Heat-resistant paint for stoves and fireplaces

Heat-resistant paint for furnaces is a composition that is designed to protect the surface from exposure to high temperatures. Among other things, after its application, the surface is protected from the action of steam, moisture, temperature extremes, and corrosion processes.

Characteristics of heat resistant paint

heat-resistant paint for furnaces

Heat-resistant paint for furnaces, depending on the quality characteristics, can cope with the effects of temperatures that reach 1250 degrees Celsius. It is most convenient to use the variety that is available in the form of an aerosol. Such compositions are very economical, as they are applied in a thin layer. In addition, after application they dry very quickly. Not all heat-resistant paints are available in aerosol form. In this form, mixtures are made, based on alkyd silicone resins, fillers in the form of aluminum or marble powder, as well as minerals. In addition, anti-corrosion additives and pigments are used among the ingredients of such formulations. Petroleum distillates, butane and propane are used as a solvent; this is what causes fast drying.

Heat-resistant paint for furnaces, in the composition of which acrylic, has one significant advantage, which is expressed in increased adhesion to copper, steel, lead, galvanized, aluminum, and brass substrates.

Different brands of heat-resistant paints for metal in the form of an aerosol are designed for temperatures from 400 to 700 degrees Celsius. It is possible to apply such compositions without using a primer, however, the surface must first be cleaned of debris and rust.

Heat-resistant paint for furnaces copes with the effects of oils, salts and gasoline. Do not use such compounds on the surfaces of furnaces that will undergo constant friction.

Additional features of heat resistant spray paints

heat-resistant paints for stoves and fireplaces

The most popular colors of heat-resistant paints are black and silver. But on sale you can find many other shades. It is necessary to remember before purchasing that the heat-resistant composition does not have the qualities of resisting fire. For this, it is worth using special formulations.

The technology of using heat-resistant paint in the form of aerosol

Aerosol heat-resistant paints for stoves and fireplaces should be used according to a special technology, which requires the need to apply them in 2-3 layers. Using such mixtures is quite simple, you must shake the bottle well before use. Application must be carried out at a distance of 20-30 cm from the surface. It is permissible to start spraying the next layer no earlier than two hours later. If you intend to use another type of heat-resistant paint, for example, oil, then it is already ready for use, the main thing is to mix the composition well before starting work, this will allow you to distribute the dispersed particles that underlie the suspension by composition.

Surface preparation before applying other varieties of heat-resistant paints

heat resistant paint for oven Price

Heat-resistant paint for a furnace, the price of which may be different, should be applied only to a previously prepared surface. Before acquiring the composition, it is necessary to determine how much is needed to carry out the work. So, for 1 kg of paint you will have to pay about 200 rubles. Consumption of the composition is prescribed by a specific manufacturer on the package. Before starting work, the base must be thoroughly cleaned of dust and debris, and then degreased. This will make it even. In addition, it is definitely worth checking if the surface is completely dry.

Heat-resistant paint for metal furnaces should be applied only when it is possible to get rid of the old coating. However, this kind of preparation can be omitted if the old coating is sufficiently durable. Use the surface without preparation, which involves the removal of the old coating, it is permissible if the destruction of the paint does not exceed 20%. If such errors still exist, then you can apply the preparation method, which provides for partial processing.

Partial surface preparation

paint for metal furnaces heat-resistant

Heat-resistant paint for a furnace made of metal can be applied to the surface if it has a partial destruction of the old coating, only after these places and the area around 30 cm are carefully protected. Before use, the liquid must be mixed, and if necessary, it is possible to dissolve using xylene.

Features of the application of paint

heat-resistant paint for a furnace made of metal

You can apply the composition at any temperature, however, as in the case of aerosol, such compositions can not be used on a damp surface. It is inadmissible to apply the mixture even if there is frost on the base. Depending on the external conditions, the paint may dry for half an hour, however this period can be extended up to 3 hours. Full drying will occur when heated to 150 Β° C. For faster work, it is necessary to use the method of pneumatic spraying. One approach is 17 seconds.

If a varnish for a brick structure is used in the work, then the thickness of the first layer should be equal to 40-80 microns. If the first coat is too thin, then another can be applied. Its thickness should be equal to 40 microns. Each subsequent coat cannot be applied unless the previous one has dried. Make layers as thin as possible. The seams between the masonry should be painted in bright colors. If when working on the masonry of the structure, not very high-quality material was used, then the surface must first be plastered using a lime-clay composition.

Such work can easily be done independently, just don’t choose a paint with unnecessarily high resistance, which does not correspond to the operational characteristics of the stove or fireplace, since in this case the acquisition will be inappropriate.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16332/

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