Pomegranate earrings - a magical jewelry that carries love, strength and health

Since ancient times, garnet stones have attracted people. Their magical properties were watched and legends composed about them. This mineral was set in gold and silver and was worn not only by individual objects, but also by entire sets. So, an aging Goethe presented eighteen-year-old Ulrika von Levetsov as an assurance of love with a pomegranate set in which there were 460 stones.

pomegranate earrings

Grenades, depending on impurities, have different colors and names. Garnet earrings can be made of purplish-red almandine, pink rhodolite or green tsavorite.

Mineral deposits

Since ancient times, pomegranates were found in the Czech Republic. Later deposits were found in Bavaria and Africa, in Ceylon, in Australia. And in Russia it is mined in the Urals and in Yakutia. Most modern pomegranates come from Africa.

Stone energy

People have known about the mystical twofold properties of this stone for a long time. Our ancestors believed that the gem gives a person good spirits, brings joy to the heart, and the most august persons, for example, earrings with garnet gave power over their people and retinue.

In Russia, they also believed that if you wear jewelry with pomegranate, the birth will be easy. This belief is common in our days, therefore, in anticipation of a successful birth, the expectant mother does not take off her earrings with garnet. This stone is able to bestow happy love - it is worn by lovers and those who are just waiting for love. You can list other properties of an amazing stone:

  • red garnets give wisdom and judgment;
  • greens teach organization, the correct allocation of time and money;
  • grenades drive away black thoughts, attracting positive ones.

But this mineral also has a very strong energy, so if a person feels that he is tired, then for some time he must remove jewelry with it.

As a mascot, garnets are recommended for use by creative people, that is, those whose achievements depend on full dedication. So, red garnet allows you to create an image, and green - materially embody it.

Zodiac signs

Capricorn pomegranate is the best helper. It suits the Virgin and Sagittarius, and Leo, and Taurus. A hot-tempered Aries, he is not recommended. Green pomegranates can bring troubles to Pisces, but they will bring happiness and protect Lviv and Sagittarius from evil.

Present the girl with pomegranate earrings - and this gift will express the sincerity of your intentions.

silver garnet earrings

According to all European and Eastern beliefs, the "red coal" is a symbol of perseverance, strength, fidelity, constancy and health.

Silver earrings with garnet

The moon, silvering white metal, with its rays gave it the mystery of the night and ennobled it. He is able to protect, heal, preserve. But it is full of mystery, which modern science cannot always explain.

If earrings with garnet suddenly darken - silver signals that a person is tormented by evil thoughts or falls ill. The owner should pay attention to this sign. If silver has darkened before the trip, then it is better to cancel it altogether. Incidentally, it was so long ago accepted. Silver is an amazing metal. He develops intuition.

pomegranate earrings silver

Under its influence, a person purifies his energy, because it absorbs all the negative, which affected him badly.

Therefore, if you constantly wear silver earrings with garnet, you can get a charge of energy from a stone and a talisman from silver. And there are a lot of jewelry models - you can always choose what you like.

Types of Earrings

Earrings will emphasize the best that is in the appearance of a woman. They will complete the toilet. Therefore, decorating your ears, you must consider the silhouette, color and style of clothing. There are never many earrings, as they subtly reflect the mood and feelings of their owner. Their design is extensive, but there are several types that you can not part with from morning to evening:

  • cloves;
  • hoop earrings of various sizes;
  • pendant earrings;
  • earrings with gems.

They will add brightness to the wardrobe. They are good and precious stones, and ornamental, and Swarovski crystals. The garnet earrings look green or purple-red.

Earrings with semiprecious stones must be combined with the color of the eyes and set off the complexion, so you should carefully look at the mirror when buying. It is better to try them on with a minimum of makeup on the face, because later they will give the face such expressiveness that was not even dreamed of.

Gold earrings with garnet

Gold also has magical properties that modern people rarely think about. It is nourished by the energy of the sun, holds it and loves generous and generous people who have reached adulthood. Especially it is necessary to value products that have been handed down from generation to generation and filled with the energy of everyone who put them on. And if you constantly wear gold earrings, then this can improve eyesight.

gold earrings with garnet

Astrologers recommend constantly putting on gold items to Gemini, Sagittarius, Leo, Taurus, Aquarius, Capricorn and Aries. But Pisces, Crayfish, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio should periodically remove gold items. Their metal is silver.

So, earrings are the oldest jewelry and amulet that people have discovered for themselves since time immemorial. We wear earrings to emphasize our individuality and style. However, in stones and metal there are many meanings that are interesting to know and remember. There is nothing accidental in them - everything has been selected for centuries.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16115/

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