Beetroot farming: salt water

Every person who grows vegetables in his own personal plot desperately wants his harvest to be the largest and most delicious. For example, it is believed that watering beets with salt water significantly accelerates its growth and improves taste (the root crop becomes sweeter). Let's try to understand in more detail what’s what.

watering beets with salt water

The main activities in the agricultural technology of beets

Naturally, no one has canceled the importance of such events as weeding, cultivating, and feeding all kinds of fertilizers. But a properly and competently organized supply of moisture (this is not necessarily watering the beets with salt water) is half the success in growing the root crop. As a result, the tubers are as large and sweet as possible.

how to water beets with salt water

Of great importance is how the irrigation of still beetroot seedlings will be organized at the beginning of its growth (that is, immediately after planting). Moreover, some gardeners, instead of growing seedlings in greenhouse, home conditions, plant seeds directly in the prepared soil.

Watering Recommendations

For irrigation efficiency, it is very important that sludge is used. The first argument in favor of this measure is that most of the garden plots are located near large cities, which means that the water they receive is chlorinated. The second argument in favor of water upholding (and, as a result, its heating) is the fact that the root system of beets does not like cold temperatures, which can easily provoke any disease and inhibition of root growth. Therefore, water should be poured into large containers and only after it has settled, can the liquid be used.

Why water the beets with salt water

During the first watering, there is no need to add any fertilizer to the liquid. But in the future, throughout the summer, fertilizers will be very out of place.

Advice! It is also possible to nourish vegetables with fertilizers by sprinkling. It is important not to overdo it.

Remember, if the air temperature is high, then moderate watering should be done every day. An effective measure for maintaining moisture in the soil is its mulching.

What are the watering rates?

Until early June, the standard norm for watering beets is 16-18 liters of water per 1 m². But we do not allow stagnation of moisture: beets do not like this. If this still happened, then simply reduce the rate of watering.

When the process of active growth of the root crop begins (this happens in June), we reduce the frequency and volume of moisture supply to plants: 2-3 times a week will be enough.

On a note! In case of rainy weather, this event can generally be canceled.

At the beginning of the third month of summer, we significantly reduce beet watering, and from the middle of the same month we completely stop.

Important! All top dressing (in liquid form) is performed exclusively in mid-July.

Why water the beets with salt water?

Many heard from friends and acquaintances, and even did it, but at the same time they did not know exactly why salt was necessary for such a healthy root crop. Let's understand and start with knowledge in chemistry. Salt is sodium chloride, that is, most of it is sodium, the lack of which beets are so sensitive. By irrigation with salt water, we completely compensate for the lack of sodium in the soil.

pour the beets with salt water proportions

How to recognize that beet tubers are in dire need of sodium? To do this, carefully examine the leaves of the root: if we notice a lot of red veins on them, then this is just the case when it is necessary to water the beets with salt water. In the process, the root crop receives from the soil such an amount of the missing element that it is enough for it “with interest” for full ripening. And, as a result, the vegetable turns out to be sweet and tasty.

Growing beets. Salt water

Using salt water, you can significantly increase the concentration of sugars in the pulp of vegetables: as a result, they will become sweet, tasty and juicy. How to water beets with salt water? We recommend using this method no more than three times per season.

The first watering of beets with salt water is done when the plant has the first six leaves. The second is when the tuber rises 4-5 cm above the ground.

Do I need to water the beets with salt water

Advice! We recommend combining the second procedure with the introduction of potash fertilizers into the soil.

After 15-17 days we carry out the third watering. We prepare the salt solution as follows: put 10 tablespoon (incomplete) table salt in 10 liters of water (by the way, iodized salt is not suitable for these purposes).

On a note! We recommend a similar foliar top dressing with table salt in those cases when pests are overpowered by pests such as butterflies and summer flies. In this case, it is necessary to pour the beets with salt water, the proportions will be as follows: put 10 tablespoons of ordinary rock salt in 10 liters of water.

That is, it turns out that using table salt, you not only improve the quality of the root crop in the taste, but also destroy the pests. The main thing in these events is not to overdo it with salt. Otherwise, the crop may be ruined.

We hope that the information presented will greatly simplify your life, and you will no longer ask how to water the beets with salt water correctly.

We increase sugar content in another way.

If an element such as boron is present in the soil, then the beets will only “be pleased.” It is enough 1-2 times during the season to water the beds with a mixture of water and boric acid (10 g of boric acid per bucket of water). Most often, a lack of boron can be observed in sandy, sandy, or boggy soils. If your site is favorable from this point of view, then it is quite enough for you to treat the beet seeds with a mixture of water with boric acid (1 g of boric acid is dissolved in 2 liters of water).

Methods such as watering beets with salt water or with a solution of boric acid can achieve normal sugar content in the root crop, as well as increase the resistance of the crop to pests and diseases.

The reasons why beets can grow tasteless

The whole season you tried so hard, looked after the beets. Then they dug it, tried it, and it is tasteless and wooden. The main reasons for this state of affairs may be:

  • Poor quality seeds.

Advice! When purchasing seeds, use only the services of trusted sellers.

  • Agricultural technology of the root crop, performed not according to the rules.
  • Wrong selection of root crops for storage (the most delicious, as a rule, is beets with a diameter of 5-6 cm).

growing beets by irrigation with salt water

To avoid the presence of bitterness in vegetables, it is necessary to water evenly. Drying of the soil is excluded, and there should be no crusts formed after irrigation or rain (we must mulch). Another way against the formation of a hard crust can be a completely ordinary cardboard, which is placed on a bed with sown seeds. Such a measure will help to eliminate the appearance of crust after rain, and also to keep the soil moist. We carry out all watering on top of cardboard, which we remove only when the seeds germinate.


Do you still decide whether to water the beets with salt water? Discard all doubts, pour the settled water into a container, add salt, and go to the vegetables.

One of the most common occupations of citizens in the spring and summer periods is the cultivation of fruit and vegetable crops on their six hundredths. To get a wonderful harvest, lovers of digging in the beds are looking for more and more new methods of increasing the volume of grown root crops, tomatoes, cucumbers and fruits.


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