"Roncoleukin": instructions for use for animals

Unfortunately, pets are subjected to attacks of various viruses and bacteria very often. People, as you know, in order not to become infected with any unpleasant disease, among other things, often take immunostimulants. Today, such preparations are also available for cats and dogs. One of such modern medicines is the Roncoleukin drug developed by domestic scientists. Instructions for the use of this drug in the treatment of pets should, of course, be followed without fail.

Release form and composition

This medicine is supplied to veterinary clinics and pet stores in the form of a solution spilled in ampoules. Its main active ingredient is interleukin-2, obtained from yeast. The composition of the drug also includes the following substances:

  • sodium lauryl sulfate;

  • monnitol;

  • ammonium bicarbonate;

  • dithiothreitol;

  • water for injections.

drug bottle

Indications for use

This drug is usually used either for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, or for oncology in pets. It can be used in this case either individually or in combination with other drugs. When using this tool, the recovery of animals in any case occurs faster.

In addition to oncology, according to the instructions, "Roncoleukin" can be used for, for example, diseases such as:

  • viral infections;

  • bacterial pathologies;

  • fungal diseases;

  • burns, fractures and other injuries;

  • diseases of the eyes and mouth;

  • problems with the genitourinary system and skin.

Also, this tool is often used to alleviate the condition of the animal and accelerate its recovery in the postoperative periods. In addition, with the use of Roncoleukin, the health of very old cats and dogs is often maintained.

Use of the drug "Roncoleukin"


It is believed that the use of the drug "Roncoleukin" can not do any harm to the animal in any way. However, treatment with its use of cats and dogs, of course, is not always possible. It is forbidden, according to the instructions to "Roncoleukin", to give it to the pet if the latter has such problems:

  • An allergic reaction to the components of the drug.

  • Diseases of the circulatory system.

  • Heart failure.

Pregnant cats and dogs are also not given this medicine. "Roncoleukin" is a veterinary drug, which is not allowed to be used in case of disturbances in the animal’s heart rhythm.

Application methods

It is allowed to introduce this drug into the body of domestic animals:

  • orally;

  • intramuscularly;

  • intravenously.

In case of various skin diseases, the Roncoleukin solution for cats and dogs can also be used externally. Intravenously, this drug is usually administered to pets in veterinary clinics. It can be injected intramuscularly at home. The same goes for oral administration, of course.

Dog treatment "Roncoleukin"

How to use Roncoleukin for cats

For such pets, this remedy is usually prescribed in the amount of one injection per day for a five-day course. The specific dosage of this medicine depends on the type of disease. So, for example:

  • for chronic ailments, cats are given 5 injections of 10 thousand units per 1 kg of weight;

  • the same dose is used in the treatment of purulent inflammation and intestinal infections;

  • with renal polycystosis, 20 thousand units per 1 kg of weight are prescribed for 5-7 days with an interval of 48 hours;

  • for the treatment of oncology use 15 thousand units / kg for 5 days;

  • in order to increase immunity, 5-10 thousand units / kg are prescribed 1-3 times every other day.

Roncoleukin for cats

How is Roncoleukin used for dogs

For these animals, the drug is also most often prescribed one injection per day for 5 days. Dosages in this case are selected individually, depending on the age and specific disease of the animal.

For example:

  • to prevent the development of complications after operations use 5 thousand IU / kg before or after surgery;

  • 10 thousand IU / kg are used to restore the immunity of old animals (two injections with an interval of 48 hours);

  • to prevent the effects of stress, Roncoleukin for dogs is used in an amount of 5 thousand IU / kg 48 hours before an important event or, for example, transportation.

Injections of this drug to dogs and a cat can be done on their own. But the veterinarian should, of course, calculate the dose of the medicine in each case.

Roncoleukin Injection

Side effects

One of the absolute advantages of using Roncoleukin for treatment is that, unlike many other veterinary drugs, it does not have any harmful effect on the kidneys and liver of pets. Moreover, the tool can even improve the condition of these organs in cats and dogs.

Side effects when using this medicine are extremely rare. But sometimes a negative reaction of the body after taking it can still be observed. The most common side effects from using Roncoleukin are:

  • itching at the injection site;

  • heart rhythm disturbance;

  • chills;

  • temperature rise.

Sometimes, as already mentioned, this remedy can cause allergic reactions in cats and dogs. If this effect occurs, the drug should be stopped immediately.

Use "Roncoleukin" for animals, of course, should be strictly according to the instructions and in accordance with the recommendations of the veterinarian. Overdoses of this medication lead to heart rhythm disturbances and fever. In order to stop side effects from the use of Rokoleikin in an animal, they are usually given analeptics or anti-inflammatory drugs.

Interaction with other medicines

It is believed that this drug can be used simultaneously with:

  • antibiotics;

  • vaccines;

  • vitamins;

  • iron preparations;

  • antiviral drugs.

It is not recommended to use this drug in conjunction with glucose.

"Roncoleukin" for dogs

How to make an injection

At home, Roncoleukin is usually administered to cats and dogs subcutaneously at the withers. Before injection, the drug is then necessarily diluted with saline. In its pure form, a pet should not be pricked in any case. Otherwise, the animal will be very hurt. The pet will feel as if hot oil was poured under his skin. Dilute the drug from one ampoule with saline in an amount of 1.5-2 ml.

In the absence of experience of injection, it is better to have a veterinarian instruct. Each injection to the animal must be delivered correctly, without loss of drug. Breaks in the course of treatment greatly reduce the effectiveness of this medicine.

In which cases you can not use the tool itself

Judging by the instructions, Roncoleukin has not so many contraindications. However, use for injection is allowed, of course, only a quality drug. Do not prick this product to your pet:

  • if the medicine has expired;

  • in case of violation of the tightness of the ampoules;

  • in the presence of precipitate, turbidity or impurities in the solution.

You should not use the drug to treat animals even if the package does not contain information about its expiration date and time of release.

How to store

The shelf life of Roncoleukin in ampoules is 2 years. After a leak, it is allowed to store this product for no more than 2 days. After this period, the medicine should be disposed of.

How to treat dogs with Ronklein

It is believed that it is best to store this product at a temperature of 2-8 ° C. That is, you should definitely keep it at home in the refrigerator. Otherwise, the drug will quickly deteriorate and it will not be possible to use it for treating pets. Transporting this medicine is allowed at an air temperature of up to +25 ° C. But in this case, the means delivered to the destination should be within a maximum of 10 days.

Of course, it is worth storing this medicine in the house in such a way that animals or children could not access it on their own. Taking this product in large quantities, as already mentioned, can be dangerous.

Reviews about the drug

The opinion of pet owners about the drug "Roncoleukin" has developed simply excellent. Most owners of cats and dogs believe that, for example, he can help a pet's health that is shaken due to infection, very well. When using this remedy, even completely hopeless animals, to which veterinarians have already passed a “death sentence,” often get to their feet. The growth of cancerous tumors this agent slows down significantly. And sometimes animals, when treated with this drug, even recover from oncology.

Judging by the reviews, Roncoleukin has a significant drawback. Owners of cats and dogs find it quite expensive. However, most pet owners still believe that the price of this medicine is far from prohibitive. At least, many cat and dog lovers are advised to purchase this product for a home pet kit.

Immunostimulants for cats and dogs

"Roncoleukin" for humans

The fact that this tool is able to cure animals from the most dangerous diseases impresses, of course, many owners. And some even wonder if people can use the veterinary Roncoleukin. Doctors do not advise doing this. This drug was still developed for animals. In addition, on the market today there is a "Roncoleukin", designed specifically for the treatment of humans. And of course, this means will be more correct in this case.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16196/

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