Museum in Petrishchevo Zoe Kosmodemyanskoy. Feat of Zoe Cosmodemyan

One of the brightest heroines of the Great Patriotic War is Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. The museum in Petrishchevo dedicated to the first woman awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union has existed for many years. After all, it was in these places that the young scout fought and died.

Hero Biography

Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya Museum in Petrishchevo

What is the girl famous for? In 1923, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was born. In the museum in Petrishchevo you can get acquainted in detail with her biography. Born in the Tambov region in a family of teachers.

When Zoe was 6 years old, her family moved to Siberia. According to some reports, the father was exiled for his position against collectivization. According to another version, the family escaped, fleeing the denunciation.

In 1933, the father of the heroine of our article died after the operation, only mother was engaged in raising Zoe and her younger brother. At school, the girl did well, especially in the humanities - literature and history. At the age of 15, she joined the Komsomol.

When the Great Patriotic War began, she was 17 years old. In October 41, soon after adulthood, she volunteered for the Red Army. She was sent to a sabotage school. For some time she lived in the Irkutsk region, but then managed to return to the suburbs.

Scout feat

Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya biography

Soon after the start of training, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya received her first assignment. The museum in Petrishchevo tells in detail the story of her feat. The girl, along with fellow soldiers, was to burn ten settlements in the occupied territory. There is even a corresponding order for this, Commander-in-Chief Joseph Stalin. It took from five days to one week to complete.

It is worth noting that even when they entered the intelligence courses, the guys were warned that they would face mortal danger. 95% of them are likely to be killed or captured. Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya also knew about this. The biography of the Komsomol became an exemplary for many representatives of Soviet youth.

Aware of the mortal danger, the sabotage group went to carry out the task. They had with them a few Molotov cocktails and pistols.

As a result, all members of the reconnaissance squad were killed in shootings or tortured to death in captivity. Only Kosmodemyanskaya managed to partially implement the plan. She set fire to three village houses, in one of which there were German soldiers, and in the other two - the inhabitants of the village. Destroyed German horses.

During an attempt to set fire to the second village, a local resident of Sviridov raised the alarm, the heroine of our article was arrested.

Torture and execution

execution of zoe cosmodemyanskoy

Once in captivity, was subjected to lengthy interrogations and torture Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. The scout's biography abounds with eerie details. For example, according to eyewitnesses, she was stripped naked and flogged with straps. After a long time she was kept in the cold in one underwear. As a result, the girl received frostbite on her legs.

The next day, the execution of Zoe Kosmodemyanskoy took place. She was hanged. Before her death, she made a famous speech in which she called on all villagers to fight the Nazis, and invited the Germans to surrender. The main thing is not to be afraid of your own death in this fight, because the end result is much more important.

The execution of Zoya Kosmodemyanskoy became one of the examples of heroism during the Great Patriotic War, and the girl herself became a symbol of the unbending spirit of the Soviet people. Her image was often used in fiction, films, painting, and monumental art.

How to get to the museum?

Petrishchevo village

Today you can find out the most detailed history of the exploit of a scout by arriving at the Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya museum in Petrishchevo. How to get to your destination, we will tell in this article.

The first thing you need to get to Ruza is the district center of the Ruza district of the Moscow region. This can be done from the capital by bus, departing from the Tushinskaya metro station. You can also take the train, which leaves the Belorussky railway station or from the Begovaya metro station. It’s worth a ride to the Tuchkovo station. And from there, buses (every 40 minutes) and minibuses (with an interval of 10-20 minutes) go to Ruza.

If you drive your car, then go along the Minsk highway in the direction of Dorokhovo. There you will see a pointer to Ruza. Or along Novorizhskoe highway, also to the corresponding sign.

The village of Petrishchevo is located very close to Ruza. A distance of 30 kilometers is best covered by bus or car.

The memory of Zoya Kosmodemyanskoy

Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya museum in Petrishchevo how to get there

In the Moscow region cherish the memory of Zoya Kosmodemyanskoy. The museum in Petrishchevo has a large number of exhibits dedicated to her feat.

These are books written about her fate, archival family photographs and photographs taken by German soldiers and officers on the day that the execution of the Komsomol was carried out. On the stands are personal items of the Komsomol member.

A separate exposition is dedicated to gifts that were given in memory of Cosmodemyanskaya by her fans from all over the world. Here are packages from Burma, Angola, Cuba, Vietnam, Ethiopia and other countries.

A monument to Zoya Kosmodemyanskoy is also installed in the Ruza district . He appeared 11 years after the end of World War II. It was installed on the 86th kilometer of the Minsk highway. The project was developed by the sculptor Ikonnikov, and Kaminsky became the architect.

Another reconnaissance monument has recently been unveiled in Ruse itself. He appeared in 2013, on the eve of a kind of anniversary. Cosmodemyan could have turned 90 years old. It was donated to local residents by the Russian Historical Society. It is a bronze monument of the sculptor Zurab Tsereteli four meters high. A monument was erected on the square in front of the district culture house.

Cosmodemyanskaya - a symbol of heroism

They do not forget about the feat of Kosmodemyanskaya even today, and not only in Russia. For many years, it has become a true symbol of the heroism and courage of the people. An example of patriotism and love for the motherland.

Although various versions have repeatedly appeared in modern Russia, denigrating and belittling her feat, most historians are inclined to believe that she acted in the interests of her people, following the direct command of the command.

In a large number of publications that appeared in the 90s, some facts from her biography were cited, which were hushed up under the Soviet regime. Moreover, they were reflected as if in a crooked mirror. In the museum of the scout in Petrishchevo, you can find out how everything was really.


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