Where to go in Tallinn: travel tips

Tallinn is a city that in its long history has managed to be under the control of different peoples, but has always benefited from it, becoming more beautiful every year. Tourists are attracted by the old narrow streets of Tallinn, beautiful medieval town halls and ramparts, remembering the bloody battles. Here you can feel the breath of antiquity in literally every home and object, and the national cuisine in combination with local beer and wine will not leave indifferent any gourmet. All this makes the city very attractive for tourism, our compatriots often choose exactly Tallinn as the place to spend their holidays. What to see and where to go on vacation, we will tell you today.

where to go in tallinn

Ferry travel

Our compatriots often try to combine a trip to the Nordic countries with a tour of Tallinn. This is possible if you buy a ticket for a ferry departing from Helsinki. Using this convenient opportunity, you can get acquainted with the main attractions of the Estonian city in one day and take many amazingly beautiful photos.

Keep in mind that Tallinn is an extraordinary city, so we would not recommend getting to know it in a hurry. But if this is the only opportunity for you to visit here, we will tell you where to go in Tallinn in one day from the ferry.

Since one day is still very small for the Estonian capital, try to include in the sightseeing all the most interesting things, which you will then remember for a long time, admiring the photographs taken during this trip.

First of all, try to see Tallinn from a bird's eye view. Believe me, an incredible picture worthy of the brush of a talented artist will open before you. The city has several viewing platforms, with each of them the landscapes of Tallinn look different. Therefore, visit at least two viewing platforms to be able to compare what you saw. Experienced tourists are advised to climb the tower of the Dome Cathedral or the observation deck Patkuli. From here, the most beautiful and memorable views open.

Where can I go in Tallinn to feel the breath of time? Of course, you can’t leave the Estonian capital without seeing its main attraction - the Old Town. Here, everything looks exactly as it was in the fifteenth to seventeenth centuries, because the owners of the buildings are forbidden to noticeably change their appearance. Therefore, walks in the Old Town make an indelible impression even on the most skeptical tourists. Be sure to start your inspection from the Town Hall Square. In the Middle Ages, it was here that all the townspeople gathered for holidays or in sad moments. The stones of this square remember fair dances and the last dying cries of executed criminals. Tallinn has such a legend that anyone who sees all five spiers from the square can make a wish, and it will certainly come true. You can wander around the Old City for so long that you simply will not have more free time to think about where to go in Tallinn yet.

However, if you have a few hours before the ferry departs, then stop by the Kik-in-de-Kek museum located in the medieval tower. The tower itself looks very unusual, and inside it is a museum with an exposition dedicated to the history of the city, dating back to the thirteenth century. Interesting specimens relating to hostilities affecting Tallinn.

If you leave the city on an evening ferry, you will not have time to enjoy the excellent cuisine of numerous restaurants and taverns. It is with the sunset that the townspeople and guests of the Estonian capital flock here, but we think that this will be an occasion to organize another trip here. And you will definitely not have any questions about where to go in Tallinn.

Tallinn what to see where to go

One day trip

For those who have the opportunity to spend in Tallinn not only day but also night, the city can open up much wider. What you must see and where to go? In Tallinn, you can see a lot of interesting things in one day and night.

In the morning, head to the Old Town, which consists of two parts. Vyshhorod and the Lower City are separated by about twenty minutes of the journey, most tourists are advised to start sightseeing from the bottom of the Old Town.

The following buildings deserve your attention here:

  • Town Hall It has been around for almost six hundred years, in the whole of Northern Europe it is the only town hall that can boast of such a magnificent state. There are many summer cafes and restaurants near this building, as well as souvenir shops where you can buy something interesting and unusual as a gift to friends.
  • Tower "Fat Margarita". Here is a real maritime museum, which contains all the items that have at least some connection with the Baltic Sea. The exposition consists of old maps, compasses and ship cladding parts. Keep in mind that the museum operates only five days a week - from Wednesday to Sunday. You can get here from ten in the morning until six in the evening.

In Vyshgorod, you should see the Dome Cathedral, which locals consider the oldest in the city. It offers a magnificent view of the city. No less beautiful is the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, which is the largest Orthodox religious building in the Estonian capital.

The Museum of Occupation is a two-minute walk from the cathedral. Be sure to visit this place, it will tell tourists about the time when Tallinn was occupied by German soldiers. Here are collected household items of the time, including cars and even food. Visitors will be shown a half-hour film translated into three languages. Russian is one of them, so our compatriots will be able to understand what it is all about.

Where to go to Tallinn for a delicious dinner? In this matter, first of all, focus on your preferences. If you came to town as a couple, then you will certainly enjoy Rataskaevu 16 and Von Krahli Aed. These establishments offer excellent seasonal dishes in the incredibly romantic medieval atmosphere of the Old Town. But a friendly company will like it more in Paar Veini, here in the evenings there is always live music and delicious local wine is sold.

Those who stroll all night until morning can be advised not to go to bed, but to meet the dawn on the observation deck of Patkuli. From the hill you will have a wonderful view of the city, to which the pink fingers of the rising sun slowly stretch. This incredibly beautiful picture will be buried in your memory for a long time.

where to go in tallinn with a child

Evening Tallinn

Many tourists during the day do not even think about where to go in Tallinn. After all, there are a lot of museums, shops and historical attractions that you must definitely visit. But far from everyone knows where to go to Tallinn in the evening. Let's try to tell you how to brighten up your evening leisure in the Estonian capital.

Even if you were already at the Town Hall Square during the day, be sure to walk along it after dusk. You will be surprised how much this place will change, lit by street lamps. In addition, the main influx of tourists by the evening already subsides, and you can enjoy a leisurely walk through the shops, where, in addition to souvenirs, jewelry and products of local needlewomen are sold. Right on the street you can buy the most delicious pastries, the likes of which you will not try in any other European city.

The Music Museum, located on Sibyllegatan-2, will give you the pleasure of contemplating various musical instruments that any visitor can play.

It is impossible to imagine an evening without a delicious dinner, so we will give you a couple of places where you should definitely go. Cafe More is a fairly democratic place where salads and sandwiches await tourists, but the cafe’s specialty is homemade rhubarb ice cream. The mistress herself makes it according to the recipe inherited from her ancestors. Believe me, you have never tasted anything tastier than this Estonian delicacy. If you want to enjoy the views of the city during dinner, then look at the Lounge bar 24. It is rarely noisy here, so tourists have the opportunity to taste delicious dishes of national cuisine in a relaxed atmosphere.

where to go in Tallinn in one day from the ferry

Winter ride

If your vacation falls in the cold season, then do not be discouraged, we will definitely tell you where to go to Tallinn in winter. With the onset of snowfall, the Estonian capital turns into something unusually fabulous and bewitching. Many travelers, having the opportunity to compare, say that winter Tallinn is much more attractive than summer and offers its guests a lot of entertainment.

Be sure to ride a train in the Old Town. This route will be interesting to anyone, because it is so nice to plunge into childhood for a few minutes, examining medieval buildings and fortress walls. The carriages are closed, so tourists will not feel the cold, but they will be able to fully appreciate the beauty of the historical part of Tallinn and will regret that twenty minutes of this walk will fly by almost instantly.

Many viewing platforms of the city also work in winter, so do not miss the chance to see how a white blanket covers medieval streets and houses. If you are lucky enough to make a couple of these photos, then they can safely be put up at competitions.

In winter, the Tallinn Tower always delights city guests with an exposition dedicated to scientific and technological progress. It is interactive, which makes it even more interesting and unusual.

It is hard to imagine a picture of a winter European city without an open ice rink. In Tallinn, it is also there, usually it is poured on Harju Street. There is a small cozy cafe on the territory of the rink, where you can have a snack after a fun and active pastime. All the necessary equipment can be rented, and a luggage room is suitable for personal items. The rink looks especially solemn in the evening, when it is illuminated from almost all sides.

In the last winter month, Tallinn hosts an extreme sports festival. Performances of athletes and amateurs cause an enthusiastic reaction from the audience.

where you can go in tallinn

New Year in Tallinn

Many seek to visit the Estonian capital during the winter holidays. Where to go in Tallinn for the New Year? Let's find out.

The most important city events during the winter holidays take place on the Town Hall Square. It is here that the main Christmas tree of the city is set, decorated and illuminated by numerous lanterns and garlands. Before Christmas, a festive fair opens on the square, where you can buy gifts for yourself and all your loved ones. Surely you will meet Santa Claus near the Christmas tree, he cordially welcomes all guests of the city. After shopping, it’s nice to have a bite to eat in a cafe near the Christmas tree. In winter, smiling waiters will offer you fragrant mulled wine and hearty food that does not allow you to freeze.

During the winter holidays, trails open on the Singing Field, where skiers and snowboarders can try their hand. All equipment is rented here, and the cost of skiing does not exceed five euros.

Guests of the city who will think about where to go in Tallinn during the Christmas and New Year weeks will always remember the concert of organ music in the Dome Cathedral. These evenings are traditional for the holidays and always attract a lot of spectators.

Winter fairy tale for children

Often parents take their children on a trip during the Christmas holidays. In this regard, adults have to carefully plan a trip and learn in advance information about where to go in Tallinn with a child in winter. And we, for our part, will tell you a couple of places where it will be interesting to spend time for adults and their offspring.

The smallest travelers should be brought to the Nuku Puppet Museum , it is located in the Old Town and has the largest collection of theater puppets in all of Europe. During the tour, children will be able to see how the dolls come to life in tandem with the actor. And the most daring kids, not afraid of the basement, will appreciate the collection of scary dolls, which in the representations depict villains and all evil spirits.

The Marzipan Museum is a little sweetie's dream. It is located in the famous confectionery, where children get the opportunity to see how professionals turn a small piece of marzipan into fabulous and colorful figures. Particularly active children will even be able to take part in the master class and create something unusual and tasty with their own hands.

Be sure to bring your child to "Skypark", which is the largest center of trampolines in the world. Here children of any age will find a lesson for themselves, and parents will get a chance to rest in a cafe.

If you are planning a trip to another time of the year, then we will show you where you can go in Tallinn to make the trip memorable for children too.

What else can be shown to children in Tallinn?

Most often, they travel with a child in spring or summer, which is why it is during this period that the capital of Estonia is filled with children of different ages walking around the city with their parents. They do not always enjoy visiting historical sites, so think ahead of time where to go with a child in Tallinn.

The zoo is a place where children will always be interested. In the summer season, it works until nine in the evening, which allows you to spend the whole day on its territory. Keep in mind that there are always a lot of visitors, so get ready for the crowds around the enclosures with all elephants and crocodiles loved by all.

If your baby is curious, be sure to spend time traveling to the port of sea ships. This museum is incredibly interesting inside and out. It is located near the pier, where a large number of ships are moored. They can be considered indefinitely, but leave your strength on a tour of the museum itself, which is a huge hangar, where there are hydroplanes. All of them are being reconstructed, so children can learn everything about shipbuilding first-hand. Here are collected exhibits telling about sea vessels, their history and even about military gadgets. A special pride of the museum is the submarine of the beginning of the last century, you can go down to it and examine all the compartments.

If all of the above is not enough for you and you are still puzzled by the question "where to go in Tallinn with a child", then consider the option of an excursion to the Kik-in-de-Kek tower. The exposition itself will not be especially interesting for children, but by appointment you can get a special excursion into the dungeons of the medieval tower, where there is a real labyrinth of passages and galleries.

where to go in Tallinn with a child in winter

Gastronomic guide to Tallinn

Tourists always want to know places where you can have a tasty and inexpensive meal. Indeed, on the one hand, this information significantly saves the budget, and on the other, it reveals the national flavor, which is important to feel on any trip. So where to go to eat in Tallinn? We have prepared for you a list of places where you will be pleased to have lunch or dinner:

  • Vanaema juures. This is a national restaurant located at Rataskaevu 10/12. Here you will be offered the most delicate potato casserole and stewed cabbage, which is so loved by Estonians. The average bill for a two-course dinner, dessert and drink usually does not exceed twenty euros.
  • Mekk. This institution is a godsend for those who crave for something unusual. After all, the local chef prefers seasonal cuisine, so in the summer there are many dishes from vegetables, and in the fall - from mushrooms and berries. Mekk desserts are especially famous for desserts; cakes with various fillings cause a lot of enthusiastic reviews. The average bill ranges from thirty euros.
  • Glad Estlander. Here you will be offered real medieval dishes; their recipes came to modern Tallinn from their ancestors. Most dishes are cooked on an open fire, so they have a unique taste. A meat prepared in this way acquires a particularly unusual aroma.
  • "Compressor". This pancake is suitable for those who want a tasty, satisfying and quick meal. A great three-course lunch will cost you only fourteen euros.

Of course, these are not all catering establishments in the Estonian capital. Perhaps during your trip you will open new cafes worthy of recommendation to other tourists traveling to Tallinn.

What to see and where to go: a few more words about the capital of Estonia

There is one amazing street in the Old Town, which we could not fail to mention in our article. It is called Long, or Pikk, and it is on it that the mass of attractions is located. For example, the building, which has the speaking name "At the dragon", is amazing with its monsters, spread over the facade. It was built over a hundred years ago and still attracts the attention of tourists.

Here is the best catering establishment in the Old Town, where all guests of the Estonian capital, without exception, “Vinoteka” strive to drop in. On Pikk street in Tallinn, where to go, no need to think. At every step there are monuments of architecture and culture that you want to carefully consider and capture in the photo. It is interesting that almost all the tasks on this street are covered with ancient legends. This gives them a special touch and charm. You should definitely pay attention to the house of the Brotherhood of the Blackheads, the Church of St. Olav and the main building of the Russian Embassy, ​​the facade of which is decorated with masks and intricate figures.

where to go to eat in Tallinn

Amazing city

It is impossible to get to know Tallinn well even after several trips, because every time the same city appears before tourists, but generously seasoned with new colors, smells, sounds and legends. It, like a gourmet dish, I want to try again and again, enjoying a wonderful journey through the fabulous Tallinn.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16120/

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