Coat of arms and flag of Kazakhstan: description and symbols

The flag and coat of arms along with the anthem are the main symbols of any state. These attributes give an idea of ​​the values ​​of a country and its main goals. They are established by the Constitution of the state. The procedure for their use is usually determined by special law.

Description of the flag of Kazakhstan

flag of kazakhstan photo

The flag of Kazakhstan was officially adopted in 1992, immediately after the collapse of the Soviet Union. It is a blue rectangular cloth with an aspect ratio of 1: 2. On the side of the shaft (on the left side) a gold ornament is painted, made using traditional motifs for the country. In the middle of the cloth, the sun is also depicted in gold paint . The golden eagle is painted in the same color, carrying it on its wings.

Flag symbolism

Each color in the traditions of heraldry has a certain meaning. The blue flag of the Kazakh flag means first of all loyalty and honesty. In addition, this color is considered symbolic in the Turkic culture. In ancient times, these nations were revered as God the Father. Accordingly, the blue color always meant loyalty to him. It was the desire of his country for a peaceful and prosperous life that the author of the flag of Kazakhstan, Shaken Niyazbekov, wanted to show, choosing it for the banner. Among other things, this monophonic background symbolizes the unity of all the peoples inhabiting the country.

flag of kazakhstan

The sun, according to the laws of heraldry, is a symbol of wealth. It also means life and energy. Thus, this element decorating the flag of Kazakhstan symbolizes the country's commitment to universal values and openness to cooperation. The sun on the panel also indicates that the young state is full of energy and will steadily strive for its own well-being. Rays in the form of grains are a symbol of abundance and prosperity.

The golden eagle, decorating the flag of Kazakhstan (whose photo you can see above), according to the traditions of heraldry, means the strength of the state, its power, generosity and insight. In the tradition of nomadic peoples, this majestic bird for centuries has been a symbol of freedom, courage and the absence of selfish thoughts. The golden eagle, depicted on the flag of Kazakhstan, reflects the desire of the state to achieve new heights, the movement up. The last element that adorns the cloth, ornament, is a symbol of the national culture and traditions of the country.

Initially, the national flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan was not blue, but turquoise. The color of the panel was changed in 2007.

The history of the coat of arms of Kazakhstan

For the first time, the term "tanga", which translates as a "sign", appeared among nomadic peoples during the time of the Turkic Kaganate. In the Bronze Age, each of the tribes inhabiting the territory of modern Kazakhstan had its own sign - a totem. His image was called tanga. Like the flag of Kazakhstan, the coat of arms of this state was adopted in 1992. Its authors were famous architects Shot-Aman Ualikhanov and Zhandarbek Malibekov. 67 descriptions and 245 projects took part in the final competition.

coat of arms and flag of kazakhstan

Description of the coat of arms of Kazakhstan

The central and formative figure of the coat of arms is Shananyk - the main part of the yurt, resembling a dome of the sky. The supports of the Kazakh traditional dwelling - the uyks diverge in the form of rays. On the edges are winged horses, and on top is a five-pointed star. Like the flag of Kazakhstan, the emblem is made in two colors - blue and gold. Below is the inscription "Kazakhstan".

Coat of arms

The form of this main symbol of the state of Kazakhstan demonstrates eternity and life. Traditionally, the circle among the Turkic peoples denotes precisely these concepts. Shanaryk on the Kazakh coat of arms represents the country as the common home of all the peoples inhabiting it. Diverging beams are the symbol of reliability and well-being of the state. The heavenly dome in the minds of any people is, first of all, the most important element of living arrangements. In a broader sense, shanaryk can thus also be considered a symbol of the universe.

author of the flag of kazakhstan

Both the coat of arms and the flag of Kazakhstan, among other things, are decorated with purely national elements. In the latter case, it is, as already mentioned, a traditional Kazakh ornament. On the coat of arms, winged horses - tulpars can be considered a similar element.
In fact, they are a key element of the composition. The image of the horse among the nomads of the Great Steppe is traditionally a symbol of fidelity, courage and strength. The golden wings of the tulpars resemble spikes in shape. This symbolizes the industriousness of the country's inhabitants and their desire for general well-being. Two horns of plenty, located under the images of mythical horses, testify to the same thing.

The five-pointed star is a universal symbol, meaning the desire for the eternal, spirituality and truth. On the emblem of Kazakhstan, this element is evidence of the openness of the peoples of the country and the desire for peaceful cooperation with the inhabitants of all five continents of the planet.

Color decoding

So, the main evidence of the peaceful intentions of the inhabitants and their desire for creation is symbolized by the blue flag of Kazakhstan (the photo on this page is an option approved already in 2007). The gold color used in the composition of the main attributes of this state means wealth, abundance and prosperity.

State flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The flag and coat of arms are the main pictorial identification marks of any power. The symbolism of the main state attributes of Kazakhstan represents this young country in the most favorable light in the eyes of the inhabitants of the entire planet. The colors and elements of the composition clearly demonstrate the desire of the Kazakh people for a better future and its openness to all the peoples of the world.


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