Garden fern: luxurious "sissy"

garden fern
Remember the legend? On the night of Ivan Kupala, a fern blooms. A flower gives magical power to someone who finds it: a person will be able to discover treasures, guide people's thoughts, etc. Unfortunately, a beautiful legend has no soil: they do not bloom. Reproduction of ferns occurs through spores. The plant has sexual and asexual varieties, but alas, there are no flowers. However, this does not in the least reduce the beauty and luxurious appearance of this plant. Garden fern can decorate any site, and many of its varieties easily take root both in the south and in central Russia. There are even species that grow in Siberia and other cold regions.

Garden fern: luxurious "sissy" and others

Each region has its own varieties of plants. So, for central Russia it is better to choose the garden fern varieties millipede ordinary, "Metallicum", "Burgundy Lace", ostrich ordinary, adiantum pusiform, etc. For a hotter climate, tree-like varieties of Cyathea australis are suitable. When breeding these plants with luxurious lush leaves, it should be borne in mind that the entire garden fern prefers to grow in shady, moist, but warm places and tolerates frosts very poorly. Therefore, thinking where to plant the plants, observe in which part of your site the snow does not melt for the longest.

fern propagation
This place will be the most convenient for the fern. The soil into which the plant is planted must be very fertile, otherwise green, often feather-like leaves, because of which gardeners tend to plant garden fern, will turn yellow and dry. It is recommended to protect the plant from frost, as the leaves may fall and never recover. However, ferns cannot be planted in the sun: they will begin to develop too early. The same can be said about the roots: the frozen die. Strong cold is the first danger from which you need to protect the garden fern. The second, no less dangerous, is mechanical damage to plants. Broken leaves (vayi) are restored no earlier than next spring and greatly weaken the rhizomes. That's why you need to plant a garden fern away from paths and playgrounds. When breeding them, it is also worth remembering: there are very few species that reproduce vegetatively. It is best to collect spores, grow a plant in a room, and then transplant it into the garden.

How to find a fern flower

fern flower

Russian fairy tales say that you can just go to the forest and pick a flower. Healers and sorcerers prefer to β€œhatch him”. To do this, in July twilight you should go to the forest (alone and with completely empty hands), notice the place where the ferns grow, sit among them and wait in silence. At midnight, you need to imagine a flower: the more accurate and brighter the pictures created in the imagination will be, the faster it will appear. When, under the influence of darkness and fumes, visions flicker in the eyes, a flower will appear. For each he has his own. Hanging in the air, the flower will fall into the undergrowth. It should be noted the place of the fall, dig there the root of the fern, silently bring home. After cleaning it, sew it under your skin. All. Now your witchcraft gift is simply unattainable.


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