"How to change life in 4 weeks": the author, the main idea of ​​the book

Some readers literally call this book a desktop one. You can contact her at those difficult moments when the difficulties of life hang over a person, and it seems that only uncertainty and emptiness lie ahead. This book can help to gather strength, a person understands that everything is in his hands. A brief overview of “Change Your Life in 4 Weeks” (by Joe Dispenza) is presented in this article.

Joe Dispenza: author of the book

Human nature

Human nature is such that it does not allow a person to decide on changes until everything becomes completely bad. Only extreme conditions, such as crisis, loss, injuries, pain, can make a person stop and think about what he is doing, how he is living and what he is striving for. The main question: so why wait for extreme conditions when there is no turning back? Why not start in advance?

The entire material world is formed by subatomic particles. Surely many have heard of the famous experiment with an electron and two slits, where it was clearly proved: an electron can behave both as a wave and as a particle. The nature of the electrons is such that until they are looked at (that is, there is no observer), they are a pure potential, being in the state of the wave. If a person can change the material world with one glance (an electron begins to behave like a law-abiding particle under observation), then this can mean that all the desires that a person can imagine are real in the quantum field of probabilities. They are waiting for the appearance of their observer.

This thesis is reminiscent of the ideas of V. Zeland from the book "Transerfing of Reality", in which the idea of ​​Dispenza is explained in slightly different words.

subconscious mind change life in 4 weeks

Material objects

All objects of the material world are capable of radiating energy, and energy, in turn, contains some information. By changing his mental state, a person can change the characteristics of his radiation.

In order to change your own brain, you need to get new experience and look for insights in order to wean yourself from the ordinary, the present. Information received by intelligent beings throughout life in the form of knowledge, feelings and emotions is stored in the brain, turning into synaptic connections. Certain environments and events that affect a person give rise to thoughts that activate neural connections already inherent in the brain. These neural connections just reflect previous experience. Thus, according to Joe Dispenza, in reality only those events that can reproduce our thinking can materialize. That is, nothing new will happen in life if a person “thinks with old thoughts”, does the same as always, but also experiences the same emotions.

how to change life in 4 weeks

Quantum field and feelings

In interviews and autobiographies, many people known in the fields of science, politics, economics and society say that they always had a clear image of their future in their thoughts. Pictures of their success already existed in the quantum field, and these people convinced themselves so much of the reality of their planned future that they lived as if their dreams had already been realized.

There is nothing wrong with old thoughts and emotions, however, constantly scrolling and reviving the memory of old events and experiences leads to the fact that a person does not have a “place” in order to get new impressions, I am sure Joe Dispenza.

joe dispensa change life in 4 weeks

Here and now

In fact, people are often not in the present. For example, a person goes to work. How can he be somewhere else? In physical terms, he is really right here, but his thoughts are somewhere far away. He recalls a trip to the lake last week, and then thinks that if he is late, he will receive a reprimand from his boss. So it turns out that in reality a person is anywhere but in the present. The "here and now" state is very important to immerse yourself in the moment and get the opportunity to move in time and space. This will help to realize any potentials, because in the past there are no potentials anymore, it happened.

When a person tries to change life, the mind and body begin to resist. You can still try to “negotiate” with the mind, but in the case of the body, the matter is much more complicated. It is enough to recall how many times each of us tried to start a healthy lifestyle right from the following Monday: in the mornings - to run, regularly go to the gym, eat right. The body, as a rule, exerts resistance. Reason, a person understands that you should abandon this cake, but the body has already formed a dependence on sugar! Narcologists argue that this dependence is comparable in strength to the drug.

In any relationship, the body and mind are interchanged, says Joe in his book "The Power of the Subconscious, or How to Change Life in 4 Weeks." That is, the body is to some extent capable of thinking for you. Thought creates a memory, and it causes certain emotions. After some time, the thought turns into a memory and subsequently automatically reproduces the emotion encoded in itself. With repeated repetition, these three components (thought, memories and emotions) merge. So emotions are memorized. When we experience a memorized emotion, then, as a rule, we cannot trace its “roots”. So we live "on the machine."

the power of the subconscious mind how to change life in 4 weeks

Emotional addiction

In the book “How to Change Life in 4 Weeks,” Joe Dispenza claims that you can stop living “automatically” only by learning how to overcome emotional addictions. As soon as the addiction is overcome, the power that used to run this automatic program also disappears, which means that the "I" is changing. Memorized emotions, penetrating deep into the subconscious, literally become part of a person, part of his character and personality. But these are just programs that really have nothing to do with our personality. You can compare this with the applications installed on the smartphone.

Mood, according to Joe Dispenza, is a manifestation of short-term chemical conditions, as well as a protracted emotional reaction. And this means that a person can change his mood if he changes his thoughts.

How to change a life?

First of all, says Dispenza, it is necessary to work on your thoughts and feelings, and then try a new model of behavior. New behavior will help to gain new experience and experience new emotions. Over time, they will replace the old ones. Thus, a person can remove all unnecessary memorized programs, and instead leave new and useful ones. If you consciously approach this process, the brain and body will become one and stop conflict, the author of the book is sure.

It’s worth starting with building your happy image in your thoughts. To do this, you need to think about what you are missing for complete satisfaction and happiness, for living in harmony with yourself. It is necessary to formulate what you would like to add or remove, if you were making a new, improved version of yourself.

change life in 4 weeks by

Dependency reason

The book "The Power of the Subconscious, or How to Change Life in 4 Weeks" tells that addiction is formed if a person believes in the possibility of getting rid of internal discomfort by using any external factors. That is, a person may begin to chase after pleasure (drugs, food, computer games, alcohol), hoping that this will help him avoid painful and unpleasant emotions. However, he avoids the idea that external pleasures can not last forever and be infinite, they will always want more and more. In the absence of external pleasures, the path to happiness and satisfaction will be lengthened by as much time as the person tried to flee from himself. True happiness, according to Dispenza, is not an external pleasure, because depending on any factors only distance us from true happiness. It should not be sought outside, but inside itself.

Mindfulness and meditation

Awareness Joe Dispenza calls the process when a person notes certain thoughts and feelings, and then simply moves on. That is, there is no any assessment of what is happening, the person does not think about the reasons, does not accumulate criticism or anger, but simply notes and moves on.

Joe Dispenza also proposes in this book to change his life in 4 weeks through meditation. In the publication they are described in detail. The main ones are two: “Parts of the body” and “Incoming water”. This stage lasts the first week, and in the second week another stage begins - the process of weaning from oneself. It uses recognition, recognition and recognition techniques. For each week, the author offers his meditation practice.

New experiences to change your life

Securing new qualities

According to Joe Dispenza, it takes seven to nine weeks to form and consolidate new character traits. At the end of each day, you need to take stock, asking yourself questions about whether today's tasks have been successfully completed, whether there have been disruptions, and if so, why. It is also necessary to ask oneself what circumstances and under what conditions the old learned reactions appeared, and when these reactions arose so quickly that they could not be analyzed and interrupted. You should definitely ask yourself a question about what can be done to prevent such disruptions in the future.


Judging by the reviews, “Change your life in 4 weeks” can be recommended for independent study, as it describes various practices that you need to not just read, you need to work on them. Only in this way will the information that the author wanted to convey serve. All who diligently followed the meditation and other practices presented in the books note that their life has become more conscious.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16168/

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