Emblem and flag of the internal troops. Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Important components of the state military formation are the flag, emblem, as well as other signs of belonging. As a state military association, the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have their own distinctive attributes. Different districts and formations also have their own internal troops flag, emblem, stripes and chevrons.

A bit of history

police officers

Internal troops (VV MVD RF) have their own history of formation. Since the 15th century, they have been a special unit performing the role of defender of public order. Later (XVI-XVII centuries) this function was performed by archers. Under Ivan the Terrible, the so-called institute of "residents" was created, which included mainly noblemen.

Peter I was the founder of special internal battalions (garrisons). Until the 19th century, it was not the police who were engaged in ensuring public order, but the provincial and Cossack structures, as well as police stations and gendarmerie departments. There was no such kind of activity as a policeman or policeman, but there were police officers, gendarmes. A distinctive feature of that time was a special uniform - snow-white. However, after long service, the form very often wore out and got dirty, changing color to grayish-yellow.

Under Alexander I (decree of 03/27/1811) an internal guard was organized. Historians consider this period the beginning of the long-term formation of the internal military system as it looks today. Until 1917, this service underwent numerous changes and renaming. After the revolution, structures called the troops of the internal security of the Republic acted.

Formation of Internal Troops

During the existence of the Soviet Union, the internal armaments of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs have already firmly established their status as a military formation to protect the state and public regime. After the collapse of the Union, all divisions of internal structures were divided according to territorial boundaries.

By order of the head of the RSFSR of November 20, 1991, the internal formations of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs passed under the control of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. During this period, the reformation of explosives. The tasks and functions of the convoys and the protection of convicts are removed from them. The main task now is to ensure public order and national security.

In 2008, another significant reorganization took place - management becomes regional rather than district as before. Until 2016, the internal troops (the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation) belonged to the jurisdiction of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. Then, by decree of V.V. Putin dated 04/05/2016, the troops of the national guard of the Russian Federation were formed and transferred to the system of the Federal Service of the National Guard of the Russian Federation. Army General Viktor Zolotov was appointed Commander-in-Chief.


Zolotov Victor

The control of internal troops is divided into regions of the Russian Federation. Each of them has a regional command. At the head of the Russian Interior Ministryโ€™s Air Force is Army General Viktor Zolotov. The military leader has a serious track record and extensive experience in the field of state security. Zolotov V.V. began his service back in the 1970s. Then, under B.N. Yeltsin, he was the bodyguard of state officials. From 1996 to the early 2000s, he headed the security structures of private corporations and firms. In 2000, he became the head of the Security Service of the President of the Russian Federation. In 2013, he was transferred to the post of deputy commander in chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In 2016 - Director of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation.

Goals and objectives of BB

police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

For a long time, internal services were periodically subjected to various kinds of reform and transformation. However, their goal has always been unshakable - to serve the interests of national security within the country.

The tasks of the internal formations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia include:

  • maintaining and maintaining public order;
  • ensuring the protection of state facilities and goods;
  • preventing attacks on state borders;
  • protection of the territories of the Russian Federation from opponents;
  • the elimination of terrorist associations and gangs in the Russian Federation.

The tasks facing servicemen of the Internal Troops are specific and are not included in the list of tasks of other military structures.

Banner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Among the integral state symbols is the banner. This attribute is inherent in all structures of the military service of the country, including the internal service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The banner serves as the official symbol and the main relic. This state attribute is awarded in official solemn occasions by the President of the Russian Federation. Also along with the banner is a letter to him. The description and image on the letterhead form are established by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Before the solemn presentation of the banner, the procedure of attaching the canvas to the pole is carried out. The rules for storing, maintaining and using the banner are also under the jurisdiction of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Flag of the Internal Troops

flag of internal troops

The flag that was approved on December 31, 2015 is one of the main state attributes of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. What does this symbol look like? The flag of the internal troops looks like a rectangular white canvas, on which there is a four-pointed red cross with extended ends. In the middle is a heraldic badge. Width to length is 2: 3. Web height to width - 1: 2.

After the transformation of the internal troops into the troops of the National Guard, the new provision on the state flag was approved by the decree of the head of state dated 12/20/2016. Along with the combined-arms flag of the internal troops, each regional unit also has its own flags.

Flag of ships, vessels of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Following the collapse of the USSR, on July 21, 1992, Boris N. Yeltsin established a new regulation on the naval flag of ships (boats) and vessels of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. This attribute is a speckled canvas with an image in the corner of the Russian Navy flag. The scale of the ratio of width to length is 1: 1.5. The naval flag takes ยผ of the total canvas.

Flags of the internal troops of all formations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Interior Ministry are located on flagpoles and are available in the offices of commanding officers. Raising the flag is carried out during the holidays, various ceremonies or awarding employees.

Heraldry of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

heraldry of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The heraldic sign of the Ministry of Internal Affairs VV is designated in the form of a two-headed eagle with spread wings. Above the head are one large or two small crowns. In the right paw is the scepter, in the left - the power. In the middle of the eagle is a shield, it depicts a warrior killing a dragon with his spear. The state emblem can be made both in gold (silver), and in black and white. Heraldry is located on the flag of internal weapons, on military flags, on insignia of military personnel.

This element is an integral part of the attributes of the local units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The emblems of the internal troops are located at the entrance to the military units, on military uniforms, are an obligatory component and decoration of any celebration or official event.

Emblems of the Interior Ministry

Along with the common each regional military association has its own emblems, which are located in the middle of the flag and on the right on the sleeve of clothes. After the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol joined Russia, 5 former Ukrainian units of local military personnel were assigned to the North Caucasus Directorate.

Several parts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs explosives are highlighted. Each regional command has its own special attributes, namely:

  • Central. It has an emblem that depicts a falcon, acting as a symbol of fortitude and the desire for victory.
  • Siberian. It has an emblem with a bear painted in the center, symbolizing courage, courage.
  • East. He wears emblems with a tiger associated with courage, valor and justice.
  • Ural. It is distinguished by emblems depicting a salamander, personifying invincibility and mortal danger to the enemy.
  • The symbol of the Volga region is a deer, indicating male nobility and a sign of a warrior.
  • Northwest. The emblem uses the image of the sphinx, showing dignity, strength, power and wisdom.
  • The emblem of the North Caucasian is a wild horse, which acts as a symbol of the conquest of a new territory.


Weather Ministry of the Russian Federation

The elements of military attributes of regional military formations also include chevrons, stripes, badges. Special attributes are the distinguishing mark of the Ministry of Internal Affairs VV from other units of the Russian armed forces. Chevrons make it possible to recognize the military belonging to a specific genus, unit, troop unit or region. Military patches are divided into specialized and universal. They can be lapel or located on the sleeves of uniforms of military personnel.

Military awards have been modified many times. Until 1911, there were no special badges for internal service. The first badge of local troops was established under Nicholas II. Today there is a special Heraldic Council in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, which develops medals and awards of the Internal Troops.

Assignment of insignia

The servicemen receive awards for the performance of military duty, for the strengthening and development of the military forces of Russia. such awards are awarded to employees of internal divisions for the following reasons and circumstances:

  1. Servicemen are awarded for their courage, valor, for the performance of combat missions, etc.
  2. Awarded to graduates after graduation from a military educational institution.
  3. They are issued to military specialists (qualification marks) for undergoing special training with honors.
  4. Assigned during the celebration of memorials, anniversaries, historical events.

In the Russian Federation for servicemen, award signs are an integral attribute of workwear. Such signs include medals, orders, which are located on uniforms.

Professional holiday of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

professional day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

The Day of Internal Troops, or the Day of the VV of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, is a professional celebration. The decree on the celebration was signed under B.N. Yeltsin on 03/19/1996. Day BB is celebrated every year on March 27. This date is solemn for all employees and internal service employees. The holiday carries an important patriotic function, is considered a way of showing respect for those who ensured and ensure the preservation of state integrity, public order, and also protects the peace and tranquility of the country's citizens.

The selected date is not random. It was on March 27, 1811 that Emperor Alexander I signed the most important decree, which was decisive for the final formation of the internal guard. And a hundred years later, on March 27, the anniversary of the internal troops was celebrated.

By tradition, on this day, the entire top leadership of the country and the commanding corps of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation congratulate the military personnel, reward and celebrate distinguished soldiers in the service. January 16, 2017, according to the decree of V.V. Putin, the holiday was renamed the Day of the National Guard Troops, however, the date of the celebration remained the same.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16126/

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