Bullpen: abbreviation

Not all abbreviations can be decrypted right away. Some of them cause difficulties in understanding even in the context of the context. The matter is complicated by the fact that the combination of letters may be outdated. In this vein, we want to provide you with a transcript of the bullpen. At the same time we will offer informative and interesting information on this topic.

How is the bullpen deciphered?

And right to the point . Decryption - pre-trial detention chamber. This is the name of the place of detention, organized by the territorial internal affairs bodies (in some cases, border guards). A camera is intended for the temporary location of persons detained on suspicion of committing a crime.

kpz decryption

You can also come across jargon synonymous terms:

  • carriage;
  • monkey
  • refrigerator;
  • bullpen;
  • cold.

From bullpen to IVS

Note that the bullpen is an abbreviation. Modern, similar to it - IVS. Decryption - temporary detention isolator.

The IVS-KPZ (the decryption is already known to you) is a special institution of the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, and not the FSIN. The isolation ward is not intended for prolonged or permanent detention of detainees in it. After the election of preventive measures against these persons, they are transferred to a pre-trial detention center (pre-trial detention center).

The detainees are sent back to the IVS only for the duration of investigative measures and court hearings. In the bullpen (IVS) they can be no more than 10 days a month.

detention cell

Bullpen classification

The dimensions of the IVS (in the old way - the bullpen, the decoding of which you already know) depend on the scale of the ATS itself. The following types of insulators can be distinguished:

  1. Small. This is a small compartment consisting of several (maximum five) cameras. Where is the bullpen located? Most often they can be seen at the entrance to the police department.
  2. Average. Such an insulator includes from five to ten chambers. It is already located in the basement of the police department.
  3. Large. This is a free-standing building, which can include from ten to forty cameras.

Who is in the bullpen?

At the addresses of the bullpen, you can find temporary prisoners who, according to law enforcement officials, either committed a criminal act or were involved in its implementation.

The alleged culprit may be held in the bullpen for no more than two days. Citizens accused of administrative offenses are also detained in such detention centers. But, as a rule, they are kept in isolation from persons suspected of serious crimes.

where is the bullpen

An administrative arrest with a stay in a temporary detention facility cannot last more than 15 days. In this case, to place a citizen in the bullpen is only lawful.

Accused persons previously wanted and subsequently found may also be on temporary detention facilities. For the duration of investigative procedures, they are also determined in the bullpen.

The pre-trial detention chamber is also the place of stay of the accused, for whom detention has already been selected. But on an exceptional basis. When in the village where the investigative measures take place, there is no pre-trial detention center. But, as mentioned earlier, the period of stay in the IVS can not be longer than 10 days in one month.

Legal regulation

Both the detention of a person suspected of committing a criminal offense and its subsequent detention in the IVS-KPZ are regulated by Art. 91 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. Note that this applies only to those citizens who are facing real imprisonment.

Here, the detention of a person is a measure of coercion, not a procedural restraint. In the latter case, the person is not placed in a pre-trial detention cell, but in a pre-trial detention center.

how the bullpen stands for

Duration of stay in the IVS (KPZ)

As we noted earlier, citizens have the right to be held in a temporary detention center (KPC) for no more than 48 hours. At what point will the detention be counted? Since the alleged attacker was brought to the investigator and then escorted to a temporary detention cell.

What happens after two days? A citizen is either released or redirected to a pre-trial detention center. However, by way of exception, the judicial authority may extend the personโ€™s retention in the IVS (KPZ) for another three days (72 hours).

Bullpen conditions

If we look at domestic temporary detention facilities, the conditions there will more resemble prison conditions. It is understandable - there are people in the bullpen who are suspected of committing serious crimes. Citizens already serving sentences for an offense also live here.

From the necessary for a person here you can consider sleeping places, bunks, a toilet. As for food and cutlery, they are transmitted immediately before meals by employees through a special window.

Those held in pre-trial detention cells leave the premises only accompanied by a duty officer. Free independent movement is prohibited here. As for citizens being transferred to pre-trial detention centers, their escort to this isolation ward takes place only under escort in the evening or at night.

bullpen what is it

Those who have served the prescribed punishment for an administrative offense, at the end of the term, get back their valuables from the duty officer and go home.

Differences from the pre-trial detention center

Note that the bullpen (IVS) has nothing to do with the pre-trial detention center (SIZO). These are completely different systems. A pre-trial detention center is a place of detention in a penitentiary institution where isolation of the following persons is ensured:

  1. Those under investigation (who is under investigation and is awaiting a court decision).
  2. Defendants (already on trial).
  3. Convicted persons (those who are awaiting escort or are in transit in a pre-trial detention center - to be sent to correctional, educational colonies, settlement colonies).
  4. Detained and awaiting extradition.

Unlike the bullpen, the pre-trial detention center is under the jurisdiction of the Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN).

Unusual decoding of the letter

Imagine the decryption of the bullpen invented by resourceful creators of folklore:

  1. Smoking and drinking is prohibited!
  2. Cinema (club) "Five Stars".
  3. Concert by request.
  4. When will I get paid?
  5. Club received on the back of the head.
  6. Room of pleasant smells.
  7. How to sing in the winter?

The bullpen is a cell of pre-trial detention. This is the outdated, characteristic for the times of the Soviet Union, name of a modern temporary detention center - a temporary detention center.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16279/

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