What is the name of Pechorin: name and patronymic of the hero of the famous novel

Pechorin is the protagonist of the famous novel “A Hero of Our Time”. Children read this work at school. What is the name of Pechorin? The name and patronymic of this person is Grigory Alexandrovich. Who is he? The protagonist of the novel is an officer who was exiled from the northern capital to the Caucasus due to one tragic incident, then he traveled a bit, and died on the way from Persia.

what is the name of Pechorin
It seems that we know very little about this person. But the author did not set out to tell in detail about the life path of Pechorin, his psychology, actions and their causes are more important to him. Grigory Alexandrovich was brought up in a noble family. He stood out clearly against the background of a gray crowd. There were few such cultural people like him at that time. In addition, Pechorin was very smart, loved to philosophize, knew a lot from history and literature. The main character reflected on the meaning of life, on good and evil, on God and death. He always speaks succinctly and wisely, which testifies to his education. Many random interlocutors asked what Pechorin’s name was, and wanted to continue talking with him, because such an intelligent person was rarely seen. It seems that the main character has two souls: prudent and impassive and romantic, loving poetry and beauty.

Meaningless life, loss of the best qualities

This clever man feels that he is capable of much, he realizes that he came to this world not just like that, but lives his years senselessly. He realizes that he does not live correctly, and this depresses him. Many people wonder about the name of the horse Pechorin. His name is Circassian.

The author critically approaches Pechorin. The main character is exchanged for trifles. His life consists of love affairs and beautiful gestures. Outwardly, he seems to be a completely prosperous person. His love did not bestow joy on anyone; on the contrary, it brings only suffering. Pechorin seems restrained and unemotional. Nobody knows that friendship and love are not alien to him.

what was the name of the horse Pechorin
The main character recalls the past years. He told Princess Mary about how his soul gradually degraded, reflected on why there was no more purity and morality in him.

Relationship with girls

Now that he no longer had any good qualities, he became gloomy and lonely. Among people, he is sad, but he can’t do nothing, he wants to occupy himself with something. Once Pechorin, whose name is already known to you, decides that under the Chechen bullets he will not be bored, and goes to the Caucasus. He unceremoniously intervenes in human destinies, causes suffering to all. He was sad, and he did everything to make him fall in love with Bel. Pechorin did not feel any feelings for her, he was just interested to take hold of the heart of this pure, innocent girl who seemed so unlike the secular ladies. When Bela fell in love with him, he no longer needed her. He did not want anyone to worship him, the girl ceased to seem attractive to him. A similar situation is present in the story of Princess Mary. She learns what is the name of Pechorin, begins to communicate with him ... As a result, he falls in love with the girl, and then cools towards her. Then he kills his former friend Grushnitsky in a duel.

what is the name of Pechorin name patronymic
Mary openly confesses his love to him, but Pechorin says that he does not need her. However, the torment of the princess does not leave him indifferent, he admits that he was on the verge, and was ready to answer her in return. But nevertheless Pechorin is indifferent to Mary, as well as to Bela. He does not want to start a family with her, and the princess dreams about it. The protagonist of the novel does not know how to love, he can not make a single person happy, just like himself.

Pechorin’s relationship with Vera is also full of drama. This woman is the only one who managed to discern a courageous soul and a noble heart behind a mask of impassivity. By the way, what is the name of Pechorin, you already know.


The protagonist is lonely, does not trust either comrades or lovers. He is distinguished by cynicism. In his opinion, love is like a cut flower, having admired which, you need to throw it on the road - maybe someone will pick it up.

Pechorin name middle name

Troubled era

The author did not try to criticize Pechorin nor put him in a better light. The main character is out of luck. Maybe if he was born at another time, his life would not have gone so aimlessly. Today, students read a novel about this man and reflect on his difficult fate. What is the name of Pechorin, they learn from the book.

Vicious society

When the same flaws or shortcomings are characteristic of the whole generation, do not blame people for this - society is to blame. It is him who should be corrected, and not Pechorin. The hero of his time suffered from the fact that he was born in a dysfunctional era. Perhaps the reader wants to blame him for the broken destinies and suffering that he inflicted on people, but is it worth it? We should not forget that Pechorin himself suffered constant torment, yearned and could not find a place in his life.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16210/

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