Time trouble. What it is?

This word has been heard by many, but not everyone understands its meaning correctly. Those who play chess are familiar with the concept of time pressure. What is it, they do not need to explain. This is a situation where the time allotted for the first forty moves ends, when the check mark on the chess clock is about to drop, and you lose, not because you are weaker, but because you did not fit into the time limit. Time trouble is when there is no time to think, but you need to make a move.

This is a strength test.

Time pressure - what is this, if not the moment of truth for a chess player? Indeed, it is often only in extreme conditions that a person reveals his full potential. This concept came from chess and became common, and the meaning of the word time pressure has long gone beyond chess.

time trouble what is it
The ability to make the only right decision in extreme circumstances is extremely important in very many areas of professional activity: from an air traffic controller controlling his area of ​​responsibility to a pocket thief in a tram caught by the arm at the most inopportune moment. The ability to overcome time pressure - what is it: an innate talent or a quality acquired as a result of long training? Perhaps both of these factors matter. The personal qualities of a person inherited from God, as they say, are extremely important. But natural talents can be developed using special training techniques.

Time trouble. What does this concept mean in management theory?

Meaning of time trouble

Especially important are the skills to act correctly in the business and management sphere. Any, even the most thoughtful and carefully structured business strategy can fail. This usually happens with the intervention of various force majeure circumstances. In this case, only one wrong decision can ruin the result of a lot of work and reduce to losses significant funds invested in the project.
Time trouble - what is it if not a disaster? For so many, but not for everyone. There is a whole category of peculiarly gifted people who do not particularly manifest themselves in the measured course of life, when everything goes according to plan. But their talent is revealed in crisis situations. The time pressure regime can disable very many, even very qualified and competent specialists. And at this critical moment, the crisis manager, who has the talent to make decisions in the face of a shortage of time, must take control levers. This person in a serious structure should always be in reserve with a reasonable personnel corporate policy. Out of people with this kind of talent, in conditions of warfare, excellent commanders of reconnaissance and sabotage units come out.

time pressure mode
Yes, and the most ordinary person, spending part of his life driving a car, decision-making skills in critical situations can be very useful. Is it possible to develop such abilities in oneself? Yes you can. For this, special techniques have been developed. And well-known classical chess can be very useful in this direction. Especially if you play them at a limited time limit.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E1640/

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