Parents note: for the first time in kindergarten

So maternity leave comes to an end. You will soon be back at work, and your baby will go to kindergarten for the first time. How comfortable the first days of his stay will be, depends not only on the teachers, but also on you. All parents have many questions. Which pre-school institution to choose? How to protect your baby from stress? When is the best time to bring a child to kindergarten for the first time? How to protect your baby from diseases? And this, of course, is far from everything that torments caring mothers and fathers.

Kindergarten for the first time
As a rule, children who start attending pre-school institutions are often ill. And this is not only a matter of low immunity or irresponsibility of teachers, as parents consider. It’s just that in kindergartens a lot of bacteria “wanders” that the baby’s body has not previously encountered. And the younger the child, the stronger the virus attack. Here, age is really very important: it is better to give a child to a kindergarten after three years, when the immune system gets stronger and can withstand the familiar viruses, and develop resistance in relation to new ones.

It is better to bring the child to kindergarten for the first time at the very beginning of autumn. If during the summer your child ran along the grass or sand barefoot, bathed in a pond and ate fruit, then his body became much stronger and prepared for the autumn-winter period. August and September are the months most suitable for a child to attend a preschool for the first time. At this time, it is still warm enough, and the body must have time to adapt.

First time in kindergarten
"Which garden is better?" - Another logical question. The fact is that in the relatively recent past, all preschool institutions were subject to the same system with the same development plan, aimed at gradually preparing for school. Today, kindergartens have several classifications (and, accordingly, differ in orientation), being divided into large groups: private (home, commercial), departmental, municipal. Depending on the type of institution, training programs, the number of children in one group, the quality of food, and even, alas, the psychological atmosphere will vary. Some kindergartens have such a good reputation that they take a queue there almost from the birth of the baby. Most often, parents still choose state-run pre-school institutions with standard general education programs. Whether or not to use additional paid services is up to you (you have the right to refuse them).

Age in kindergarten
Before bringing a child to kindergarten for the first time, ask your manager or your future carer what your child should be able to do. The general level of development and social adaptation has not been canceled by anyone. You must understand that a child who can’t do anything on his own will be ridiculed by his peers (even at the age of three) and, alas, cause staff irritation. Your task is to teach the child three years of basic things: eat, dress (put on shirts and sweaters, fasten buttons and locks, pull on tights, etc.), wash your hands. At this age, children are already free to collect simple figures from the designer and cubes, they know the basic colors and names of the figures. Encourage the development of speech in every way: read it, talk, ask questions, and don’t dismiss the answers. The child should join the team painlessly. The better it is developed, the psychologically easier it will feel in a team.

And further! When bringing a child to kindergarten for the first time, do not leave him for long. A change of scenery is a serious stress for him. On the first day, it is better to stay in a group with the baby. An hour to meet will be enough. The next day, leave your child for the same hour, but already alone. Then - until noon. Increase the child’s stay in the kindergarten gradually, then the general adaptation will be quite easy.


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