How and how to unscrew an asterisk bolt. Preparation for the process

Often there is such a problem, when an asterisk bolt turns out to be broken, and with what to unscrew it, a person has no idea. And a situation may arise when it is not possible to unscrew the bolt with a key.


There are several causes for this problem:

  • sticking effect;
  • displacement of mounting parts;
  • the hexagon of the hardware at the time of installation was greatly tightened;
  • Using the wrong size keys when tightening the bolt.

How to unscrew a bolt under an asterisk: preparation

different size

Whatever the reason, prior to unscrewing it is necessary to carry out preliminary manipulations:

  • bolt fasteners should be treated with kerosene, wd-40 grease or brake fluid to reduce the coefficient of friction;
  • hammering an attached bolt;
  • heat the bolt with a gas burner so that the metal becomes more malleable, and dirt and rust turn into ashes.

How to unscrew an asterisk bolt

hex bolt

In order to unscrew the bolt, you can use the following methods:

  • with the help of a grinder or a hacksaw for metal, a clear and accurate vertical cut is made across the screw head, after which you can unscrew it with a flat screwdriver;
  • with the Torx sprocket: you need to hammer it into the hardware head, where there is a recess for the hex key, the sprocket should be of such a size that the slots do not go into its holes, then the hardware is unscrewed with a sharp jerk;
  • using a drill with extractors and drills, drill holes in the center of the hexagon, the extractor is then driven into it, then with the help of pliers it is pulled out together with the hexagonal screw;
  • a thin hole is drilled with a drill with reverse rotation, then a drill with a left rotation is inserted into it and the fasteners are twisted.

More ways

Other methods include:

  1. If the bolt is not too small, you can use a chisel or a regular hammer: they are applied at an angle to the direction of unscrewing the fasteners.
  2. Use of gas or ring spanner.
  3. You can use a wrench with a nozzle.
  4. Welding: it is necessary to weld a little metal with a nut or a piece of reinforcement to the fasteners, with the help of it it is then twisted.

An extreme measure is the complete dismantling of the mount when cuts are made with a hammer and the fasteners are disassembled.

The most important thing when working is not to forget about safety. Care should be taken to protect the face, eyes and hands during the above manipulations.


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