Humanization is the pride of human thought

Humanization is a concept that derives, in fact, from the Latin name of a person - โ€œhumanโ€. Thus, this term can literally be translated as "humanization." And that it is applicable to any action and process, we are now convinced.

The birth of humanism

This concept is born during the Renaissance. Centuries of medieval

humanization is
scholastics and Christian dogma dictated that religion should be the highest interest of man . All aspirations should certainly have been connected with the prayers of divine forgiveness and the search for the purification of man before God. Literature, art and all other branches of art for a long time were subordinated exclusively to the church. Moreover, she submitted to all spheres of human life. The interests of the Church dictated the Crusades and European coups, interpretation of the history and laws of the world. The life path of kings and peasants was determined by spiritual leaders who for centuries controlled social life in Europe. In such conditions, a person was considered as a negligible speck of dust in the world. The church was concerned with much more global issues of world order, against which simple earthly joys were insignificant. Moreover, they often contradicted church dogmas and were unlawful. With the Renaissance, prominent European cultural figures such as Boccaccio, Petrarch, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas More and others, returned interest not only to Antiquity, but also to the person himself, his body and personality. The sculpture and art, depicting a man in all his strengths and weaknesses, blossomed violently. Thus, humanization is a growth of interest in a person and his personality. At the same time, the era gives rise to new philosophical, socio-political and economic trends.
humanization of labor
Great geographical discoveries, the crisis of feudalism, the initial accumulation of capital and the complication of social stratification of society lead to the emergence of ideas related to the rights of each individual. In this regard, humanization is a new statement of the interests of a particular person before a higher goal, a priority over all others. Thus, personal rights to life, liberty, and private property were born. The right to elect power and the opportunity to be elected and so on. This process has made the human person the highest value and priority.

Humanism and other civilizations

The attentive reader probably already wondered: why wasnโ€™t humanism born where there were no such strict dogmas as in Christianity? Societies with less stringent regulation of life, of course, were. However, humanization is still a European brainchild. First of all, because the concept of the value of one particular person originated here. Individualism as an integral feature of humanism has never existed either in China, or in the Arab world, or among the civilizations of Mesoamerica. And he came to these continents only with colonialism. However, sociologists and historians argue about how much he has taken root there today.

Current state

With the development of social relations and social thought, humanism as a teaching

humanization of criminal law
moved further and more enveloped our civilization. In the modern world, humanization is the arrangement of all spheres of activity with maximum safety for the people involved in it. Safety, again, not only for life and health, but also for personal rights. So, the humanization of labor involves the improvement of labor management. The purpose of this process is to provide the employee with the widest possible opportunities to reveal his potential. At the same time, it must ensure the safety of the labor process, the equitable distribution of the results of activities and the democratic management of them. In turn, the humanization of criminal law is a long process that specialists are studying and which consists in mitigating punishments based on the assumption that the offender has certain rights and can be re-educated with milder methods. An example is the abolition of the death penalty in many countries of the world.


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