Sukhova Elena: short biography and books

Sukhova Elena is a modern children's writer working in the genres of detective and fantasy. Her work has many small fans. In this article, we briefly give a biography of the writer and provide her bibliography.


Sukhova Elena

Sukhova Elena was born in 1987, February 16, in the city of St. Petersburg. The family paid great attention to raising children, they were taken to museums, cinemas, theaters, and performances were organized at home that developed the imagination and imagination of the kids.

Elena wrote her first work at age 6. It was a fairy tale about a man who lived on the moon and knew how to fly. Also in childhood, the future writer went in for sports, including choreography, cycling, athletics.

Sukhova Elena after graduating from high school entered the medical college, deciding to first become a nurse, and only then go to study as a cardiac surgeon. Perhaps her dream would come true, if not for the passion for books. After graduating from college, Sukhova worked for several years in intensive care, and then entered the institute, but not the medical school where she was going, but the press. At the same time, her first book was published.

Elena Sukhova: bibliography

Elena Sukhova bibliography

The writer is the author of several methodological books:

  • “Speech. Logics. Thinking".
  • "Attention. Memory. Horizon".

But her books for children are more famous. So, the first series of “The Adventures of Rastyapkin”, written in the genre of a detective story, includes stories:

  • Survival Exam.
  • "The perfect trap."
  • "Dangerous truth."
  • "Power over the world."

The next series, entitled "The Twilight Hunter" Sukhova Elena wrote already in the framework of fantasy. These included:

  • "Entrance into reality."
  • "Legal mining."
  • "The season of poachers."

And the author’s last cycle is The Magic Kingdom, which includes the following books:

  • "Princess and the Beasts."
  • “Give the dragon back!”

Sukhova's works continue to be published, and the series grows every year, to the great joy of young readers. Radio productions were made based on her work, and a computer game is being prepared for release.


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