Ceramsite concrete block wall: characteristics, pros and cons

For the first time, blocks with the addition of expanded clay began to be used in construction more than 60 years ago. Then, with their help, buildings of various purposes were erected. Since then, many innovative materials have been created, so the expanded clay concrete wall block has been gradually forgotten. However, today its popularity is starting to grow again, due to a number of positive qualities. Let's look at what this material is and what positive and negative properties are inherent in it.

Production of expanded clay concrete blocks

Expanded clay is a loose filler, which is obtained by burning light-alloy varieties of clay. This component acts as the basis for building blocks, to which cement, sand and water are added during the manufacturing process. Depending on the proportion of all components, the resulting material has various properties.

expanded clay concrete block

The method of production of expanded clay blocks determines the purpose and main characteristics of the final product. Products, which include more expanded clay (than cement), are particularly lightweight and have high thermal insulation qualities, while they are more fragile and expensive. The block of fine-grained filler has increased strength, but it is not practical to use it as a heater.

Visual differences

In appearance and structure, the expanded clay wall concrete block is divided into 4 groups:

• facial products;

• ordinary blocks;

• solid bricks;

• hollow products.

The products of the first group are designed for the construction of the external walls of the room, since they have a presentable appearance and do not require subsequent decoration. Ordinary blocks must be processed and covered with any decorative material.

expanded clay block size

Solid options are made for use in multi-story construction. In such walls fasteners keep excellent, making them ideal for arranging ventilated facades.

Hollow expanded clay-concrete block (wall) is characterized by ease of installation, ease and low heat conductivity, but it can be used for the construction of low-rise buildings (no higher than two levels).

Material Specifications

Depending on the manufacturing method and purpose of the blocks, their technical characteristics vary, but we will highlight the average values ​​for wall products:

1. The density of the block . This is the main criterion for choosing products for construction. The reliability of the erected wall and its properties depend on it. Depending on the quality of the raw materials, the density of the product may vary, but most often it is in the range from 500 to 1800 kilograms per m³. Resistance to loads in this case is about 25-35 kilograms per cm².

2. Dimensions. The size of the expanded clay block depends on its type. The most common options are with a width of 70, 190, 390 and 425 mm. The height of such products most often is 190 and 240 mm, and the length is from 120 to 450 mm.

3. Thermal conductivity . In terms of energy-saving quality, all expanded clay concrete products are divided into two groups. The first category includes hollow products weighing from 600 to 1100 kg / m³, which are characterized by low thermal conductivity. The second group includes products from 1200-1800 kg / m³, which are less reliable as thermal insulation.

4. Vapor permeability . Expanded clay passes steam through itself several times better than brick. This quality contributes to maintaining a favorable microclimate in the room, as the walls absorb excess moisture and give it away in case of air drying. Also, this material does not interfere with natural air exchange.

5. Resistance to temperature extremes . When frozen and thawed, the blocks do not lose their original strength for many years. During combustion, the material is able to maintain its properties for 8 hours, which allows us to talk about its safety.


The claydite-concrete wall block has a number of positive qualities, due to which its use has become again relevant today. One of its main advantages is the relatively low cost. If we compare the costs of building a house of brick and expanded clay concrete material, then the costs in the second option will be one third lower than in the first.

production of expanded clay concrete blocks

Also, the positive properties of this product include:

• reduction of building construction time (due to the size of expanded clay concrete block);

• light load on the base of the building;

• good strength;

• resistance to environmental influences;

• lack of shrinkage process;

• the possibility of laying with glue and mortar;

• duration of operation (more than 75 years);

• environmental friendliness;

• fire safety.

It should also be noted that the blocks are not subject to the settlement of beetles, rodents and insects.


This building material is not without its drawbacks. The disadvantages of expanded clay concrete blocks are that during the construction process it is necessary to exercise increased caution with them, since hollow varieties are quite fragile. Walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks require external decoration, since the raw material does not look quite aesthetically pleasing.

expanded clay concrete block walls

It is worth emphasizing that recently, low-quality products of this type often appear on the market. Its use leads to the premature failure of newly erected walls, which repels a large number of developers from expanded clay concrete blocks. In order not to get into an unpleasant situation, before purchasing the material, you should carefully study all the seller’s documentation. It must confirm that the products are manufactured in accordance with GOST.


As can be seen from the foregoing, this material has excellent technical characteristics. It is convenient in operation, strong enough and capable of creating full competition with modern materials. Walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks retain heat well indoors and are not prone to mold. Well-proven material and in operation in unheated and wet buildings.

expanded clay concrete blocks cons

Of course, like any other product, claydite-concrete block is not without drawbacks, therefore, before giving preference to it, it is necessary to compare the technical characteristics of the product and the conditions in which it will be operated. If we add to this the attentiveness and thoroughness of the choice of building blocks, then the chances of encountering problems will be minimized.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E1622/

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