"Horn of Jürgen" in "Skyrim" - description, secrets, walkthrough

Jurgen's Horn in Skyrim is a challenge that every player will encounter. The fact is that the quest belongs to the plot, without it it is impossible to pass the main line of tasks. This is quite normal.

How to pass the "Horn of Jurgen"? What is required for this? What difficulties await the player? Answers to these questions and not only will be given below.

Where to find the "Horn of Jurgen"


Jurgen's Horn in Skyrim is a story quest that appears in The Elders Scrolls V: Skyrim. This task does not require the installation of any add-ons or mods.

Jurgen's Horn is believed to be the final test. It is issued to Dovakin after he collects all new Screams.

The task is to get the same item - the horns of Jurgen. This is a quest item that cannot be crafted, but can be obtained in the course of the main storyline in the game.

Jürgen's horn in Skyrim weighs 4 units. There is no point in trading with them - the cost of the item is zero, but with its help the character will be able to pass the task of the same name.

Briefly about the passage

How to get the “Horn of Jurgen” in “Skyrim”? It is not difficult to do this. The player at the time of the assignment will be quite strong and experienced. If problems arise, the character can activate immortality. But more on that later.

So, to pass the studied task, the player will need:

  1. Go to Riverwood and try to get an item in Ustengrev.
  2. Talk to someone who has taken the desired item.
  3. Get through the tomb.
  4. Pick up Jurgen's horn and return it to Arngeiro.
  5. Learn the last word of power from Wulfgar.
  6. Accept Greetings from Greater after completing a quest.

It would seem nothing difficult, but in real life everything is not so simple. Sometimes players have difficulty completing the quest.

Passage of the quest "Horn of Jurgen"

Quest Secrets

Passing the "Horn of Jurgen" in "Skyrim" will help complete the main chain of initiation of the Greybeards, so this quest should be treated with special attention.

In general, Jurgen's horn is hidden in the Sleeping Giant tavern in Riverwood. But before finding out, Dovakin will go to the tomb of Ustengrev. The "Sneak" skill is useful here.

During the study of the tomb, the character will come across not only enemies, but also traps. They need to be circumvented. Otherwise, to cope with the tasks will not work.

If you have problems with the passage of dungeons, you can use the game console. With its help, the player is able to make himself immortal. To do this, you have to call the command line and write TGM or TIM there. The first team makes the character immortal under the condition that Dovakin cannot be infected with anything. In the second case, immortality is activated, but with the possibility of infection.

Important: it is better to use the TIM command. It rarely causes bugs and system crashes.

Quick issue

In Skyrim, Jurgen's Horn can be obtained using the game console. This is not the best and honest solution that can lead to a system failure.

However, if the desired item cannot be found, the character can call the game console, and then write the player.additem command there. The space ID indicates the horns ID. In our case, you will have to register 0003292F. Next, the player must put a space and write the number of items given to him of the selected type. For example, 1.

How to get the mission "Horn of Jurgen" in "Skyrim"

As soon as the operation is confirmed, Jurgen's horn will appear in the inventory of Dovakin. It can be used for its intended purpose. If the player wants, he can leave one item in memory.

No more real advice or recommendations. The player just needs to carefully read the quest tasks, skillfully fight and explore the area, then Jurgen's horn will be found pretty quickly.

At the moment, users do not complain too often about the quest’s margin, so you can go through it without much difficulty. At the end of Dovakin is waiting for the last word of the cry of "Juggernaut.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16409/

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