Time for the sale of alcohol in the Moscow region. Alcohol Sales Act

The government of the Russian Federation is actively struggling with the problem of alcoholism in the country. Unfortunately, today people of all ages have such a bad habit. The time for the sale of alcohol in the Moscow region is not known to many. However, this information will be useful not only to buyers, but also to sellers themselves. In our article, you can find out the hours of selling alcohol, as well as find out as much as possible about the bill itself.

General Bill Information

The law on the sale of alcohol at a certain time was adopted on November 22, 1995. 171 of the draft law is regularly updated; therefore, it is important to monitor the changes in order not to become a violator.

This bill prohibits an entrepreneur from selling alcohol at night if it contains more than 5% alcohol. All low-alcohol drinks, beer, wine, vodka and others are banned.
The Law on the Sale of Alcohol also provides for a number of penalties for persons who sell strong drinks to minors. According to the bill, the parents of an unscrupulous teenager are also held accountable.
Each region of the Russian Federation has its own time limit on the purchase and sale of alcohol. It is for this reason that it is important to know about the features of the adopted bill in a particular area.

It is worth noting that restrictions on the sale of alcohol exist on certain days. Most often these are holidays and only occasionally are weekends. In our article you can familiarize yourself in detail with all the subtleties and nuances of the bill.

The role of the bill

time for the sale of alcohol in the Moscow region
According to the government, the law banning the sale of alcohol should help reduce the percentage of alcohol-dependent people. Vladimir Putin believes that such a public problem, of course, needs to be fought. To do this, you need to use all sorts of sound methods.

The use of strong drinks adversely affects the health and development of the psyche of a teenager. For this reason, according to the bill, the wholesale and retail sale of alcohol to minors is punishable especially severely.

Bill 171 has high hopes. Thanks to him, the number of alcohol-dependent people should decrease in the territory of the Russian Federation. The underground sale of strong drinks should also disappear.

Temporary restrictions on the sale of alcohol in the Moscow region

The capital of the Russian Federation and its region is regularly visited by a large number of people living in other cities and countries. For this reason, almost everyone should know the time for the sale of alcohol in the Moscow region.

Two years ago, the government decided to allow the sale of alcohol in Moscow from 8 am to 11 pm. This time threshold is valid today. Earlier, the bill, which provided for the time for the sale of alcohol in the Moscow region, prohibited the sale of alcoholic beverages from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

alcohol law
The decision to amend the bill was due to the unstable economic situation in the country. An additional 4 hours daily bring to the regional budget more than one billion rubles. Deputies note that such a change was not associated with social wishes, but with the need to replenish the budget.

In the Moscow region, unlike Moscow itself, it is more problematic to acquire alcohol. There, the bill allows the sale of strong drinks from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Tighter measures

Since last year, the government of the Russian Federation has been considering an amendment to the bill. According to him, the time for the sale of alcohol in the Moscow region and other cities should be significantly reduced.

The future bill allows the sale of strong drinks from 9 am to 6 pm. Selling at other times will result in a fine, loss of license or prison term. An updated bill is planned to be released in the near future.

It is worth noting that in some cities of the Russian Federation today there are more stringent requirements for the sale of alcohol than in Moscow. It is with this that the decree is updated. A member of the public chamber, Sultan Khamzaev, argues that in regions where more stringent measures are in place, the level of crime and administrative offenses is much lower. It is no secret that most rash acts are committed under the influence of alcohol.

In regions where alcohol cannot be purchased for more than four hours a day, mortality from abuse of strong drinks has been significantly reduced. In cities in which there are no special restrictions, the situation is the opposite.

In the Murmansk region, the sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. There, out of a hundred thousand people, there are only 853 dependent people. As we said earlier, the hours for selling alcohol in the Moscow Region are: 8 a.m. - 11 p.m. There, over one hundred thousand people account for more than a thousand people who are addicted to alcohol.

alcohol prohibition law
The adoption of new amendments to the bill will entail a decrease in crime. The number of people who suffer from alcoholism will also decrease.

Ban on laying

In the near future, the government of the Russian Federation plans to consider another bill. According to him, strong drinks can only be purchased in a separate store. It may be forbidden to put alcohol on the counter. In this case, the buyer will be taken out an alcohol-containing drink from the warehouse in an opaque bag.

Consumers relate to a possible change in the bill differently. Some people think that such an addition is pointless. This is due to the fact that cigarettes were also forbidden to put on the counter, but even despite this, smokers did not get rid of the bad habit.

The villagers are also worried about a possible change in the bill. There, as a rule, there is only one store. Refusing to lay out alcohol, it can go broke.

Some citizens like this bill. They believe that this can reduce the number of alcohol addicts.

Sale of alcohol on holidays

In the territory of the Russian Federation it is forbidden to sell alcohol on some days. Most often these are holidays. In some regions, the sale of alcohol is prohibited on weekends. For example, the amended bill is valid in the Ulyanovsk region.

hours selling alcohol
Entrepreneurs are prohibited from selling alcohol on May 25th. This is no coincidence, because on this day all students finish their studies. In order to avoid delinquency while intoxicated by adolescents, the government of the Russian Federation categorically prohibits the sale of alcohol on this day.

The sale of alcohol during the holidays is prohibited by chance. This reduces the number of injuries, unplanned pregnancies and offenses. It is forbidden to sell alcohol on all holidays that are associated with children and adolescents, namely:

  • 1 September is the day of knowledge).
  • June 1 (Children's Day).
  • June 27 (Youth Day).

Non-alcoholic day is also considered September 11 (Day of sobriety). Selling alcohol on January 1 is not prohibited. However, as a rule, many shops do not work on this day.

Who and where can sell alcohol?

Bill 171 also contains requirements for individuals who will sell alcohol. Selling alcohol from the age of 18-20 is considered legal, but minor sellers will be required to leave their place of work. In this case, the store owner will be required to pay a fine for the offense.

sale of alcohol on January 1
It is worth noting that the store with alcoholic beverages should be away from childcare facilities and playgrounds. It is also forbidden to sell alcohol near military facilities and crowded places.

Prohibition of the sale of alcohol to persons under the age of 21 years

A year ago, the government of the Russian Federation took up a project according to which persons over 21 years of age can purchase alcohol. It is no secret that today it is forbidden to sell alcohol to minors, regardless of the time of day. Many deputies believe that such an addition will avoid the alcoholization of youth. Consideration of the updated bill is not accidental. Experts say that at the age of 18, a teenager still cannot take conscious actions. The addition of the bill will help reduce the percentage of unplanned pregnancies and offenses among young people.

sale of alcohol since years

Penalty for violation

Today, there is enhanced control over compliance with the rules for the sale of alcohol. Any violation entails serious punishment. An entrepreneur who sells alcohol must have documents for him. In the event that they are absent, he will need to pay a fine, the amount of which ranges from 10 to 15 thousand rubles.

sale of alcohol on holidays
If the store sells fake alcohol, the entrepreneur will be required to pay a fine of up to 15 thousand rubles. If the seller sells alcohol to minors, he will be forced to pay a fine of up to 50 thousand rubles. Punishment is also provided for the entrepreneur and the organization itself.

To summarize

Alcohol negatively affects the human body. Due to the increase in the number of alcohol-dependent people, the government of the Russian Federation is actively supplementing the current bill. Perhaps in the near future only those people who have reached the age of 21 will be able to buy alcohol. We strongly recommend that you remember all the features of the bill. Thanks to this, you will save yourself from possible penalties.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16247/

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