Botanical Garden, Petrozavodsk: address, photos and reviews

The Botanical Garden in Petrozavodsk is an amazing place where every visitor can make an exciting journey through the northern hemisphere in an hour. On a not very large territory, a magnificent collection of plants from Europe, Asia and North America is collected.

The Devil's Chair

In the forest strip, east of the Solomenny district (Petrozavodsk), at the foot of the Bolshaya Vaara mountain, there is an open area from which the city is clearly visible. This tract was called the “Devil's Chair”. About two billion years ago, there was active volcanic activity. Rocky scree and landslides at the foot - these are traces of strong, about 9 points of earthquakes that occurred in the postglacial period.

Botanical Garden Petrozavodsk

One of the huge stone fragments was torn off by a sudden rupture and displacement of the earth's crust. He formed a niche in the shape of an armchair. This gave the name to the entire tract and rock. In 1987, this place was recognized as a geological natural monument of regional importance, which stores information about the phenomena and processes that took place during the Proterozoic era.


The Botanical Garden at Petrozavodsk University was founded in 1951 on the coast of the (northern) Petrozavodsk Bay of the magnificent Lake Onega, at the very foot of the Devil's Chair.

The territory was divided into several zones:

  • park part;
  • botanical expositions;
  • collection and experimental sites;
  • uterine plantations and nurseries;
  • economic infrastructure;
  • protective plantings.

He headed the Botanical Garden (Petrozavodsk), whose address is Lenin Ave., 33, a wonderful scientist and unrivaled organizer Mikhail Ivanov. Until 1963, the construction of the main facilities was carried out on the territory of the park: buildings with classrooms for conducting summer internships for students, greenhouses, laboratory buildings, hotbeds, a water supply network and roads were laid.

Petrozavodsk Botanical Garden how to get

At the same time, botanists created a collection of valuable trees and shrubs that were intended for landscaping northern cities and afforestation, as well as ornamental plants. Gradually, the garden area increased to 80 hectares.

After some time, the Botanical Garden (Petrozavodsk) was headed by P. Krupyshev, candidate of biological sciences, who focused on the study of fruit crops and the expansion of educational activities: more than 50 excursions for schoolchildren and teachers, nature lovers and tourists began here. Meanwhile, employees replenished the garden with new woody species and varieties, conducted research with teachers from the agricultural and biological faculties. A department of medicinal plants was created.

The Botanical Garden (Petrozavodsk) already by 1994 expanded its land to 367 hectares. Most of the territory was occupied by a protected area. In the summer of 2011, a stone age object - “Pagan Glade” was opened in a festive atmosphere in the garden. This is a unique copy of a real glade of ancient Sami with a labyrinth of four paths and seid boulders.

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Garden Description

Its main departments were laid in the very first years after the foundation. Initially, it was planned to create only the Asian, American and European departments of flora. Later, a fruit garden, a collection of ornamental plants and flowers appeared on the southern lakeside slope.

The Botanical Garden (Petrozavodsk) today occupies an area of ​​360 hectares. Here are located:

  • fruit garden;
  • arboretum;
  • Department of ornamental and medicinal plants.

The exposition of the garden, available for visits, occupies only 14 hectares, the rest of the area is a conservation area. It performs the main task - to preserve the unique flora and natural landscapes of this region. The Botanical Garden (Petrozavodsk), whose collection age is a little over 65 years old, although in this case it does not really matter, is an unusual collection of rare plants. The uniqueness of his collection lies in the fact that the park is located in harsh climatic conditions, where in winter frosts often exceed - 30 ° C.

In addition to plants characteristic of these territories, here you can see rare specimens that were delivered from Asia, North America and other continents. Thanks to the enormous efforts of the park’s employees, the plants quickly adapt to new, difficult conditions and many of them even bear fruit.

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Lovers of flowers will enjoy this park a lot. Tourists from all over the country come to admire them at the Botanical Garden (Petrozavodsk). We will tell you how to get here below, but now back to the collection.

At first, it was rather modest: 36 varieties and species (mainly tulips, daffodils, gladioli). Scientists carefully selected them for resistance to very low temperatures, pathogens and pests. They analyzed decorative shapes and colors. As a result of this work, a list of the most suitable flower varietal crops for landscaping was created. In 1980, they adorned the parks and streets of Petrozavodsk.

petrozavodsk botanical garden how to get there

Medicinal plants

In the eighties, the head of the Department of Plant Physiology and Botany at the University of Petrozavodsk, Professor Aleksey Shtanko, began the formation of a department of medicinal plants on the basis of introduced and native species that are grown in small areas.

The exposition was significantly expanded in 2004, since the students of the Department of Pharmacognosy of the Petrozavodsk University, established at that time, needed practice. Today it is an integral part of the department of herbaceous perennial plants of the garden.

Karelian birch

This tree is considered the hallmark of the park. Souvenirs made of its wood are very valuable, their cost is high. The fact is that this species is characterized by an extremely slow increase in radial wood - one millimeter per year. The tree population is very small in the world: there are small plantings in Scandinavia and the Republic of Belarus. The main part of the range is in Karelia.

botanical garden petrozavodsk address

Sale of seedlings

In the courtyard of the main building of the university, a store is opened where you can buy seeds of cultivated varieties of rare plants. It works from September 2 on Fridays from 14.00 to 18.00. Has its own nursery Botanical Garden (Petrozavodsk). Saplings are sold in the Solomennoy district on ul. Botanical, 2. The nursery is open on weekdays from 10.00 to 18.00.

Botanical Garden (Petrozavodsk): mode of operation

Today the park occupies a vast territory. Entrance to its natural part is free and free. Exhibit areas of the garden can be visited on weekdays from 9:00 to 16:00. The cost of admission is 100 rubles. Excursions are held from May 1 to November 1 from 10:00 to 16:00. Botanical Garden (Petrozavodsk), reviews of which are always positive, you can visit on your own or as part of a small excursion group.

Order excursions

If you want to inspect the collection of the garden, then first contact the administration and agree on the time. Guided tours in the park are available for groups of up to twenty people, from Wednesday to Sunday.

On the territory of the garden, you can organize a holiday, conduct a photo shoot or shoot a video. The tour includes visits to the Botanical Garden, fishing villages, the Church of the Present. In addition, there are programs that include specialist lectures and practical gardening classes.

It is best to visit the garden in the summer when it is just buried in flowers and greenery. At the end of May, the traditional holiday "Apple Blossom" is held here. Everyone is invited to it. If you find yourself in Karelia in autumn or winter - do not worry. At this time, the garden is unusually good. In addition, the New Year's Eve party is interesting and fun here.

botanical garden petrozavodsk address

Petrozavodsk, Botanical Garden: how to get there?

The park is located in the nearest suburb of Petrozavodsk. This is the village of Solomennoye in the north-east of Lake Onega. From the city center, you can take buses No. 27, 23, 8, 4. They go towards the village you need. At the pontoon bridge at the stop "Shop" you should go out and walk about two kilometers on foot. First you cross the bridge, bypass the Church of the Meeting, turn right. From here, Botanicheskaya Street will bring you to the park.

Visitors reviews

We were not able to find negative feedback about visiting the park. The magnificent nature and amazing collection, grown by the specialists of the reserve, are amazing. Especially when you consider the difficult climatic conditions that work is underway. Everyone who managed to visit here, strongly recommend visiting the park as soon as possible.

Local residents are very pleased that they have the opportunity to purchase high-quality seeds and seedlings.


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