Tourist First Aid Kit: Drug List

What should be in the first-aid kit of a tourist? It doesn’t matter if you go to prosperous Europe with quality medicine, to Asia, where you can encounter diseases that you haven’t even heard of, and traditional spicy foods can negatively affect the stomach, or the domestic spa, the basic set of medicines should always be by hand. How to make a list of medicines for all occasions (both on the beach and in the mountains)? What should be the composition of a tourist's first-aid kit? We analyze an example of a first-aid kit, which is suitable for traveling in Southeast Asia, Europe and Russia.

Remedies for diarrhea and indigestion

Be sure to include a remedy for diarrhea tourist first aid kit. In Thailand and other Asian countries, unusual food (and as a result of a stomach problem) can spoil any vacation. In addition, there is the so-called "diarrhea of ​​travelers", which is due to a sharp change in climate, the quality of drinking water and the nature of nutrition. At risk are those who travel to Africa, Asia and South America.

From an upset stomach, you can take Loperamide, Rifaximin, Azithromycin or Ciprofloxacin with you. It is advisable to purchase and pack Mezim or Festal in a first-aid kit, which will make the process of exploring the local cuisine safe and improve digestion. . The tourist’s first-aid kit should have potassium permanganate, a weak solution of which needs to be washed in the stomach during food poisoning. Then you need to take activated charcoal, “White coal”, “Polyphepan”, “Polyphan”, “Polysorb”, “Enterodez” and the like enterosorbents.

tourist first aid kit

With diarrhea, Loperamide and Smecta are effective, and Intetrix or Furazolidone are suitable as antimicrobial agents. To restore the intestinal microflora after gastrointestinal upsets or to take broad-spectrum antibiotics, it is advisable to take Linex, which should also be in the traveler’s first-aid kit. It is easy to catch a rotavirus infection (intestinal flu) on the road, so it is advisable to take Enterofuril with you.

Pain medication

Going abroad, you should take painkillers with you - this is an obligatory item in the list of medicines for a tourist’s first-aid kit. Anyone you usually use is suitable - it’s best not to take risks with new medicines while traveling, even if you have medical insurance. You can take Pentalgin, Nise or Nurofen with you. Antispasmodics, for example, No-Shpa or Spazmalgon, will not interfere in the medicine cabinet.

Antipyretic drugs

The most harmless draft against the backdrop of climate change, acclimatization and stress can cause a cold with a high temperature, especially among young travelers. The range of antipyretic drugs is very wide, almost all of them simultaneously have an analgesic effect, and some act as anti-inflammatory. Putting a tourist in a medicine cabinet is definitely worth something from the following list: “Nurofen”, “Analgin”, “Coldrex”, “Panadol”, “Tera Fly”, “Nise”, “Aspirin”, “Upsarin Upsa”, “Coldact” , "Citramon P", "Paracetamol", "Mig" and the like. If you have children who also go on a trip, you need to take care not only of “adult” medicines, but also those that are suitable for children by age.

first aid kit tourist list of drugs

Cold Relief Medicines

In addition to drugs that reduce body temperature and alleviate the general condition, it is worth purchasing medications that will help get rid of the annoying cough and runny nose that accompany a cold. There are a lot of colds and you can choose any: “Rinostop”, “Nazol Advance”, “Naftizin”, “Pinosol”, “Nazivin”. You can also take a nasal spray with sea water, which will help if you are too sensitive to dry air in an airplane. It is more convenient to use lozenges for coughing than liquid syrups. When collecting a first-aid kit for a tourist, the list of medicines must be supplemented with Septolete, Faringosept, Hexoral, Loratadin, Emser Pastillen or similar medicines that will help cope with cough and sore throat.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics

One of the broad-spectrum antibiotics will help stabilize the condition in case of more serious health problems than a passing cold or cough. You can take with you, for example, Sumamed, Hemamycin, or the more reliable Amoxicillin, Flemoxin Solutab, Ospamox, Biseptol. "Amoxicillin" should be taken three times a day at 500 mg for 5-7 days. One package for 16-20 tablets is enough for this. The recommended duration of taking broad-spectrum antibiotics, as well as dosages, are indicated in the instructions, but you can adhere to the general criterion: until the signs of the disease disappear and another two to three days. In a tourist's first-aid kit , by the way, there must be instructions for all medicines.

composition of a tourist first-aid kit

Antiallergic (antihistamines) medicines

Even if you and your family members are not prone to allergic reactions and have never experienced an allergy from their own experience, it’s worthwhile to add one antihistamine to the list of medicines in a tourist’s first-aid kit. This is especially important if you travel to exotic countries or to resorts that you have never visited before. After all, it is impossible to predict exactly how the body will react to new products or plants.

From allergies in a tourist’s first-aid kit should be “Loratadin” (domestic, cheaper) or “Claritin” (imported, more expensive). It is necessary to take one tablet once a day.

If you suffer from allergies, take the tested medications or those prescribed by your doctor. Please note that prescription drugs can only be exported abroad if you have a prescription with the signature of a doctor and the seal of a medical institution. The dosage form, the duration of administration and the name of the active substance in Latin should also be indicated on the form. You can take a recipe with you in Russian, in most cases there should be no problems. If in doubt, ask the doctor to write a comment about taking the medicine and your name in English.

Tools and materials for injuries

In honey. First-aid kit for a tourist, be sure to put an antiseptic and an ointment for healing wounds. I need iodine (preferably in the form of a felt-tip stick) for treating small cuts, peroxide or chlorhexidine (the same as hydrogen peroxide, but does not pinch, which is important for traveling with children) to disinfect and wash open wounds, a bactericidal patch, a bandage . In case of sprain or dislocation, you need to add an item such as an elastic bandage to the list of medicines. In no case do not forget to take a tourist first-aid kit with you on a trip. The list of drugs that are listed above can be supplemented with the following: Ebermin or Boro Plus (healing ointments). The usual “Rescuer” is also suitable, although more effective means have appeared recently.

first-aid kit for tourists list

Medications for motion sickness

From nausea and motion sickness in a tourist’s first-aid kit should be “Dramina”, “Bonin”, “Kinedril”, “Phenibut”, “Vertigohel” or “Air-Sea”. If other pills help you, just take them, because in matters of health everything is purely individual. Children over one year of age can be given Phenibut and Vertigochel, and older than two years, Kinedril. "Air Sea" and ginger tablets can be given to kids of any age. Pregnant women will be helped to cope with “sea sickness” with ginger in granules, grated ginger root powder, Avia-Sea, Kokkulus.

If you often get sick of transport, you need to follow several preventive rules before traveling:

  1. Do not eat too fatty foods. You need to eat something light, but you can’t go on an empty stomach.
  2. Choosing the right place in the transport. At the back of a bus, for example, it usually cradles harder.
  3. Do not drink alcohol before traveling or on the go. In addition, any tablets from motion sickness should not be taken with alcohol.
  4. Keep a small bottle of cold water and something acidic on hand, such as a few slices of lemon.

Remedies for sunburn and tanning

Gathered in a hot country? The first-aid kit of a tourist in this case should include funds from sunburn and against sunburn. This is also a must for those who are going to spend a lot of time in the sun, for example, on a hiking trip even in the middle latitudes. It is better to buy sunburn and tanning products in advance, since in resort towns their cost can be greatly overstated. For those who have fair skin, “Bepanten” is excellent, which effectively heals burns and stimulates skin renewal - it is a must-take for those who are sent to Thailand. A list of medicines first-aid kit tourist supplement "Panthenol." If you are prone to age spots, Neotone radiance SPF50 + is suitable. To protect the lips, you can put any hygienic lipstick with SPF marking on the package.

honey first aid kit for tourists

Medicines for snake and insect bites

For those who are going to tropical countries, it is very important to have funds from bites of dangerous insects and snakes in their tourist medicine chest. This is especially true for those who are allergic to bites. It is necessary to take care of the presence of a variety of repellents - mosquito repellents. For example, you can purchase Fenistil, which relieves itching and pain after insect bites, or the Moskitol record.

When biting bees and other poisonous insects, you must first attach a plantain to the bite site (the plant sucks out the poison), and then validol soaked in water. It is also advisable to attach something cold to the bite site to slow the spread of the poison throughout the body. It is recommended that you drink hot tea or coffee to increase your blood pressure, as well as the medication you usually use for allergies. In case of shock, strong reaction or multiple bites, you must always consult a doctor.

tourist kit in thailand medicine list

With shallow snake bites, it is necessary to rinse the affected area with water and try to suck out the poison. The latter is relevant only during the first 10-15 minutes after a bite, and if you have no wounds in your mouth through which the poison can enter the body again. The limb on which the snake bite fell cannot be moved, as this can increase the speed of the spread of poison throughout the body. The site of the bite should be cooled, drink plenty of water (diuretic drugs may also be useful), you should immediately seek medical help.

With bites of aspids (cobras or sea snakes and other species), the victim needs to do artificial respiration. Then apply the tourniquet for 30 minutes, then take a break for 5 minutes, and then again apply the tourniquet for 30 minutes. You can not apply a tourniquet with bites of vipers, as this can provoke the necrosis of the limb. Intravenously or intramuscularly, the affected person must be given corticosteroid drugs, ascorbic acid (it can be taken orally). Corticosteroids can not be bought in pharmacies, but doctors have them, so you need to urgently seek medical help.

An example of a first-aid kit for an adult for 2-3 weeks

The basic first-aid kit for one person for 2-3 weeks of calm vacation should include the following drugs:

  1. Anesthetic and antipyretic "Nurofen", Take one tablet after meals 3-4 times a day. Domestic analogue (for budget travelers): "Ibuprofen".
  2. No-shpa. Take one or two tablets two to three times a day. Analog: Drotaverinum.
  3. Sorbent used in food poisoning, Polysorb MP. Dilute one tablespoon in 100-150 ml of water, you can not take it dry. Analog: activated carbon.
  4. An enzyme that helps with bloating, heaviness in the stomach and overeating, Mezim. Take one or two tablets before meals, while eating, you can take another one or four tablets. Analog: "Pancreatin".
  5. "Cerucal" from vomiting. Take one tablet 30 minutes before meals. Analog: Metoclopramide.
  6. "Imodium" for diarrhea. Two tablets, then one more after each attack. Analog: Loperamide.
  7. Chlohexidine, a bandage and a patch.
  8. Septolete from sore throat.
  9. Claritin for allergies. Take one tablet once a day. Analogue: "Loratadin."
tourist kit in thailand

Putting the travel kit right

It can be very difficult to properly put together a first-aid kit on a trip. The tourist guide will help you not to forget important points that could be missed for doubts about the appropriateness of a particular drug:

  1. First, put in the medicine cabinet all the medicines that you take regularly.
  2. Take with you only those medicines that you know how to use and for which you have no contraindications.
  3. Put all the instructions. To save space, complete instructions can be saved on your smartphone (in a cloud storage, for example, or on a memory card), and put a brief explanation of the drugs and dosage regimen in the medicine cabinet.
  4. Make sure the medications are not expired. This is especially true if you take them from a home medicine cabinet, in which medicines can gather dust for years.
  5. Reread storage conditions. Make sure that the medicine does not deteriorate during transportation. For example, candles will melt at temperatures above +25.
  6. Replace liquid medicines with powders and tablets that are less weighty and certainly won't flood all things. If the medicine needs to be put in the medicine cabinet in liquid form, give preference to plastic bottles.
  7. Instead of started blisters, put whole ones. In order to avoid customs issues and not to forget that you are tied up with yourself, the name of the tablets and the expiration date should be well read on the blister.
  8. You can throw away cardboard packaging to save space, but remember that all medicines must be well identified.
  9. Take prescription drugs with a margin. Other countries are usually allowed to import such drugs with the expectation of three months of admission.

Also, add prescriptions and a doctor’s certificate to prescription drugs.


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