Is it possible to return the phone to the store and for how long?

Today, the market for goods and services is full of diverse offers. Attention is drawn to all kinds of phones. Some long and carefully choose a smartphone, save for it, and then buy. But not all such operations are pleasing. Sometimes it turns out that the gadget did not fit. Or he has defects. Can I return the phone to the store? And if so, how to do it? We will have to figure out all of this further. In fact, everything is pretty easy. And if you correctly approach the solution of the task, you will be able to bring it to life with minimal loss.

Is it possible to return the phone to the store

What does the consumer rights law say?

Can I return the phone to the store? To fully understand this issue, you will have to study the law "On Protection of Consumer Rights". Here the situation is discussed in detail.

Theoretically, there is a chance to return the device. But not in all cases. This operation is possible with the purchase of low-quality products. And nothing more. It is associated with additional chores that are time consuming. But more on that later. To begin with, let us consider in more detail various life situations.

Not to taste

Can I return a phone that I donโ€™t like to my store? Many sellers say that citizens do not have such a right. If the device is in good working order, it cannot be exchanged or returned. Is it so?

To some extent, yes. If we consider the smartphone as a technically complex product. Such devices cannot be returned if they are in good condition. Many people believe that the phone is a complex gadget. After all, there are so many things in it!

About the list of complex products

And so you should not think about whether it is possible to return the phone to the store. As we said, sellers advise so.

In fact, a list of technically sophisticated products will help clarify the situation . There are no smartphones in it. You can find in the corresponding list only "telephones and consumer electronics".

Is it possible to return the phone back to the store

Modern phones are officially recognized as portable transmitting stations. And they are not related to telephones. So, the smartphone is not included in the list of technically sophisticated products.

Truth is near

And what is the end result? Can I return a working phone to the store? Yes. Moreover, such devices are allowed for exchange. For example, with surcharge.

Over a period of time, each person will be able to exchange non-food items or return money for it. Even if the products are of high quality.

The timing

Can I return a new phone to the store? Modern citizens have a right to this. And this is despite the fact that many sellers refuse to accept devices back. This is a violation of consumer rights!

It is worth remembering that the buyer has only 14 days to return quality products. The countdown starts after the payment for the goods.

Didn't like the model? Didn't the color fit? Just uncomfortable using the phone? There is only 2 weeks to exchange or return it to the store. After that, the service will be denied. And already by law!

Is it possible to return a non-liked phone to the store


Can I return a faulty phone to the store? Under current law, in this case, any non-food products can be exchanged or returned to the seller. And even technically sophisticated products.

This means that defective phones are not eligible to not be returned to the store. If the seller refers to the fact that the device is a technically complex product, you can indicate a defect. In this case, you have to hand over the device, conduct an examination, and only then decide what to do next - return the phone or pick it up / exchange.

Dates of marriage

We found out whether it is possible to return the purchased phone to the store. Based on the foregoing, it follows that every buyer has such a right, but during a given period.

If we are talking about low-quality products, then their return is possible throughout the warranty period. Usually it is 1-2 years, occasionally more. The countdown starts from the moment you pay for the purchase and affix the store seal on the warranty card.


Now a few words about how to bring the idea to life. Indeed, if the products are of high quality, then returning it is problematic. Even within the legal deadlines.

Can I return the phone back to the store? Yes, but if we are talking about a quality device, too little time is devoted to this. Have to hurry.

The first thing you can try to negotiate with sellers. For example, exchange the device for a similar or similar one with a surcharge. If an understanding worker comes across, he will enter a position. In this case, you will have to observe some conditions. We will consider them later.

Is it possible to return a working phone to the store

A complaint

If the time has not yet expired, and the seller still refuses to take the phone to the store, referring to the fact that this is a technically difficult product, you will have to fight a little. More precisely, send a claim to the store manager to return the product.

It will require describing the situation and referring to the fact that telephones are not technically sophisticated products. For example, you can specify a link to the letter of Rospotrebnadzor "On the return of mobile phones" dated October 22, 2010. Explained here are the explanations weโ€™ve already met.


Can I return the phone back to the store? As a rule, there are no problems with solving this issue when a marriage is discovered. Nevertheless, not every seller agrees to accept the purchased phone. Some even defective devices try not to pick up, assuring that the malfunction is the work of the buyer. Unfortunately, this practice exists.

If even after the claim they refused to take the device back, you can try to go to court. In this case, it is necessary to be prepared for the fact that the judicial authorities do not have an exact position on the topic under study. The phone can either be recognized as a technically complex product, or not. Therefore, it is not worth counting on such a scenario. Unless we are talking about low-quality products.

Return Terms

We figured out whether it is possible to return the phone back to the store. This usually causes problems. And sellers are reluctant to take quality products back.

The inconsistency with the basic conditions of return is capable of hindering the implementation of ideas. The thing is that a citizen must bring the phone in a salable condition, with all the stickers and production seals.

Are these components missing? Then a working device can, according to the law, not be accepted or exchanged. This is the only serious condition that must be observed.

What is needed to return?

It is worth paying attention to a few more features. Thinking about whether it is possible to return the purchased phone to the store, the buyer should understand that he will have to prepare.

In addition to the presentation of the device, it is necessary to ensure the presence of:

  • warranty card;
  • payment receipt;
  • a complete set with the components of the device.

That is, all instructions, earbuds, headsets and other components should be in place. If the smartphone is in the โ€œas boughtโ€ state, it is much easier to pass it. In case of equipment flaws, the process is denied. It is useless to complain about such decisions - they are legal. And this should be considered by every buyer.

Return process

Can I return my cell phone to the store? Yes. This is a fairly common occurrence. Only high-quality and working phones are allowed to return or exchange no later than 2 weeks after making a purchase. This period cannot be extended. But if you agree with the seller, then pass the working device will work out without difficulty. This is an extremely rare scenario.

Is it possible to return the phone back to the store

How can you imagine the return procedure? Consider the least problematic scenario - applying for a service in case of device malfunctions. Then you will have to follow instructions of the following type:

  1. Build a complete kit with a smartphone. Be sure to check the presence of all seals and stickers. It will not be superfluous.
  2. Get a check and phone to the store.
  3. Write a claim for the return of the device. The document indicates the reasons for applying for the service.
  4. Wait for an independent examination. It takes from 1 month or more. It all depends on the situation. If desired, the examination can be carried out independently and in advance.
  5. Get the results of checking the device.
  6. Take money or exchange a low-quality phone for a new one (with or without surcharge).

As practice shows, the results of the examination are decisive. If the phone is broken, but the check proved the buyer's fault, even the defective goods in the store will not be accepted. Is it legal? Yes. After all, in fact, the buyer sold quality products. So demanding something from the seller in this situation is simply pointless.

Claim form

Can I return a mobile phone to the store? The answer to this question will no longer be a hassle.

Some are interested in how to properly make a claim for the return of devices. The form of this document is written. You can print the claim on the printer.

The paper structure is standard. Here there is a โ€œcapโ€ in the upper right corner, and the name of the document, and the main part with a detailed description of the situation and with a request to return the money for the purchase, and the conclusion.

Is it possible to return the faulty phone to the store

The claim is signed at the end of the claim, as well as its transcript.

If materials or documents are attached to the claim, you will have to draw up a so-called application. This is a list of papers attached to the request. It is written after the main part, before the conclusion.

In fact, everything is simple. And making a claim to return the phone is not so difficult. Even a schoolboy can handle this!

Buyer Position

Can I return the phone back to the store? Quite. In any case, you will have to try to bring the idea to life.

If the buyer decided to get rid of low-quality goods, he needs to decide on the position. What is it about?

As we have already said, some sellers do not give the phone back, citing the fact that this is a technically complex device. This is actually not the case. And you can issue a refund by indicating that smartphones are not complex devices.

Either the buyer was misled by selling low-quality goods or without explaining its functionality. By law, sellers are required to provide only reliable and complete product information. And if a person has not been told about certain features of the device, it can be returned.

Using 2 points of view at once is not recommended. Especially if a citizen decided to defend his rights through the courts. In this case, the store will collect various claims from the applicant, which will indicate an uncertain life position. And then the court will most likely protect the outlets. The exception is cases in which the marriage of a smartphone is found out and confirmed.


Can I return the phone to the store? By law, yes. In practice - not always. You will have to take into account many features of the process. Only then can we hope for success.

If we are talking about serviceable products, then it is allowed to return or exchange, provided that the presentation is preserved for two weeks. After that, high-quality smartphones will not be accepted.

Is it possible to return the purchased phone to the store

In the case of defective devices, you have to try. After all, the buyer needs to prove and confirm the marriage. And before that - to ensure that the device is sent for examination from the store. Often sellers refuse to provide this service. And you have to go to court to protect your rights.

Before purchasing a smartphone, it is best to carefully examine, examine and examine it. Now in stores there are special stands on which the current phone models are located. They are included, available for a test drive at a point of sale. Then you wonโ€™t have to wonder once again whether it is possible to return the phone to the store if it did not suit the buyer.


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