Strawberry "marishka": variety description, photos, reviews, cultivation features

For centuries, strawberries have been valued for its unusual taste. Fragrant, sweet, juicy ... It is not for nothing that this berry occupies a leading place both in the garden and in the kitchen.

Nowadays, there are many different varieties and types of strawberries that differ from each other in external indicators, taste criteria, conditions of cultivation and growth.

This article will be devoted to strawberry cultivars (description, photos, reviews, read below). What is its habitat? What is remarkable about planting this variety and caring for it? Let's find out.

Grade Features

The main characteristics of the “marishka” strawberries are attractive and desirable for any gardener. This is a high yield (it is possible to collect half a kilogram of berries from one bush), and large sizes (the approximate weight of one fruit is forty to fifty grams), and taste (softly sweet, slightly dry), and resistance to all kinds of pests and diseases.

strawberry marush watering

However, the description of the “marishka” strawberry variety (photos, reviews, see below) would be incomplete if not to mention its spectacular external data. Fruits growing on top of leaves in large clusters (which greatly facilitates their collection) have a different shape and have a bright red glossy surface.

The berries ripen quickly and at the same time, in the second decade of June, so that by the beginning of July they will practically be gone.

The root system of strawberries is quite powerful and strong, which contributes to its resistance to diseases.

Yes, only the benefits can be seen in the description of the “marishka” strawberry variety (photos, reviews you will find in our article). What should be done to plant this sweet beauty on your site? Let's find out.

Before boarding

Does the strawberry cultivar “marishka” have any special requirements and conditions for planting and care in the open ground? Strawberries are a fairly unpretentious culture, and yet, when growing them, you should adhere to certain principles and rules. Which ones?

The very first thing is to choose a site. The place for the plant should be well sunny and unshaded, away from tall trees and garden crops such as tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, potatoes, because they are carriers of a harmful disease.

strawberry marish yield

Also, the soil should not be excessively wet and acidic. Features of planting and care in the open ground strawberries "marishka" depend on how you decide to plant the plant. If with the help of antennae, then this should be done in August-September, if with the help of seedlings - then in the spring, in extreme cases in June.

Dig the soil before grounding and fertilize it thoroughly. In the process of spring planting, this can be done by applying organic and mineral fertilizers (half a bucket of humus, twenty grams of potassium chloride and sixty grams of superphosphate are scattered per square meter). If planting occurs in the fall, then only organic matter will be enough.

It is also important to carefully consider planting stock. Strawberry seedlings "marishka" should not look weakened, sick or damaged. Healthy seedlings should have a root neck with a diameter of at least six millimeters and a height of at least seven centimeters.

Landing process

How deep should the strawberry seedlings be grounded? The upper kidney, located on the rhizome, should be at the level of the soil surface.

strawberry marsh growing features

There are several ways to successfully plant marushka strawberries:

  1. By bushes. Two to three seedlings are planted in each well. The distance between the landing pits should be at least half a meter. Thanks to this method of planting, a mustache is easily removed from the plant, and the fruits themselves become larger and sweeter. However, there is a drawback - it becomes difficult to care for the beds because of the constant need for loosening, mulching and weeding.
  2. In rows. The distance between the seedlings themselves should not be less than twenty centimeters, and the distance between the rows should be about forty centimeters. This is the most common way to plant strawberries.
  3. Nests. Sealed fit method. It consists in placing seven seedlings in one planting pit (one in the center, and six around, observing a distance of five to eight centimeters). Each nest should be twenty-five to thirty centimeters in a row from the other, and thirty-five to forty centimeters in the row spacing.
  4. Carpet option. Planting seedlings occurs randomly, without observing the order and a certain distance. The bottom line is that the strawberries grow into a continuous carpet. This method is used by those summer residents who are rarely in their area. The disadvantage of its use is a gradual decrease in fruit.

strawberry marush characteristic

After landing

So, the “marishka” strawberry is grounded. What's next? After digging, the soil must be crushed and mulched. This can be done using dry leaves, sawdust, hay.

It is also important to water the seedlings well by irrigation using two to three liters of water per square meter.

Crop care

Peculiarities of growing “marishka” strawberries require regular fertilizing. This can be done already next year, using ash, compost, bird droppings, as well as special minerals. It is recommended to carry out manipulations from the beginning of flowering.

strawberry seedlings

This should be done carefully, since excess fertilizer will adversely affect the taste of the berries and their health.

Autumn top dressing is very important for strawberries, because during the summer season, the root system gives the fruit almost all useful substances and minerals. For the purpose of replenishment, a humus at the rate of three kilograms per square meter is scattered around the “maroshka” area. This will help the roots regain strength and strengthen.

It is recommended to irrigate strawberry “marishka” by sprinkling every week. Here caution is important so as not to flood the bushes and harm the fruits.

Diseases and pests

The large yield of strawberry "maroshka" directly depends on the precautions that will be taken to prevent its various diseases. What does it look like in practice?

It is recommended to inspect the bushes every day in order to notice the ailment in time.

strawberry planting and care in the open ground

The most common disease of the variety “marishka” is red root rot. It affects the plant due to excess moisture and lack of sunlight. To prevent damage, before planting, you can soak the seedlings in a weak solution of fungicides. But how to recognize the disease in adult processes?

Affected by rot, the roots of the strawberries turn black, and the leaves turn yellow and dry. If you find disturbing symptoms on a plant, immediately remove the bush.

Criticism and Evaluation

According to numerous reviews, strawberry "marishka" has many positive properties and advantages. This is a high yield, and taste, and fast vegetation (with the help of new antennae). Other positive features of this species include the fact that for a long period it can maintain a presentable appearance and not lose its taste and nutritional properties.

strawberry marisha grade description photo reviews

However, many summer residents do not like the fact that the "marushka" is a thermophilic plant. For the winter it is necessary to wrap it carefully, covering it with a protective film.

Another negative feature of this variety of strawberries is intolerance to abundant moisture. Therefore, if you went too far with watering, or the year turned out to be inclement and rainy, then your strawberry may undergo an unpleasant disease, which will negatively affect not only the plant itself, but also its fruiting. Effective prevention of excess moisture is a preliminary (before planting) soil drainage.

Nevertheless, the “marishka” strawberry is considered easy to grow and picky culture. She almost does not require attention, so even a beginner can start breeding it.


Given all of the above about the "marishka" strawberries (variety description, photos, gardeners reviews), you will certainly want to plant this tasty unpretentious berry on your site. Only a few costs and labor - and you will fully enjoy its ripe and sweet fruits.


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