Who is the title Veteran of Labor assigned by law? The order of conferring the title "Veteran of Labor"

In recent years, obtaining the title "Veteran of Labor" has been associated with certain difficulties. Citizens have to endlessly collect various certificates and even go to court to confirm their rights.

Title Veteran of Labor

the title of labor veteran is awarded

First, let's figure out who they call veterans. The definition of this status (or title) is prescribed by federal law adopted in 1995. The law was amended and supplemented in 2004 and 2005 and in its current form defines labor veterans as:

- citizens with an appropriate certificate;

- citizens who have been awarded an order or a medal or who have received the honorary titles of the Russian Federation or the USSR, or who have award insignia and seniority sufficient for retirement by age or length of service ;

- citizens who began a career in their minor age during the Second World War, whose total length of service is at least 40 and 35 years for men and women, respectively.

Title Issues

getting the title of labor veteran

Previously, the procedure for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor” was determined by the President of Russia, that is, all people received this status from the federal government. The law determined not only the conditions for obtaining a veteran certificate, but designated a list of all benefits. This was very convenient, since each citizen clearly represented the scheme for obtaining the desired crusts and knew how financially profitable it was.

However, with the adoption of the new Federal Law No. 122-F3 of 08.22.04, the situation has changed dramatically. The new law received the popular name "on the abolition of benefits", and from the screens and pages of newspapers and magazines it was called the "law on the monetization of benefits." The difference in terminology did not affect the essence - the title "Veteran of Labor" is now assigned only at the regional level. Thus, this category of citizens moved to the balance of the subjects of the Russian Federation. The conditions for obtaining the title “Veteran of Labor” today are determined at the regional level and, according to their capabilities, they determine the amount of compensation. I must say that the reaction to such independence was different: some subjects of the Russian Federation completely refused benefits, while others left everything as it was before.

conferring the title of labor veteran

Conditions for conferring the title "Veteran of Labor"

After the adoption of the new law, problems arose. In different regions of Russia, they began to unequally evaluate one or another insignia needed to obtain a veteran certificate. Most often, they refuse to take into account departmental awards and the signs “For Labor”, “For Victory in Social Competitions”, etc.

Other regions, by contrast, have expanded the list to include categories such as innovators, donors, and inventors.

So, the conditions in each region are different, and they need to be recognized in advance. However, in some cases, you can try to challenge the refusal, for example, if the award is of an all-Russian nature, and not handed out at the local level, then the title “Veteran of Labor” is assigned without fail.

Order of registration

In order to obtain a certificate, you must contact the social protection authorities at the place of registration. When applying, you will have to fill out an application and provide all the necessary documents. The application can be submitted both on paper and through electronic form.

procedure for conferring the title of labor veteran

The title "Veteran of Labor" is assigned within thirty days from the date of application and acceptance of documents. At the same time, a decision is made to refuse to obtain a new status, after which a notification of refusal with a justification of the reason is sent to the applying citizen within 5 days.

Dates may vary in different regions, but they usually do not exceed one month. In Moscow and the Moscow Region, the maximum term for a decision is 35 days.

Important information: if you have the right to a veteran certificate, you can get it in advance, before receiving a pension. True, you can use it only after going on a well-deserved rest.

List of documents

1. Application on a special form.

2. Passport (a copy certified by a notary).

3. Certificate - an appendix to the award.

4. Certificate from the place of permanent service or from the Pension Fund.

conditions for conferring the title of labor veteran

5. The work book.

6. Two photos 3 Ă— 4.

7. Pension certificate.

Documents for the title "Veteran of Labor" are provided to the social security authorities in the form of copies to which the original is attached (for verification).

Obtaining an Identity Card

After a decision has been made that the title “Veteran of Labor” is assigned to a specific citizen, they are required to issue a certificate within three days. A citizen can get it in the same social protection bodies where he handed over the documents. After receiving the crusts, the citizen officially becomes a veteran of labor and has the right to all the prescribed benefits.

How to get duplicate ID

People quite often lose documents, and they need to get a duplicate. In the case of a labor veteran certificate, this is quite simple. It is necessary to contact the social protection authorities with a statement where they indicate the circumstances of the loss or the reasons for damage to the crusts. You need to have a passport, a copy of it and two 3 Ă— 4 photos with you. After consideration of the application, a duplicate certificate is issued within three days.

conditions for obtaining the title of labor veteran

Important information: a penalty for loss or accidental damage is not provided. However, if you specifically destroyed the certificate and were reckless to admit it, then you may face administrative punishment.


So, we determined to whom the title “Veteran of Labor” is assigned and how this procedure goes. However, a completely logical question arises: why are all these difficulties with design necessary? Is the honorary status that only the closest people will remember is worth all these efforts?

It is not only respect, it is much simpler. Awarding the title of Veteran of Labor guarantees the right to receive certain social protection or monetary compensation.

So, labor veterans can count on the following:

1. Compensation of 50% of the payment of occupied living space. This benefit is granted taking into account the regional standard for the area of ​​the premises, but it is not affected by the form of ownership of this premises. Compensation extends to family members who live with the veteran on the same area, are in his custody or receive assistance, which is for them a constant and main source of subsistence.

2. Compensation of 50% of utilities for water, gas and electricity - all within the limits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Labor veterans living in private homes where there is no central heating facilities are entitled to a 50 percent payment of fuel, which is purchased within the limits established for private individuals.

3. A labor veteran has the right to medical care in clinics to which a citizen was attached before reaching retirement age. He can also receive extraordinary medical care as part of state programs to provide Russian citizens with free medical care.

4. Compensation of 50% payment for the radio.

5. Cash payments (established at the regional level).

6. After a certain age and a pension, a labor veteran may apply for the free manufacture and repair of dentures.

7. Compensation for 50% of the cost of commuter rail transport.

Citizens entitled to social benefits may refuse them and receive monetary compensation in return. To replace it, you need to contact the territorial bodies that make payments by October 1 of the current year with a statement about the rejection of social services. services. And next year, from January 1 to December 31, monetary compensation will be awarded to a labor veteran.

In theory, everything looks great. However, there is one caveat - getting the title "Veteran of Labor" does not serve as a guarantee of receiving all these benefits. As already mentioned, all social protection measures are determined at the regional level, which means that they depend only on the leadership of the subject of the Russian Federation and the financial capabilities of the region.


who is awarded the title of Veteran of Labor

So, getting the title of Veteran of Labor is difficult, but even after that no one guarantees benefits. Sometimes social security officials directly tell veterans that they are not entitled to anything. What to do?

First you need to prepare for the fact that you have to defend your rights. If you have any badges, start looking for information in your region with a detailed indication of who and how the title of a veteran can be assigned to, or contact the social authorities immediately. protection. In case of refusal, demand the legal acts referred to by the employees, and in case of doubt about the legality of such a decision, you must go to court. In case of refusal to receive benefits, it is also necessary to request documents that clearly state what labor veterans are entitled to.

In fairness, it should be added that in some regions of Russia the title “Veteran of Labor” is assigned even to those citizens who, in principle, have no awards, but only the relevant seniority established at the local level. One can only hope that this practice will be adopted by all other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, so that veterans will not encounter difficulties in obtaining this honorary title.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16119/

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