Faleev Alexey: biography, books, reviews

The advice of a strong and intelligent person is always a pleasure to listen to. That is why the books of Alexei Faleev are so popular among the people, as well as among inexperienced athletes who want to put their body in order. Faleev, who started almost from scratch, in his books talks about simple and convenient methods for acquiring impressive muscle mass or getting rid of fatty layers. The athlete knows what to build the base and foundation of any training. What do people want? Why are they going to the gym? Right! Women want to lose weight and remove cellulite, and guys want to pump up the press and make their shoulders wider.

Pumped up man

Without further ado, Alexey Faleev built all his training systems on these two goals, described them in books and achieved success by simply giving people exactly what they wanted for such a long time. This is what became the key to the huge popularity of the books and articles of the athlete.

Faleev by the sea

Alexey Faleev

ā€œThere is power - no mindā€ - this is not about Alexei Valentinovich. Candidate of technical sciences, master of sports of Russia in powerlifting, Alexey masterfully combines the features of a humorous wise guy and a generous strongman. Pleasant in communication, polite, kind, honest and resourceful - this is what his colleagues in the gym, friends and relatives characterize the athlete.

Despite a rather long period of study in scientific activity, Alexey found his calling in the gym and in the sports arena. Active training in eventing, wrestling, weight lifting made the master exactly what he was supposed to be. By his example, Alexey Faleev inspired a lot of boys and girls throughout the post-Soviet space. Motivation, according to Faleevā€™s theory, is the most important thing in life; without it, a person cannot do anything.


Slim recipes

The author of the book ā€œThe Magic of harmonyā€ Aleksey Valentinovich Faleev was born back in 1970. Almost nothing is known about his childhood and youth, and the master of sports himself does not like to talk about it, preferring the past and present to the past. It is only known that Faleev studied well at school, graduated with honors from the university and received the title of candidate of technological sciences, as the master himself writes on his website. In general, even in an interview, Faleev prefers to talk about others. This fact itself speaks of the innate modesty of the athlete and writer, that the happiness of people for him is more expensive than their own pride and vanity.

early years

Aleksey's youth was held in the gym. Faleev says that he came to the gym at the age of sixteen, and since then more than thirty-five years he has been lugging iron and has been engaged in various sports exercises using alternative techniques of oriental masters. Over the years of honing his skills, a man has gained vast experience in working on himself and his body, which allowed him to feel the strength in himself to help others and instruct many people on the true path of knowing himself.

Alexey Faleev

Experience and writing books

After achieving great success in gaining muscle mass according to his own program, Alex decides to try the program on his friends and relatives who also visit the gym. Through trial and error, Faleev hones the program. Regulates and edits it, trying to create the most optimal option that would suit every person and do not require adaptation to a specific person.

At first, Faleev did not succeed in creating a panacea for fullness and cellulite, but over time, his wards began to show good results. Inspired by success and feedback, Faleev creates the first experimental version of the training program. And he describes several practically confirmed methods of getting rid of the fat layer.

Then comes the release of Faleevā€™s book, The Secrets of Strength Training. In this work, the master exposes the fraudulent schemes of various companies that promote Western sports training systems, as well as describes his own exercises and gives advice to beginner bodybuilders, once again urging them to think in Russian and work out in the gym in Russian, without making Western ā€œjumpsā€ "Idols. Such methods of work in the gym only undermine health, squeezing all the effort out of it as soon as possible, which leads to nervous irritation and moral depression of the entire central nervous system of a person, ā€says Faleev, arguing that theā€œ Russian approach ā€to changing the body is smoother and unhurried and gives better results, without causing irreparable damage to health.

Sports books

Health and Beauty Books

For many years, the master of sports has been holding a pen and creating textbooks for those who want to start a new life and live in harmony with themselves. The published works of Faleev won great success among the residents of Russia and the CIS countries. Maybe this happened because the unique technique of the master really works and is a panacea for all ills and diseases. And maybe because Faleev himself is a born storyteller, and he even gives a description of the usual sports exercise with a soul and humor. His books are incredibly pleasant to read precisely because of the human attitude to the reader. The writer is not a teacher, he is a friend, mentor and elder brother of each reader, sincerely trying to help him find himself. The popularity of Faleevā€™s books can hardly be overestimated: hundreds of thousands of people tested the authorā€™s methodology in the very first years after the publication of his first work.


On the personal authorā€™s site and in the books of Aleksey Faleev, an opinion is expressed that it is simply impossible to lose weight without prior psychological preparation. Alexey himself is deeply convinced that most of the strategies and tactics used in sports training nowadays are just a hoax and one huge advertising company that allows sports halls and sports nutrition producers to earn money on gullible people.

Faleev believes that cardio loads, an incredible number of approaches and repetitions with exhaustingly heavy weights are nothing more than just a bloated image of Hollywood athletes, which you should not focus on at all. The master of sports denies the Western philosophy of bodybuilding and offers his own, Russian, authorā€™s method of restoring and strengthening the body, based primarily on a psychological change in consciousness, which, in turn, should lead to a change in the structure and shape of the body. Such a look at the system of sports bodybuilding in general distinguishes Faleev from other trainers and writers whose work is based on the western scheme of changing his body.

Faleevā€™s biography characterizes the athlete as a real man, a patriot, a strong and good-natured person who is always ready to lend a helping hand to the needy.


Power training

For many years of sports, Alexey Valentinovich has visited more than one championship in Russia and the world. He received a large number of awards, more than once became the winner and laureate of sports contests. However, later the instinct of the competition gave way to the desire to help people, and Faleev began to develop his own unique technique, while working as a trainer in gyms and an adviser on sports work.

A calmer life taught the master of sports that the main thing in life is a psychological attitude, without it it will be simply impossible to do any work on yourself. This is precisely what gave impetus to the creation of a unique authorā€™s sports philosophy, which was liked by millions of people.

Awards and Achievements

Faleevā€™s biography is not very full of social achievements. It is known that Alexey Valentinovich is the current champion of Russia in powerlifting. The merits of Faleyev are to create a unique methodology for improving their body, thanks to which many people fell in love with themselves and loved sports, figured out the correct self-improvement systems and started a new life.

Personal life

Alexey Valentinovich

Faleev also does not like to spread about his personal life. Indeed, why? In a few interviews, the master never mentioned whether he is married, has children, saying only that he is interested in psychology and sports, and devotes all his free time to his favorite pastime.


Over the years since the release of Faleevā€™s first book on strength training, many people managed to try out his unique authorā€™s technique and were quite pleased with the results. Having tested the techniques and exercises developed by the master, they enthusiastically respond to the unique training scheme, which forms not only the human body, but also its spirit, bringing the spiritual and physical essence of the person to harmony with each other.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16282/

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