The Witcher 2 game: where to look for Malena, completing the quest

The passage of the second part of the series The Witcher takes much less time than the first or third game. Despite this, The Witcher 2 has something to do: passing orders, trading, mini-games, a storyline, additional quests and communicating with secondary characters. Let us dwell on the last paragraph and figure out where to look for Malena in “The Witcher 2”.

Who is it?

First, get acquainted with this character. Malena is a typical elf who has the same goals as her entire family. She collaborates with an ordinary gang of Scoia'tael and implements a cunning plan to lure Flotzam's guards into a cave, where an unsuspecting squad awaits an elven ambush.

Where to look for Malena in & quot; The Witcher 2 & quot;

The plan is successful, but the soldiers do not just abandon the case, but find it and are going to judge. The punishment for such a crime, of course, is the most severe - execution by hanging. Malena is not going to admit her actions. The witcher has to figure out this matter and decide whether he trusts the girl or not. The further development of events depends on his choice.

To know where to look for Malena in The Witcher 2, you need to read the further instructions for this quest. It is worth noting that, regardless of the decisions of Geralt and the final outcome of the assignment, the main plot of the game and the series as a whole will not change.

Where to find?

To begin with, where to find Malena in the game "The Witcher 2". To do this, you must go through the story line before arriving in Flotzam. Strolling around the fortress, do not forget to visit the village of Bindyuga, which is located near the ship. On the path from the village to the cave, you will notice a group of guards who are discussing something loudly and violently. Go to them and enter into a conversation (a dialogue is activated automatically when approaching secondary characters).

Where to find Malena in The Witcher 2

During the first conversation with the guards, Geralt learns the details of the event. After this, our hero becomes available with several options that affect the passage of the quest and its final to varying degrees. Now you know where to find Malena in "The Witcher 2", so let's move on to the development of events in the assignment.

First option

The innocent-looking elf does not want to come to terms with her fate and offers the witcher a walk to the crime scene. Since Geralt is an excellent detective, he could easily figure out the real reason for the tragedy and advise the correct decision to the guards. However, no one bothers you to listen to the whole conversation and just go about your business. This is the whole distinguishing feature of The Witcher 2, where you can find dozens of secondary stories and decide whether you want to participate in this. If you decide to stay away, the guards will arrange for lynching. This is the first and most severe way to complete this quest.

Second option

Passage of the game "The Witcher 2" is famous for its truly rich variation, despite the small game world and the overall duration of the plot. If the main character decides to take part in the investigation, then he needs to go to the caves. Not far from the place where Malena had to look for in The Witcher 2 to start the quest, there is an entrance to a rather deep and winding cave. Having found it, be sure to explore every corner and check all the clues that you find. It is worth warning that when you visit the cave, monsters will be waiting for you, which you need to get rid of once, so that they do not interfere in the future.

Where to find the runaway elf Malen

During the investigation, Geralt finds out the real reason. Everywhere the bodies of the guards lie, from which arrows stick out. The fact that the arrows belong to the Scoia'tael does not leave the second option for the elf - she participated in a conspiracy. With the collected evidence and all the information, Geralt goes to the exit from the cave, where he is awaited by a company of guards along with Malena. During the conversation, the main character of the game can also choose several answer options that will affect the outcome of the quest and the fate of the minor character.

It is in the second version of the passage that even more endings are opened. Firstly, you can tell the guards everything the way it really was. After that, you will no longer have options to save Malene's life. Law enforcement officers will arrest the elf regardless of her excuses. Naturally, she is executed, and you will never meet this hero or his mention. By the way, after the indicative execution in the city and its environs, the guards will cease to disappear, which will only confirm the correctness of Geralt. However, you can act differently, which will lead to more detailed events.

Where to find a runaway elf

Lie to the guards

If you suddenly liked Malena in The Witcher 2, where it’s difficult to find positive characters (even inveterate scammers may seem like good heroes), then you can keep the true reason for the loss of the guard in secret. Instead, Geralt tells a fictional story about how soldiers went into the cave and fell into the clutches of monsters. They begin to believe in this fairy tale, because it is told not by someone outsiders, but by a professional in their field. The company of guards is upset, but does not start a riot, but simply retires according to their business, leaving Geralt and Malena alone. From this moment, another branch begins, which depends on further actions.

Conversation with Malena

After you helped the elf pass the execution, she promises to thank you. But not right here and now, but in a designated place. So, let's figure out where to look for Malena in “The Witcher 2” after this conversation. During the dialogue, the elf tells you that she agrees to meet near a beautiful waterfall. Find it on the map is quite difficult, but easy to navigate the area. This place is located near the elven ruins, which are hard to miss.

Walkthrough The Witcher 2

Indeed, Malena will be at the venue. However, you will not have to wait for a pleasant pastime, since the meeting will be fraudulent, and Geralt will fall into another trap. As a result, the girl escapes, and instead, scoya'tael begin to appear from everywhere. In this moment, the witcher has no choice, since he must either kill all the opponents or perish.

Continuation of the task

You won’t be able to ignore the battle or run away from the elves, because after these actions you will not activate the continuation of this quest. Therefore, be sure to defeat all enemies, and then go in search of a traitor. And even at this stage, the protagonist has the opportunity to independently determine the fate of a minor character.

Where to find the escaped elf in The Witcher 2 ("The Witcher 2")?

After the attack of a detachment of elves, Malena escapes in an unknown direction. You can find it in the course of an independent study of the location, since for all quests you will have to visit every section of Flotzam and the surrounding area. In order not to figure out for a long time where to find the escaped elf Malen, you can use this guide.

Where to find the elf Malena

You can find the girl near the ruins of an abandoned hospital. She is extremely frightened and upset because her plan has failed, and she does not know what to do in a situation where Geralt found her. After a short conversation, our hero has a choice of three options.

Kill Malena

If you are disappointed in how the elf did, then you can take revenge on her without much explanation and talk. It is enough to choose the appropriate option in the dialog. After that, the quest will automatically end, and the corresponding description of the task will appear in the journal.

Release Malena

If the girl’s betrayal did not affect your decision, then you can let her go. However, with one condition: the elf should not appear in Flotzam and its environs. The girl will thank you for showing mercy, and after that Geralt will never meet her again.

Hand over to Malena

You can transfer the right to decide the fate of the elf into the hands of Loredo and his soldiers. However, in this case, you will no longer know what happened to the girl in the future. Judging by the integrity of the Flotzam guards, justice in such matters does not smell. Most likely, she will be killed or hanged in public.

Where to find Malena in the game "The Witcher 2"


That, perhaps, is all. Now you know where to find Malena in The Witcher 2. We wish you a pleasant pastime while completing this fascinating quest!


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