Features of Kabardian names. Top 20 names for boys and girls

In anthroponymy, a Caucasian group of names is distinguished. This is a fairly broad category. It includes Ossetian, Chechen, Circassian, Abkhaz, Adyghe, Dagestan, Georgian and Kabardian names. They originate in the Iberian-Caucasian family of languages. At the same time, Kabardian names underlie their study.


Kabardian children

Like many others, the names of Kabardians can be divided into several groups. Distribution depends on the history of their formation.

  1. Pagan group. These are Kabardian names that were formed during pagan times.
  2. Bible group. Educated under the influence of Islam and Christianity.
  3. The original Kabardian group. These are nicknames.
  4. Geographical group. Kabardian names related to geographical names.
  5. Generic names. With eastern roots.
  6. Borrowed names. Most often these are names from the Turkic or Persian languages.

Kabardian names for boys

Kabardian men

They are distinguished by variety and unique sonority. Their meanings are connected with historical roots. Named by the specific name of their heir, whole celebrations are held in Kabardian families. At the same time, historical customs are respected. Most often, even in modern Kabardino-Balkaria, the name of the boy is given to the oldest member of the family - grandfather or great-grandfather, or the youngest boys in the family - brothers. In this case, the mother or relatives on her part did not have the right to choose a name for the boy.

  1. Abid - Persian "worshiper."
  2. Adam - room. "created from the dust of the earth."
  3. Bziu is a load. "wanderer".
  4. Biba - Uzbek. "lord".
  5. Goshgar - Turkic. "brave".
  6. Guash - Adyghe. "master".
  7. Goulez - Persian "gold".
  8. Jansur - Turkic. "soul is like water."
  9. Zaraf is an Arab. "mind, wit."
  10. Zafer is an Arab. "winner".
  11. Islam is an Arab. "obedience to Allah."
  12. Ismail is an Arab. "God hears."
  13. Ishaq is an Arab. "prophet".
  14. Naurz - cab. "chapter".
  15. Nur - cab. "born on the first day."
  16. Nurbiy is Adyghe. "bright master."
  17. Shagdet - Adyghe. "born to be master."
  18. Shamset - Turkic. "the sun".
  19. Shamkhan is Chechen. "northern leader".
  20. Shagib - Dag. "comet".

Kabardian names for girls

Kabardian women and man

They are distinguished by originality and tenderness. Most often they are melodic. Their meanings are associated with the personal qualities of the bearer of the name. Basically, it reflects such features of a woman as beauty, mind, chastity, kindness, nobility, purity and other virtues. When naming a girl, parents believe that they endow her with important character traits.

  1. Akulina - lat. "eaglet".
  2. Akbiich - Turkic. "bright mistress."
  3. Alakez - cab. "beauty".
  4. Altynkiz - Turkic. "golden daughter".
  5. Aminat - Turkic. "trustworthy".
  6. Babu - Afr. "grandfather".
  7. Babun - Turkic. "knowing."
  8. Baldan - Turkic. sweet.
  9. Davum - Turkic. "loving."
  10. Zaynaf - Turkic. sweet.
  11. Zahidat - Kazakh. "devout".
  12. Kekala is a cargo. "beautiful."
  13. Kuljan - Turkic. "fragrant flower."
  14. Mariam is an Arab. "bitter."
  15. Marziyat - Dag. "heroic."
  16. Radimkhan - Persian "satisfied mrs."
  17. Pollock - cab. "lucky."
  18. Surat - Persian "form".
  19. Taukhidya - Tatars. "monotheism".
  20. Fizilyat - Turkic. "virtue".


Customs and traditions in the naming of Kabardian boys and girls are very important. Therefore, they are in first place when choosing a name for a newborn. But modern Kabardinians also understand that only the right upbringing and education can affect the life and fate of the younger generation.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16197/

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