kindergarten, talk about the lives of children, and ask about the behavior of the kids at home.

In addition to conversations, the Federal State Educational Standards presuppose the obligatory holding of meetings, the involvement of parents in the life of the group, counseling mothers and fathers on issues of upbringing and education, as well as conducting leisure and meeting evenings.

Self education

Any profession requires self-improvement, and even more so work related to children. Therefore, the teacher must constantly improve their skills.

It is advisable to keep a notebook where they read books that have been read and thoughts that have been liked or puzzled. Then they are put up for discussion with other educators.

Controversial issues or difficulties in work are submitted for general discussion and a plan is drawn up to overcome difficulties.

Senior educator - an assistant in everything

The senior caregiver has a lot of work involved in preparing plans and reports. In addition to the main work, they are also entrusted with checking the documentation of educators in groups.

The main work of the senior educator is related to:

  1. Work with personnel.
  2. Methodological work and the provision of the entire educational process in kindergarten.
  3. Verification of the content of plans and abstracts for the training and education of children.
  4. The continuity of kindergarten and school.
  5. The interaction of educators and parents.

Work with personnel involves information about working people, their specialization, awards, certification, and professional development.

The methodological work consists in the development of annual plans, class notes, help for teachers, providing all the necessary materials. Collecting and summarizing best practices.

The senior educator collects and analyzes diagnostic cards of children, checks lesson plans, helps with the development of methodological plans.

In addition, the senior educator collects and summarizes information about parents, holding meetings, and explores individual work plans for children from dysfunctional families.

The documentation of the senior caregiver may vary slightly, depending on the specifics of the preschool. But the basic documents and work are the same everywhere.


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