Short evening dress: how not to cause ridicule of others

Short evening dresses (photo below) have always been one of the most traditional outfits for the holiday. And at the same time provocative and dangerous. Why dangerous? Yes, because it is very easy to cross the thin line and turn out to be not trendy, but vulgar. In general, an evening short dress shows the level of your taste: correctly selected, it will emphasize all the advantages of the figure and demonstrate all the most attractive parts of the body - legs, arms, neckline, graceful shoulders, waist, but poorly chosen will cause only poisonous smiles of people around.

evening short dress

Who can wear a short dress

If you have a size larger than the 54th, then you can forget about short dresses in principle. If the size is 50-54, then everything is fixable. The correct style and cut will hide the flaws: unattractive hands can be hidden with long sleeves, the massive shoulders can be masked with free, flying cut sleeves, the voluminous belly can be adjusted with the style of the tunic. In general, every woman knows her weaknesses and will not put them on display. Still full girls should not choose a mini length, just above the knee and to the middle of the thigh - the best option. Lucky owners of the 44-48th size also need not be rejoiced: even thin figures have flaws, for example protruding clavicles, bony knees, lack of proper proportions, etc. So not every evening short dress is suitable for them, but only models of a certain style.

Types of short evening dresses:

short evening dresses photo

1. Retro, type of A-silhouette (triangle).

2. Vintage.

3. Dress with a voluminous fur skirt.

4. Case.

5. Dress with high waist.

6. Peplum.

These are the most relevant models of the last two years. However, if you look at evening dresses 2013, short (photo above) and narrow models made of shiny fabric, then we can say that they have become a very relevant novelty. Although a narrow, short and at the same time shiny dress was always considered the height of tastelessness. Such an outfit, according to most people, was only suitable for women with a certain occupation. But fashion is changeable, and fashion designers returned this silhouette to the catwalk. Nevertheless, such a provocative outfit is not suitable for every fashionista - it’s not even the proportions of the figure, but the ability to choose the right accessories, hairstyle, as well as the art to present oneself correctly. The same evening short dress on one woman will look trendy and charming, and on the other (even with the same figure) - frank cheapness.

evening dresses 2013 short photos

Where to wear

An evening short dress can be compared with a butterfly that lives only one day. These outfits are usually bought for a specific event: corporate party, birthday, friendly party. And after the holiday, the outfit takes its place of honor in the closet until better times, which may never come. An evening short dress is worn once, at best, two or three times. For example, if you put on one outfit for the birthday of a loved one, you can only wear it again for a trip to a cafe with colleagues. So does it make sense to buy it? And how! After all, just such clothes allow us to feel beautiful, loved, desired ...


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