Popular names (2014). Popular male names. The most popular name of 2014

Often, future parents almost until the birth of the baby can not decide what to call him. Many of them, of course, have already selected several options. However, in order to finally choose one of them, they need to see their child, find out on which day he will be born. In this article, we will try to help young parents a bit and list the most popular names of 2014. We present to your attention the top 10 names for boys and girls.

First place

popular names

The most popular name of 2014 for the boy is Nikita. Translated from Greek, it means "winner". The main character traits are determination and selfishness. Nikita will not tolerate someone to command him. This is a stubborn and persistent boy. He loves children very much, and even if his family life is not quite successful, he would prefer not to get divorced because of them. Very often he has some kind of innate talent and is a leader in the company of friends.

The most popular name of 2014 for a girl is Sofia. Its owner is impulsive, romantic and dreamy. The character of such a girl is light and cheerful, she likes to be in noisy big companies. Friends appreciate her for always being ready to help. However, Sofia often has high self-esteem. The girl is very amorous, but not prone to constancy. Due to the windiness of Sofia, it is quite difficult to build a family life with her.

Second place

popular names 2014

You can list many popular names of boys, but in second place Cyril confidently holds on. In childhood, he is interested in absolutely everything: from the mystery of his birth to the cause of the appearance of bubbles in a bottle of mineral water. He begins to read early and devotes a lot of time to this occupation. It has a wonderful memory. He knows how to behave well, knows what needs to be done to please adults. Not the best character trait of Cyril is selfishness.

Among the names for girls, Eva takes the second place. The baby is very kind and responsive. However, she is stubborn enough and always tries to insist on her own. Having become older, Eve is distinguished by her principles, but this is not the main feature of her character. This is a sensual and jealous woman. Men really like Eve, because she is unpredictable, agile and lively. You will not get bored with it. But it is worth remembering that she will never forgive male adultery.

Third place

Closes the first three of our list of "Popular names of boys" Daniel. Since childhood, he is very calm, responsive, kind and smiling. However, in his character there is also a cunning. Daniel loves to play sports, but he does it exclusively to strengthen his own health. An adult man often becomes very jealous and quick-tempered. Lucky in family life, loves his children. The main distinguishing features are hospitality and sociability.

We continue to talk about what are the popular names for girls. In third place is Polina. Among her peers she is distinguished by selflessness, responsiveness and goodwill. Pauline always reassures the child, courtesy of a sick relative and sympathizes with her friend. Envy is a feeling unfamiliar to her, she sincerely rejoices in the happiness of others. Adult Pauline carefully cares how she looks.

Fourth place

Popular male names are of different origins. For example, Maxim translated from Latin means "the greatest." With this child, adults never know the hassle. Parents have high hopes for him. Maxim has many interests. He visits exhibitions, goes to performances, collects something, loves to read, etc. This is a child with a very rich imagination and a broad outlook. The negative qualities of his character are the lack of perseverance and lack of faith in himself.

Popular names in Russia for girls often come back to us from past times. So, recently, more and more babies have come to be called Arins. From childhood, they are very independent. They themselves choose which sections or circles they should go to, what to devote their free time to, etc. However, often these girls are a little reserved and do not really like to share their plans and thoughts with others. At first they make an impression of simpletons, but at the same time they have excellent intuition and a tenacious, flexible mind.

Fifth place

popular boys names

There are popular names of boys who have been in the top ten for more than one year. These include, for example, Artyom. Such a child will be very calm. He will never impose his opinion on another person. In school years, there are practically no problems with him - both teachers and classmates are very nice to him. Artem loves to read and prefers to always tell the truth. This is a very purposeful boy, but you cannot name him a careerist.

Some popular names have become such recently. Previously, parents did not often call their daughter Kira. This is a kind of girl. She is intractable, touchy and stubborn. The school often does not get along with teachers, as they constantly quarrel with them, defending their point of view. The main authority in the life of Kira is grandmother. The girl retains her uneasy character throughout her life.

Sixth place

most popular name 2014

Popular male names also often return us to the traditions of our ancestors. In sixth place is the name Matvey. The boy will grow up healthy and strong. He does not like to be capricious, to fight with the boys and ride through dirty puddles - too. Matvey is a very honest child. If you send him to the market, then he will return the change to his parents to the penny. He doesn’t really like to study at school, but still tries.

Among female names, Valeria takes the sixth place. A completely unpredictable child. Her mood may change in a split second due to any trifle. If Valeria is offended by something, then be sure - this is for a long time. And it doesn’t matter at all whether there was a real reason for the disorder, she just might have a bad mood. That is why it is difficult to find a common language with the girl. However, those who succeed will receive the most faithful friend for life.

Seventh place

popular male names

His name is Ilya. Since childhood, an unusually economic boy. If parents bring him up correctly, then over time they will receive an indispensable assistant in the household. Ilya will help to repair the car, to part the garden, and to build a summer house. However, special attention should be paid to the one with whom the boy communicates. Ilya is not very good at people. He always has a lot of friends, thanks to innate sociability.

And among the female names on this line is Alice. Very charming baby. This girl is a universal favorite, although she is a little lazy. Alice is thrifty, clean, moderately squeamish and complaisant. She will never throw money away. Alice will never regret her act, she is confident in her actions. With age, it can become a little sentimental.

Eighth place

As we have already said, many modern popular names have come to us from our distant ancestors. In eighth place in 2014 is the name Yaroslav. Outwardly, this boy is more like a mother, but his father’s character more often inherits. Its distinguishing features are persistence and stubbornness. However, at the same time it is easily amenable to other people's influence. Yaroslav will grow exactly as the world around him will make him. The only thing that cannot be changed in it is the desire to always get to the bottom of the essence of a given phenomenon.

Among girls, the name remains Veronica. In childhood, she is very shy and timid. Stubbornness and irritability in her character appear only with age. Very often, such a girl does not tolerate the sight of blood, she simply faints. Veronica is easier to converge with men than with women. She is very sociable, she’s never bored with her.

Ninth place

popular names in 2014

Closer to the end of the list is the name Egor. From childhood, he is distinguished by an analytical mindset. In addition, the boy grows incredulous, quick-tempered and stubborn. If Yegor has been deceived by anyone at least once, it is unlikely that he will ever be able to gain his trust again. At school, he may also have problems. If the child did not like his teacher, then he will not be engaged for anything. It’s easier to transfer him to a new school. Moreover, the boy is very hardworking and diligent in learning.

On the same line is the female name Melena (Milena).

Tenth place

popular names in Russia

Completes the top 10 male names Mark. This is an egocentric child. In childhood, it is difficult for him to hide this character trait, but, becoming older, he disguises her with politeness, smiles and willingness to always come to the rescue. Mark will do everything so that all his relatives pay attention only to him. The successes of friends and classmates do not please him, but he skillfully hides his envy.

We also listed women's popular names in 2014. The top ten closes the name Daria. Very smart girl. However, she is very impulsive and always seeks to lead friends in all games. He will not tolerate insults against him, he can even use his fists. Dasha cannot be alone, she always tries to be in a big, noisy and cheerful company.


Of course, these are only the most popular names of 2014. Perhaps there is not one among them that you would give to your child. Therefore, it is worth considering other names, for example, taking places in the indicated rating from 11th to 30th.

  • Men: Timofey, Dmitry, Arseny, Gleb, Alexander, Roman, Timur, Ivan, Mikhail, Makar, Konstantin, Vladislav, Bogdan, Denis, Alexei, David, Andrey, Svyatoslav, Leo, Nazar.
  • Women: Anastasia, Maria, Elizabeth, Zlata, Diana, Margarita, Alina, Victoria, Ulyana, Ksenia, Anna, Ekaterina, Alexandra, Varvara, Angelina, Carolina, Camilla, Nick, Emilia, Karina.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16298/

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