Is it possible to pass permits to Turkey? How to return money for a ticket to Turkey?

Holidays in Turkey are a good thing, especially if you have been preparing for it all year long. Only tickets were purchased in advance, for three to four months, and some for six months. Immediately before the trip, circumstances may arise that may result in the trip not taking place.

Is it possible to pass vouchers to Turkey

You go to a travel agency with the desire to terminate the contract and return your “hard earned” money. But it was not there. Your question about whether it is possible to pass permits to Turkey hangs in the air. When you bought a ticket, a very nice girl was talking to you. All of you were happy and offered tours for every taste. Now the situation has changed radically: you are no longer happy to see you, a person who is not very happy with your arrival is talking with you and tells you about a million reasons why they cannot return the money. Let’s see if it is possible to pass vouchers to Turkey, in what time frame, how to do it and what is the procedure for returning money.

Reasons People Refuse Vouchers

The reasons can be absolutely any:

  • Voluntary refusal. You do not have good reasons, as well as documents confirming the need to postpone for a while or completely abandon the ticket. In order not to lose a huge amount of money (note: a refusal a week before departure will cost you 100% of the cost; in the period from 8 to 14 days - 50%; in 15-21 days - 25%; for 22-30 days - 10%), it is prudent to ask to change the terms of an existing tour. In case of refusal, you have only one way out - go to court.

On a note! According to the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” (Article 32), a tourist (consumer) has every right at any time to refuse to execute an agreement concluded between him and the tour operator on the provision of services (that is, work). Only under one condition: the contractor receives payment of all actual expenses associated with the fulfillment of obligations under this agreement.

  • Forced refusal (referred to in the Federal Law "On the Basics of Tourism of the Russian Federation" in Article 10). Due to certain serious personal reasons (urgent work, illness, childbirth and others) that have developed in a certain way, you cannot go on a trip. As arguments, you have the opportunity to provide documents (medical certificates, contracts, etc.). A forced refusal also includes radical changes in the conditions of rest (as opposed to those specified in the contract): replacing the dates of departure and arrival, a significant increase in expenses associated with the trip, as well as the absence of the necessary documents (for example, visas).

how to return money for a ticket to Turkey

In the event of a forced refusal, tourists pass tickets to Turkey. And what can they do? Of course, you can demand either to return the cost of the permit in full, or to postpone the timing and direction of your vacation. That is, in this situation everything is in your hands: it is you (and not the tour operator) who choose what is convenient for you. It is unlikely that you will succeed, but with some perseverance (despite the "draconian" terms of the contract and all those huge penalties in case of refusal), you can get back as much as 100% of the cost of the tour.

In what cases can a travel company cancel a package tour?

There are a number of reasons why a travel agency is not able to provide you with relaxation:

  • She went broke.
  • The direction in which the trip was supposed to take place is closed.

Travel agency went broke

How to return money for a ticket to Turkey, if the travel agency is bankrupt? By law, you are due the entire amount previously paid for a trip that failed. This is ideal, but in fact everything is different. The company has very little capital, which will be used to pay off, that is, the satisfaction of all claims (and there are a lot of them: hundreds or even thousands of times more than the capabilities of a travel agency). In the best case, the “lucky” can get from the strength of 5-20% of the cost of the tour. And in the worst, no one will get anything. Therefore, take what they give, and then the court hopes to get the rest. Only in this way and nothing else.

pass a ticket to Turkey because of the virus

Direction closed

The vacation destination may be closed for several reasons:

  • Natural disasters (typhoons, earthquakes, tsunamis).
  • Cases of mass infection with various diseases. The question immediately arises whether it is possible to pass permits to Turkey.
  • A large number of victims, due, for example, to shark attacks.

In the case of closing the direction, there is a nuance - is there an official ban or not:

  • If you have one, you need to contact the office where the ticket was purchased and write a statement on the termination of the tour operator to terminate the contract and return the money. It will not be superfluous to get a mark at the airport that the flight has been canceled.

Advice! First: the sooner you apply with the application, the more likely you are to get something (it’s unlikely that everyone will be satisfied). Indeed, even for a major operator, closing a direction (for example, such as Turkey) is a shock. And what can we say about those who have this only direction in general. Second: if the tour operator offers another direction (with surcharge), agree: you won’t lose money either, and you won’t have to postpone your vacation. This is the question of whether to take permits to Turkey. You decide.

  • If it is not, then the return of the tour is qualified only as your voluntary refusal. About how to act in this case, it was said above.

We make a claim

How to return money for a ticket to Turkey? First, we take such an important step as drawing up a claim in the name of the tour operator, a sample of which can either be downloaded on the Internet or borrow directly from a travel company (during a personal visit). Moreover, the compilation of such a document is always necessary, regardless of what is the reason for refusing a ticket.

whether to pass permits to Turkey

Advice! Be sure to fill out a claim in two copies: one, give it to the tour operator for signature, and the second (with a note that the first has been submitted for consideration), leave to yourself.

If it is not possible to personally submit a claim, then send it in the form of a registered letter by mail (required with notification).

Important! Pre-make photocopies of all documents sent, as well as save all receipts and receipts issued at the time of registration of the registered letter.

The second step should be to appeal to Rospotrebnadzor with a complaint about the actions of the travel agency. Perhaps the verification of a travel agency by this organization will work as a catalyst in the process of returning money for a ticket. Or maybe not.

On a note! To the question of whether it is worth taking tickets to Turkey. Or maybe just sell them to someone from relatives, acquaintances or colleagues.

Without a trial, the problem cannot be dealt with

If it is not possible to resolve all issues with the tour operator “amicably”, there is only one way out - to go to court. It would be nice to contact the Rospotrebnadzor. This supervisor will not only help in the lawsuit, but at the same time it will check the work of the travel agency (they will definitely detect violations for which there are serious fines).

Tourists hand over permits to Turkey

On a note! According to Russian laws (in court), you can be charged (in percentage terms) only expenses that the travel agency has already incurred. But, it is unlikely to be able to prove the fact of payment (unless it is disingenuous), since it usually transfers all funds for providing you services such as accommodation and flights, with a significant delay or after the provision of services.

Therefore, when asked whether it is possible to pass permits to Turkey, we confidently answer: “It is definitely possible through the court.”

We return money through the bank

If you do not want to contact the judicial authorities, you can do it more cunningly: get money for a failed or poor quality tour through a bank. Not bad idea! But you can realize your plan only on the condition that you paid for the tour through a financial institution. The procedure for returning money for a ticket to Turkey through a bank is as follows:

  • Write to the bank whose client you are a statement about the refund. It indicates the reason why you consider the transaction to transfer funds to be unlawful (for example, the provision of tourist services of an undue level).
  • The financial institution considers your reasoned request, as a result of which it refunds the applicant’s bank card from the specified account (most often the bank takes the tourist’s side).

Is it worth it to take tours to Turkey

On a note! If for reasons you indicate the bankruptcy of a travel agency, it is unlikely that the result will be positive.

General recommendations

Recommendations useful to fans of acquiring permits in travel agencies:

  • Always carefully read the terms of the contract, especially what is written very “small” (if you disagree with something, you have the right not to sign or add what you consider necessary).
  • It is more prudent to pass a ticket to Turkey because of the virus than to get sick on vacation and “bite your elbows”.

refund procedure for a ticket to Turkey

  • The possibility of bankruptcy of a tour operator is directly proportional to the growth of failed tourists who would very much like to get their money back.
  • Better not take the risk and do not give in to tempting offers, buying the cheapest tours.


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