Tomato Octopus F1 and other tomato wonders

Modern varieties of tomatoes are very diverse, and the choice is becoming even richer. Let's talk about the most unusual of them:

Especially stands out the tomato Octopus F1, a new hybrid with unlimited growth (indeterminate) and intensive shoot formation. New colored tomatoes, green and black , are also interesting (yellow and brown will not surprise anyone).

Tomato Octopus f1 is a real wonder, judging by the inscription on the package: a record crop with 1 (!) Plant can be 14,000 fruits, with a total weight of 1,500 kg (even if the real numbers are lower, everything is impressive), from germination to fruit 115-120 days and great taste. This plant is perennial (wild tomatoes in its homeland are also perennial) and also: it is not an ordinary bush, but a tomato - a vine, a tomato, a tree, f1 Octopus can grow so much that its crown will occupy an area of ​​40 square meters.

But do not rush to dream of such a miracle to grow such a giant tomato Octopus f1, you need a heated greenhouse and installation for hydroponics, and a huge crown requires a difficult garter. Not every gardener has this, but if you have such opportunities, then you may well try to grow a miracle tomato. If you wish, you can find detailed instructions for its cultivation, so this hybrid is more promising for farmers.

But to refuse an interesting novelty is also not worth it. Of course, record harvests will not work, but 10 kg from the bush is also not bad, you see (gardeners in an ordinary greenhouse received such crops from this tomato). With this cultivation, Octopus has its own characteristics:

Sow it for seedlings as early as possible, in late January - early February, later planting plants in the greenhouse.

In the greenhouse, you need to leave a large distance between the plants, given the further growth.

Gardeners who have tried the Octopus tomato f1 in practice have found that it absolutely cannot stand stepson. By itself, this tomato lays brushes of 5-6 fruits every 3 leaves. With such cultivation, shoots grow up to three meters (again, according to the experience of gardeners).

Such a giant needs to be β€œfed” intensely, with both organic and mineral water, and, of course, watered.

The excellent taste of the fruits of this hybrid is confirmed by all the gardeners who grew it.

If you liked the Octopus tomato f1, then you can try to propagate it vegetatively (seeds from hybrids do not receive). To do this, at the end of the growing season you need to cut the cuttings from healthy shoots. To root them in a greenhouse, with the onset of cold weather, transplant them into pots and contain winter as a houseplant. By spring, plant the plants in the greenhouse again and grow them like tomatoes from seedlings.

In general, this unusual tomato will be interesting to fans of experiments. Tomato Octopus f1 is still little explored by gardeners, so go for it!

Green-fruit tomatoes are also surprising; ripe fruits remain green. The green fruits will also delight you with their taste, they are sweet with delicate pulp and thin skin. Almost fruit. Varieties are called Malachite Box, Emerald Giant, Swamp and Zelenopodny, Kiwi, Emerald Apple ..

White tomatoes, varieties with white fruits are also interesting: Lotus, Marshmallows, Snowball, White giant ... And also striped: Striped apple, Silver spruce ...

But a completely fresh garden novelty (albeit imported), a black tomato, and not dark brown, but absolutely black. He was introduced at the agricultural exhibition in Israel by Seeds Technologies. The variety, called the Black Galaxy, has black plum-sized fruits with a high content of vitamin C and an unusual taste. Got it, thanks to crossbreeding with wild-looking tomatoes. The black pigment in the fruits of this variety is similar to the one that stains blueberries. The black color becomes darker in the bright sun. Well, let's wait until the "Black Galaxy" will be available for Russian gardeners.


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