Internal and external functions of the state: a table with examples. The main internal and external functions of the Russian state, their characteristics and analysis

In the article, we consider a table of internal and external functions of the state. We will also dive into the details of each task, the implementation of which should be undertaken by the government of the country. Concrete examples and the situation that has developed specifically in the Russian Federation will be examined. Let's start with the main thing.

Internal and external functions of the state: table

The purpose of the existence of the state is that it should help the whole society to lead. It is clear that every person can not engage in management, because nothing will come of it. People transfer their rights to participate in the leadership through voting to those in power. The word "function" itself means a certain direction of action. Thanks to them, you can understand the social orientation of the country.

main internal and external functions of the Russian state

There are several approaches to how a country's goals can be considered. The most common approach is to divide functions into internal and external. The latter are to ensure the independence of the state among other states, the internal function is to ensure order within the country.

In a convenient form, let's see what tasks are assigned to the country. This is a classic division.




Division of labor


The introduction of new technologies


Turnover control


Credit and financial development


The international cooperation

Separately, such an external function as the defense of state borders is singled out. It includes increasing the combat power of the Armed Forces, training military personnel and strengthening positions.

We examined the classic internal and external functions of states in the table, but there are others. According to a different concept, the goals of the country are as follows:

  1. Legal regulation, which consists in the creation of constitutional norms, ensuring rights and the legal consideration of all cases.
  2. Environmental protection.
  3. Culture and education.
  4. Social development, which consists in the equitable distribution of benefits among the population.
  5. Coordination for social development, harmony and unity.
  6. Stabilization, which consists in supporting peace in society.
  7. The economic function, which is expressed in the regulation of the economy.

External missions are divided into:

  1. Defense and defense of the state, its independence. Includes military operations against other countries.
  2. Protection of interests in the international arena. It consists in concluding profitable international contracts, participating in solving global problems, and contributing to the development of the world.

Important internal tasks

In the table of external and internal functions of the state, the last of them we did not consider in detail. So, internal tasks can be basic and non-core. Let us dwell on their first form.

internal and external functions of the state table

The peculiarity of the main tasks is that they can be performed exclusively by the state. First of all, such functions include ensuring public law, security, freedom and the rule of law. When examined in more detail, this includes combating crime, counting the number of people, preventing crises and disasters, and measures to eliminate the consequences of natural disasters. The second main task is the establishment and monitoring of the implementation of public rules. The goal is to develop and implement civil, labor, etc. legislation.

The third important task is the regulation of the monetary and financial situation, that is, control over the issue of money. The last main goal is budget regulation, which is the collection of taxes, duties, etc.

main internal and external functions of the state

Minor internal tasks

We examined examples of internal and external functions of the state. Itโ€™s simple, because every adult has at least once encountered the state directly, wishing by law to achieve what he wants. However, not everyone knows about non-core functions, which are mostly internal in nature. They are conditionally divided into those that have formed historically and those that have appeared recently.

The internal and external functions of the Russian state are somewhat different from the generally accepted ones and this is normal. These differences are very slight. What non-core, historically established tasks do Russia face?

  1. Communication and transport management.
  2. Control over education and health.
  3. Protect and help handicapped people.
  4. Media management.

Some features become unnecessary over time. For example, the Russian media were privatized and at the moment the country operates only two television channels.

examples of internal and external functions of the state

New goals:

  1. The provision of social services.
  2. Taking economic and administrative measures to maintain a stable economic situation.
  3. State enterprise development.

External functions

Considering the external and internal functions of the state in the table, we did not dwell on the former in detail. External goals include:

  1. The use of the army to resolve international conflicts.
  2. Diplomatic activities aimed at solving global world problems.
  3. Stimulating the development of the international economy.
  4. Protecting the world economy from negative factors.

External functions are exclusively basic, since only the state apparatus can carry them out.


From the characteristics of the internal and external functions of the state, it becomes clear that each of them is very important. Let us dwell in more detail on those that have the greatest impact on an individual.

The country's economic task is to create jobs, enterprises, laws governing this area, and the necessary conditions for the development of non-state companies. Incorrect or incomplete fulfillment of this task leads to economic crises. Naturally, not always. However, even with a negative global situation, the country should try to maintain stability.

state functions external and internal table

Neither strict regulation by the state, nor its complete separation from economic affairs brings benefits. Both of these approaches have been tried in Russia. As a result, everyone came to the conclusion that it is better to adhere to the โ€œgolden meanโ€ - to enable the economy to develop independently, but from time to time to regulate its orientation.

Social politics

We briefly examined the internal and external functions of the state, and now we will dwell in detail on the tasks that directly concern each person. The social function is to ensure a decent standard of living for every citizen. This also includes the provision of medical care, protection of mothers, children and fathers, guaranteed minimum wages and pensions, labor protection. The social task also involves providing the necessary assistance to people who have suffered during a natural disaster.

internal and external functions of the state table with examples

It also includes cultural development and education. Maintaining universal values. The political function is manifested in ensuring the power of the people in all sectors in an acceptable form.

Ecology, taxes, law enforcement

The main internal and external functions of the Russian state cannot be imagined without protecting the environment. The government must necessarily intervene in these issues and ensure that enterprises do not cause irreparable harm to nature.

The fiscal function is very important, since its implementation ensures the filling of the state budget. It is carried out at all levels of government.

The law enforcement goal of each state consists of three components:

  1. Law enforcement.
  2. Protection and protection of property rights.
  3. Protection and protection of human rights.

Defense and peace

In the table of internal and external functions of states with examples, we indicated that the defense is carried out separately. The main task of the defensive function is to repel aggression from other states. Despite the peaceful political situation, not a single country reduces spending at the expense of the army. Experience has shown that other countries will always notice a weak โ€œcomradeโ€ and will not be too lazy to seize its territories peacefully or with the help of weapons.

internal and external functions of the Russian state

A more global task is to maintain peace not between individual countries, but throughout the world. War can lead to the death of all mankind, especially with modern technical power.

The international cooperation

Examples of internal and external functions of the state give an understanding that no matter how well a country fulfills its tasks, without interaction with others it cannot be complete. International cooperation is manifested in the creation of world organizations, the exchange of students, and the strengthening of cultural ties. The countries are jointly involved in border protection, issues of collective security, beneficial economic interaction, and the expansion of minority rights. The main internal and external functions of the state can be performed only in close cooperation with other countries.

In addition, such cooperation allows people who are for some reason found themselves in a foreign country not to be afraid for their future fate. Embassies solve many important and urgent matters every day, helping people from all over the world.

Thus, we examined the basic internal and external functions of the state.


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