How to write a complaint to the prosecutor: basic rules

How to write a complaint to the prosecutor? Such a question may sooner or later overtake everyone, since no one is safe from infringement of rights. In accordance with the law, the prosecutor’s office is precisely the body that examines various violations. Before contacting this authority, you should find out how to write a complaint to the prosecutor.

how to write a complaint to the prosecutor

Firstly, the addressee should be correctly indicated in the application, since the RF prosecutor’s system has its own hierarchy and specializations, for example, military, city, etc. Secondly, you need to decide on the form for submitting the appeal (complaint, request, statement). Thirdly, you need to pay attention to the stands with sample statements (in the lobby of the prosecutor's office), having studied which, you can get an idea of ​​how to correctly write a complaint to the prosecutor's office.

As a rule, the text consists of three sections. First, the events or facts that caused the appeal are described, then the current situation is analyzed (which, according to the applicant, is a violation, etc.), in the end, it is proposed to carry out specific actions. Another question often arises: "How to write a complaint to the prosecutor's office, by hand or on a computer?" There are no special requirements: both options are allowed. But you need to know that an illegible text can cause a suspension of the case and leave it without consideration. In addition, you must indicate your full name and address of residence: anonymous appeals will not be considered.

how to write a complaint to the prosecutor

How to write a complaint to the prosecutor's office, in plain language or using legal terms? This is unprincipled. The main thing is that the facts stated are understandable, and there are no ornate, ambiguous, slang and insulting statements. The complaint should contain as many facts as possible that are directly relevant to the case and set out as objectively as possible. This will facilitate and speed up the work of the prosecutor, which means receiving a response. You should not overload the application with unnecessary information that is not related to the problem: this can distort the essence of the complaint and cause incorrect decisions.

How to write a statement to the prosecutor’s office, with or without supporting documents? This is up to the applicant. As practice shows, it is better to attach the available evidence and make appropriate notes about them in the text of the appeal before signing. It is better to send copies (preferably certified), rather than the originals, which may be needed later in the proceedings in court.

how to write a statement to the prosecutor

In some situations, writing appeals does not make sense, as there will be no answer. We are talking about complaints about court decisions or re-appeals, which were answered earlier. If the reaction of the prosecutor's office did not satisfy the applicant, he can write to a higher authority. Considering appeals, the prosecutor can release illegally detained people, appeal against acts contrary to the law, apply to the court for their cancellation, make an order to eliminate violations of the law, take measures to hold those responsible for violations of law accountable.


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