Types of cameras traffic police photo and video. Are traffic police cameras allowed to be installed without notice?

Every year an increasing number of motorists appear on the country's roads. Naturally, it is impossible to control compliance with the rules of conduct on the road with the help of traffic police alone. Therefore, at a fast pace, all major roads are equipped with photo and video cameras.

Varieties of cameras

There are various types of traffic police cameras, with the help of which the fixing and registration of violations of traffic rules is carried out . They differ among themselves both in the method of installation, the range of readability, and in the volume and types of recorded offenses.

So, the types of traffic police cameras according to the installation method are divided into the following:

  • stationary (for example, Rapier, Arrow, Cordon, etc.);
  • mobile (these include "Chris-P" and "Arena-S");
  • mobile ("Golden Eagle", "Binar", "Vizir", "Iskra" and others).

According to the control system, crime detection devices can be conditionally divided into the following types:

  • speed cameras;
  • cameras for parking violations;
  • camera alkolazers.

In addition, the types of traffic police cameras are divided into laser and radar.

Range and frequency of operation

Absolutely all radars in the country operate in three bands. The indicated ranges are established by relevant international agreements, therefore, the frequencies of any cameras should be within the specified indicators. The base of traffic police cameras works exclusively in the ranges below.

So, there are three certified options:

  • x-band with an operating frequency of 10.525 GHz;
  • K-band with a frequency of 24.150 GHz;
  • l-band with a frequency of 700-1000 nm.

X-band is currently practically not used. It was widely in demand about 10 years ago. Today, only Sokol and Barrier radars operate in this range.

Unlike the X-band, the K-band is used for almost all types of radars in all countries. Cameras operating in these parameters have a large detection range. The undoubted advantage of cameras operating at these frequencies is their compactness and mobility.

Stationary cameras

Currently, stationary traffic police video cameras are the most common on the roads of our country. Such photo and video recording systems are fixed on a rigid support directly above the carriageway in a specially selected place for this.

what parkon looks like

An important functional feature of this type of camera is the ability to record vehicle traffic in several lanes at once (even oncoming lanes).

Most often, stationary types of traffic police cameras found on city streets are Strelka, Avtouragan, Rapira, Arena, and Krechet.

The Strelka radar detects such types of traffic offenses as driving at a prohibitory traffic light, exceeding the permissible speed limit, and also crossing a solid line.

This type of radar is able to simultaneously control the movement of vehicles on five road lanes.

This type of radar received wide popularity not only for its wide range of functions, but also for the possibility of its mobile location (for example, the Strelka radar can be seen standing on a tripod at the side of the road).

An undoubted plus is the fact that Strelka works absolutely in any weather: it is not afraid of severe frosts and summer heat. Also, the specified device is moisture resistant.

video cameras

Another common type of video camera for the traffic police is the Chris radar. It, like the above Strelka device, was manufactured in Russia. However, Chris can control the movement of cars in only one lane.

This stationary device is mounted above the carriageway in order to detect violations such as speeding, going into the oncoming lane and driving along the public transport lane. "Chris" records all the above offenses that are committed by vehicles moving at a speed of 20 to 250 km / h.

This "smart" device in a matter of minutes is able to "drive" the state number of the car on the basis of the traffic police database and find out the full list of unpaid fines.

Violators fear them

One of the most technically equipped and advanced stationary fixation systems are such devices as Avtouragan and Arena.

Stationary radar "Avtouragan" - a thunderstorm for violators of the rules of the road. This device captures all kinds of situations that occur on the road. In addition to the banal speeding and driving to a red light, Avtouragan registers driving on the sidewalk, bicycle paths and roadside, driving under prohibition signs, crossing a railway crossing and even driving on a pedestrian crossing (if there are pedestrians who want to cross the road).

Avtouragan can control only one lane, the mobile version of this unit does not exist. Well, the obvious disadvantage of such a radar is its recognition: thanks to the rather large and elongated Avtouragan body, drivers see from afar.

A popular stationary camera with built-in radar is the Arena complex. Depending on the location of this radar, it covers a different range of roads. So, the Arena installed exactly above the carriageway keeps under control only one lane. But if you place the radar at a certain angle to the road, then Arena can easily control the situation on three lanes at once.

traffic police radars

Thus, fixed CCTV cameras can record 4 types of offenses. These include speeding, oncoming lane, and rarely occurring violations associated with heavy vehicles that appear in areas prohibited for them. But fixing such a frequent violation as parking in the wrong place is not possible for stationary cameras.

Mobile complexes

Traffic police radars belonging to this category, motorists can meet on the side of the road. They are mounted on a tripod tripod. It is important to know that such photo-radar complexes are often installed in such a way that they can record speeding not only oncoming vehicles, but also retreating cars.

One of the most common mobile radars possessed by the traffic police camera base is the Chris-P installation. The specified complex has a stationary analogue, in contrast to which Chris-P cannot fix such a violation as going to the oncoming traffic. Despite this, this installation easily identifies violators who exceed speed, as well as driving on a public transport lane.

Often, motor vehicle offenses are recorded using the Arena radar system. It is usually installed on the side of the road and records everything that happens in three lanes. The radar captures all the cars that move within the speed range from 20 to 250 km / h.

This unit is equipped with a built-in memory card, all information from which is automatically sent over the air to traffic inspectors. At the same time, in order to receive timely information, traffic police inspectors should be in the immediate vicinity of this installation (within a radius of 1.5 km).

Mobile radars

Mobile video cameras for the traffic police are perhaps the most convenient radars to use. As a rule, they are issued to the traffic police duty patrols when they intervene on duty. They are very compact and can easily be moved from one place to another. An important plus is the ability to register traffic violations directly from the patrol car.

Consider the main mobile traffic police radars.

The Vizir complex is a striking representative of modern radars. In addition to measuring the speed of vehicles, this unit is capable of photo and video recording of the offenders themselves. This is especially important when disputes arise with motorists.

The "Vizir" is installed directly in the patrol car, and a wide range of actions allows you to register offenses at a distance of up to 400 meters.

kinds of traffic police cameras

The specified complex is convenient in operation: it can be installed both in a patrol car and on the side of the road. The Vizir radar is small-sized and weighs only about 2 kg. It is worth saying about the temperature regime: this unit operates at a temperature of 0 to +50 degrees. At lower temperatures, a special thermal cover is put on it, which allows you to use the radar at temperatures up to -30 degrees.

Another mobile speed meter is the Binar radar. It differs from the previous complex by the presence of two built-in fixation chambers at once. One camera makes it possible to track the general road plan, but the second allows you to get an image of the intruder and distinguish license plates at a fairly large distance.

The range of measuring the speed of the specified device is 300 meters, but visually distinguish the numbers of "Binar" can only be at a distance of 200 meters.

Perhaps the most compact and easy to use is a police radar such as the Golden Eagle. It can be used both in patrol mode, and, as they say, from the hand (thanks to a special handle).

"Golden eagle" is able to measure the speed of vehicles in the oncoming and along the way.

Thanks to the built-in light sensor, this radar can be easily used in the dark and in bad weather. This device is equipped with a sufficiently powerful battery, which allows the Berkut radar to work without additional recharging for about 10 hours.

There is also such an important function in the radar as the choice of the target, by setting which the Golden Eagle will fix the fastest car from the stream or the one closest to the radar.

Park where I want?

Parking problems occur in almost all cities. This problem is especially acute in large cities, where drivers leave their cars on lawns, sidewalks and other places prohibited for parking cars due to lack of available seats or due to their own inattention.

To combat such violations, the Parkon was introduced into the work of traffic police officers - a modern complex of automatic control of parking rules.

So what does Parkon look like?

This complex consists of a video module and a workstation designed to process incoming video materials. The specified mechanism has two cameras, one of which captures the traffic situation, and the second - telephoto, allows you to recognize license plates of cars. The built-in searchlight makes it possible to use the Parkon at night.

The video module of the mechanism is located on the front panel of the patrol car and is connected to the on-board network of the car. The built-in battery allows you to use the device for work "with the hand."

Among other things, Parkon is equipped with the GLONASS system, which makes it possible to link a specific offender to a specific geographical location, as well as to the time and date of the offense.

CCTV cameras

The Parkon complex fixes the following types of offenses:

  • stopping or parking the car on the sidewalk, roadway (in places where it is prohibited by appropriate traffic signs);
  • stopping or parking the car at a pedestrian crossing;
  • stopping or parking at public transportation stops, as well as within a radius of 15 meters from the indicated stops;
  • leaving a car on a lawn, in a park, square, on a sports or children's playground;
  • leaving the car in the parking lot in a prohibited way (for example, parking in the second row or not parallel to the roadway).

Any of these offenses is recorded by issuing two photos with the image of the intruder by the Parkon apparatus. In these photos, the state number of the car, as well as the date, time and place of registration of the offense, must be viewed.

Where are the traffic police cameras?

Since 2013, special warning signs or markings appeared on city roads. Signs such as “Photo and video fixation” warn motorists that offenses are recorded on the road section through radars.

However, contrary to the opinion of many motorists, the installation of these warning signs is only a recommendation for the traffic police. That is, inspectors can register offenses through photo and video recordings without installing special signs.

In addition, the warning sign can be located at a fairly large distance from the radar itself, and the camera fixation can be well camouflaged. The indicated signs more relate to stationary surveillance cameras, but mobile and mobile radars, at times, are installed by the traffic police in the most unpredictable and inconspicuous places.

So, motorists should be prepared for the fact that the mobile camera of the traffic police can be behind a traffic sign, a fence or a chipper. Often cameras are installed among vegetation or garbage containers.

And if there is no sign?

According to the current regulatory acts, the absence of a warning sign or marking is not a ground for recognition of the offense and, accordingly, the fine written for it is invalid.

mobile camera traffic police

Thus, the answer to the question of whether the installation of traffic police cameras is allowed without notification is unambiguous - such an installation is not prohibited. And in the case of receiving a “letter of happiness” with a fine, the driver does not make sense to refer to the fact that he did not see signs warning that a photo or video recording is being carried out on the road section.

The placement of such signs and markings is merely advisory in nature and does not oblige the traffic police to install such signs in the immediate vicinity of the cameras for fixing offenses. Therefore, for example, contesting a fine in court on the indicated grounds will not succeed, and the motorist will still have to pay the written fine.


Currently, in the arsenal of traffic police there are many radars that can catch and record almost any traffic offense. So, thanks to modern equipment, violations such as speeding, driving to an oncoming lane or a marked lane, an unfastened seat belt are recorded on almost all roads in the country.

Thanks to the latest technology, motorists receive punishment for improper parking, and for driving while intoxicated. The indicated offenses are also recorded by the video cameras of the traffic police.

All motorists should remember that the traffic police do not have to warn that photo or video recording is being carried out on a certain section of the road. Warning signs, contrary to the opinion of many drivers, are not required to hang, and their absence does not exempt from paying fines.

It is important to remember that photo and video recording cameras, as well as CCTV cameras are not installed in order to complicate the life of car enthusiasts. The placement of fixation systems can reduce the number of offenses, the number of road traffic accidents.

base of traffic police cameras

Video surveillance on the roads leads to the establishment of a safe mode, to reducing the accident rate and the number of deaths.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16379/

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