Overview and summary. "Children of the Underground"

dungeon children summary
Today, brevity and accuracy are in fashion, because everyone is in a hurry somewhere. Someone is in a hurry to work, to earn money, and someone wants to read a book faster in order to be able to properly answer the teacher’s question without stopping to spend evenings with friends. For the latter, this summary has been done.

"Children of the dungeon", Korolenko. The main character

The story begins with a description of the house where Vasily lives, the main character of this work. Vasya has a father, a city judge, and little sister Sonia. The hero’s mother died, and dad spent more time with Sonya. It so happened that the child was left to his own devices.

Summary of "Children of the dungeon." Venue of all events

A little hero lives in a small town of Prince-Gorodok. Around the city there are many ponds and there is a river with an island on which a real old castle is located. Beggars live in that castle, but not all. Once upon a time, the old man Janusz, a former servant of the owner, drove out most of them from the castle, allowing only “aristocrats” to remain. It so happened that the castle settled in unpleasant old people and old women. The remaining beggars settled near the old chapel, where, according to rumors, there was a whole network of dungeons. The reputation of these homeless people is not good, and all the inhabitants of the city knew that when they approached, wallets should be hidden. The main thing for them was a certain Tyburtius Drab - either the impoverished aristocrat, or the former servant of some wealthy student, gaining knowledge instead of the master. He often read from memory in taverns passages of ancient philosophical treatises and Latin, for which he received booze and coppers. Tyburtia has a son and a daughter. The first is seven years old, tall, and the girl, the same age as Sonya, is small and weak. Vasily met the children of the beggar king from the dungeon.

summary of the children of the dungeon Korolenko

"Children of the dungeon" : a summary. Plot

Vasya, often walking around the city, decided to somehow explore the chapel. In the attic, he met Valek, the son of Tyburtius, and Marusya, from whom, according to Drab, the dungeon stones themselves sucked life. Vasya treated them with apples, which began their friendship and communication. Vasya often complains about his father, who does not pay attention to him at all, but Valek praises him, since everyone in the city knows about the justice of the judge. The city often discusses how Basil’s father was not afraid to judge the real count. In the course of the story, Tyburtius himself learns about the friendship of children. He is angry, but allows them to communicate with the condition of observing the secrets of the dungeon. Meanwhile, Vasya begins to understand a lot ... The poor have a good dinner only in one case: they manage to steal something. The boy is sure that stealing is bad, but he is so sorry for the small, painful Marusya ... Autumn is coming. Maroussia completely weakened. Little, always very sad. Once, Vasily told Sonya about her and the girl, pitying Marusya, allowed her to bring her own doll, beautiful and valuable, to her peers. For a while. Marusa was given a temporary gift to her liking: she even began to smile, turned pink. Vasya was very sorry for her. However, Sonya's nanny found out about the disappearance of the doll. She began to ask her where the doll had gone. Sonya said that the doll will come soon. She (the doll) walks. The father of children found out about this. He asked Vasily a direct question:

dungeon children summary

- You took her doll?

Vasya admitted this. Father began to reprimand him for misconduct, because this is a gift from the deceased mother. He asked where the toy had gone. But Vasily was silent. The boy decided with Valek that he needed to return the toy home, but, seeing the tears of Marousi, every time he does not dare to pick up the doll. But ... one day Tyburtium appears and returns the doll to the judge. He talks about the friendship of children, and the judge understands that he unjustly accused his son of theft. He asks Vasya for forgiveness ... Sad news. Maroussia is dead. Father let Vasily say goodbye to Marusya and transferred the money to Tyburtia.

Summary: "Children of the dungeon." Epilogue

The beggars from the dungeons disappeared, and Vasya never again met Valek and Tyburtia. The boy often visits his grave with his father and Sonya, where they talk and read. After their visits, the flowers remain on the grave, which Marusia so loved to play ...


This is just a summary. "Children of the Underground" is a work to be read in its entirety. The plot of this story is simple. There are no detective mysteries or fantastic assumptions in it, but something catches on! The summary may well prompt many to read the whole story. And this is good. It's worth it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16195/

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