Glue "Plitonite B": a review of the material, advantages, use

Glue "Plitonit B" today is quite common in the market. It is intended for laying ceramic tiles on the floor and walls outside and indoors. With it, it is easy to strengthen clinker porcelain tiles inside buildings, while the rough surface can be made of concrete or reinforced concrete. Among other things, lime-cement or gypsum plaster, plaster, tongue- and- groove plates, as well as brick, can be a rough coating.

Glue “Plitonit B”, according to many, is convenient to use, easy to mix with water, plastic, during the work the products do not slip from vertical bases. This mixture can be used for cladding floors in which heating systems are built. Work can be carried out in indoor pools, the volume of which does not exceed 50 cubic meters.

plitonite in

Material Overview

You can buy the described composition in bags of 5 or 25 kilograms. Before starting work, you must remember that the temperature of the adhesive joint during operation can reach +60 degrees. During the work, the adhesive joint can be formed up to 10 millimeters in thickness, and the maximum filler fraction is 0.63 millimeters. The mixture is easy to knead, resistant to frost and water, and the surface can be used 24 hours after the completion of the manipulations. The same period should pass before grouting.

hardware store

Use of glue: working conditions

Glue "Plitonit B" should be used under certain conditions, among which should be highlighted exposure to a certain temperature of the air and the base of the tile for 3 days after application of the mixture. The temperature limit can vary from +5 to +30 degrees. As for the temperature of the mortar during the laying of the tile, it can vary from +10 to +30 degrees.

Foundation preparation

Glue "Plitonite B" should be applied on a sufficiently strong base, which is not subject to shrinkage or deformation. The surface before starting work must be cleaned of dust, dirt and grease stains. It is important to remove all types of paints and glues, it is necessary to eliminate peeling elements. With the help of this composition, gypsum bases and surfaces, which are characterized by high water absorption, are lined. The mortar mixture should be applied only after surface treatment with a primer.

plonite in price

Mixture preparation

To prepare the solution, you must use drinking water, while maintaining the recommended ratio. For 1 kilogram of dry composition, approximately 0.24 liters of water should be used. And 25 kilograms will need about 6 liters. A certain amount of water is measured in advance, where the dry mixture is poured. In this case, the liquid should have room temperature. Glue for granite is mixed for about 3 minutes, this is exactly the time that will be enough to obtain a uniform consistency. You can use an electric mixer or a drill with a nozzle. The speed of rotation should not exceed 600 revolutions per minute.

The mortar mixture is set aside for 5 minutes, then re-mixed, while it is allowed to add liquid, but do not exceed the above values. It is necessary to use the mortar mixture within 4 hours, but if the room has a high temperature or drafts, then the time will be reduced.

adhesive plonite

Work procedure

Glue for granite is evenly applied to the base using a smooth spatula. The surface of the mixture must be given a comb structure, while the size of the teeth will depend on the type and size of the product. The mortar mixture is applied to the area to be lined with finishing material for no longer than 15 minutes. That is the time of open work. If a dried crust has formed on the surface of the applied glue, then the mortar mixture is removed and replaced with a new one. You can check if there is a crust if you press the surface with your finger. There will be no trace left. The tile is laid on the mortar mixture and pressed into the surface by turning movements. The position of the product can be adjusted within the next 20 minutes.

tile adhesive

Specialist recommendations

Glue "Plitonite" should be laid with open seams, which are aligned with appropriate devices according to the type of crosses. When lining swimming pools or floors with underfloor heating, as well as when the relief height of the back of the tile is 2 millimeters or more, voids under the tile should be excluded, trying to increase the adhesion strength. Glue for this is applied in a combined way, that is, on the base and on the back of the product. On the reverse surface of the tile, you need to lay the composition with a notched trowel, and then - smooth, evenly even out over the area. It should be borne in mind that the consumption of material will be increased by 1.3 kilograms per square meter. It is important to maintain a layer thickness of one millimeter.

For reference

If you used glue for tile “Plitonit B” for work, then it is not recommended to connect heated floors earlier than 7 days after the completion of the manipulations. These timing specifications are valid if the ambient temperature is 20 degrees. Relative humidity can vary up to 60%. Before starting work, the tiles do not need to be soaked, and the back side is cleaned of dirt and dust. During the work, the master is recommended to periodically mix the mortar mixture. It is forbidden to introduce water into the finished composition.

Material consumption

Having visited a hardware store, you can purchase this glue, however, before making a purchase, you need to ask what the dry composition consumption is. It will depend on the height of the trowel tooth and the length of the largest side of the tile. If the first indicator is 4 millimeters, and the second does not exceed 108 millimeters, then the consumption of dry mix per 1 square meter will be 1.7 kilograms. With a tooth height of 8 millimeters and a length of the largest side of the product from 201 to 250 millimeters, the consumption will be 3.4 kilograms. If the length of the side of the tile starts from 300 millimeters, and the height of the trowel tooth is 12 millimeters, then the consumption per 1 square meter will be 5.1 kilograms. These figures are correct when the surface is level.

glue for granite

Cost and positive features

Any building store today offers many varieties of adhesives that can be used for laying tiles on any basis. However, the described composition has advantages, among which: water-repellent characteristics, the ability to adjust products for a long time, strong adhesion to the surface, resistance to frost and water, as well as the duration of operation of the resulting coating.

For a 25-kilogram bag, the consumer will have to pay 265 rubles, which, according to users, is an acceptable cost. Glue "Plitonit B", the price of which will allow you to calculate the consumption of the composition, is versatile, because it can be used both indoors and outdoors. The composition also became so widespread for the reason that it can be used in tandem with almost any rough basis, which greatly expands the scope of use.


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