Typology and forms of culture. The role of culture in people's lives

The forms of culture and its types are a rather complex structure that affects regional, historical, national, and all other areas of human life. With all this we will try to figure it out now.

The typology of culture is its classification according to various criteria. Consider which ones.

By type of activity and method of satisfying human needs, culture is divided into:

  1. Material culture, which is based on a reproductive, rational form of activity. It is expressed in an objective-objective form and is designed to satisfy the primary human needs. As part of this type, such forms of culture are distinguished as the culture of work, habitat, and everyday life.
  2. Spiritual culture, which is based on a creative, rational form of activity and is designed to satisfy secondary human needs. This type consists of religious, moral, legal, political, pedagogical, intellectual culture.
  3. Artistic culture, it is based on a creative, irrational form of activity and is designed to satisfy secondary human needs. It can be expressed both in subjective and subject-objective forms. Artistic culture consists of pure art (architecture, music, dancing, cinema, painting) and applied art (floristry, cosmetology, cooking, hairdressing, etc.).
  4. Physical culture, its purpose is to satisfy the primary human needs . These are species such as sports, recreational and sexual culture.

The media culture is divided into:

  1. Worldwide, which is a synthesis of national cultures of all peoples inhabiting the planet Earth.
  2. National, or ethnic, which is characterized by experience and characteristics of living, customs, rules, customs, language, adopted in a particular territory.

We should separately mention a concept such as a subculture, which not only differs from the culture that dominates a particular society, but even opposes, conflicts with accepted values, ideals, norms of behavior, etc.

The main forms of culture

In accordance with who creates the culture and at what level it is located, it is customary to distinguish the following forms.

  1. The culture is elitist (high), which is created by a privileged society. The motto of this form is: "Art for the sake of art." This may include individual art, poetry, etc. associations.
  2. A folk culture (collective), which, unlike the elite, was created by unknown creators who did not have any professional training. Examples of this form: folk songs, dances and tales, myths, folklore, customs, traditions.
  3. The mass culture prevailing with the development of the media. It is created for the mass and mass is consumed.

In mass culture, no refined aristocratic tastes or spiritual search for this or that people are expressed. This form acquired the greatest scope in the middle of the last century, when the media penetrated many countries. The distribution mechanism of this culture is directly related to the market.

Mass culture can be national and international. As a rule, it has less artistic value than the first two forms of culture. However, in contrast to them, the mass one is always copyrighted and has a large audience. Samples of mass culture tend to go out of fashion, lose their relevance, which never happens with the works of elite and popular cultures.

The role of culture in human life

The role of culture in people's lives can be expressed in the following list of its functions:

  1. Adaptive function. Culture allows a person to adapt to the social and natural environment.
  2. Cognitive function. Culture provides a person with socially significant or true knowledge about the environment, which allows him to adapt as successfully as possible.
  3. Value function. Culture carries out the goal-setting of human development, determines the norms of behavior adopted in a particular society.
  4. Information and communication function. Culture allows you to save and transmit in space and time socially significant information, which is the guarantor of mutual understanding and unity of this or that society.
  5. Regulatory (normative) function. Culture defines and regulates various types and aspects of personal and social activities of people (at home, at work, in interpersonal relationships).
  6. Semiotic function, that is, symbolic. This type represents a certain set of signs, without having studied which it is impossible to master its achievements.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16295/

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