Game 2048 - how to win? The best winning strategies

The game 2048 became an unambiguous hit among its competitors when it was released, it caused a huge stir around itself, many people posted hundreds of posts about their records in social networks on social networks. Why did she so drag everyone in? The simplicity of the gameplay, the beautiful and pleasing design is a game in which you have to think a lot in order to win, but how else?

Game story

This game, as it sometimes happens, was not created for the purpose of enrichment, for the author it was only entertaining and informative. An Italian 19-year-old guy one evening decided to test his knowledge and write a game. The idea is not completely his, he modified a very similar to this game. Then she began to gain wild popularity, literally in a week the whole world found out about her, and all thanks to the simplicity and addictive gameplay. This game has open source code, which anyone can see, including for training. But we do not need training for anything other than this game. After all, we are here and want to win. So what is the secret of 2048, how to win it?

The essence of the game

How to win? First you need to understand the game itself and its rules. Everything is extremely simple. A field of 4 by 4 cubes. At the beginning of the game and with each move, cubes with numbers 2 or 4 appear in random places (the deuce appears more often). The game has 4 actions, up-down-left-right. Each of them, the player moves all the cubes on the playing field in a certain direction, if they have somewhere to move. If, when moving between each other, two cubes with the same number meet, they are combined, and in their place appears twice as large cell. For example, moving two deuces together, we get fours, from two fours we get eight, and from two eights - 16. Experts of mathematics immediately noticed that all these numbers are powers of two. And given the fact that 2048 is 2 to the 11th degree, you will have to work hard.

How to win in 2048: scheme

There are many schemes and strategies for winning this game. Read carefully and choose the one that suits you. And you can try everything and for yourself to find the most effective and the one that will allow you to find out the answer to the question of if there is a 2048 game, how to win. You may notice that strategies are becoming more complicated, from the simplest to the most complex and effective. Therefore, go in order, and you will win.

how to win in 2048 circuit

List of strategies for winning in 2048

  • Snake: to start the game, you can try this strategy, its essence is that alternately click in all directions. Thus, you wonโ€™t be able to gain much, but you can study the game mechanics. Therefore, if you are new to this game, this is what you need.
    2048 how to win
  • Just three buttons: the essence of this strategy is that the game should not use one of the buttons, and you can do this with any one. At the beginning of the game, you choose one side at will, in which you will never, under any circumstances, move the cubes. This method is somewhat similar to the following. It will allow you to accumulate all the largest numbers in one of the corners, and further it will be easier not to get confused and type numbers in any corner.
  • One corner: almost the same as the previous strategy, the point is to accumulate all the large values โ€‹โ€‹in one corner, but using three buttons is extremely inefficient, since sooner or later the most number will move out of the corner and the strategy will be broken. Therefore, try to use two buttons in general - up or down, left or right, so you will shift all the values โ€‹โ€‹to one of the corners, and they will accumulate there, which is good.
  • In one column (row): this strategy again follows from the previous ones. In the corner, as before, the largest number will be obtained, but the previous values โ€‹โ€‹will be more ordered. It is always necessary to try in the previous cell for any number to collect less than it. And then, getting the next number, you simply combine with the next, and the next with another next and so on. This strategy is already almost as effective as possible, it gives an answer to the question of if there is a 2048 game, how to win.
    2048 game how to win
  • Cheating, or how to win 2048 (tactics with programs): you can find it on the Internet or write the program itself that will play this game instead of you. This is hardly interesting, but you can boast before your friends a successful result, which is also not bad. But if you are able to think over and write an algorithm for dialing 2048, then you hardly need this program, because in order to write it, you need to win yourself more than once.


how to win 2048 tactics

On this you can end this article about the game 2048. How to win it, you are now
you know, and it's time to put knowledge into practice. Download this game to your phone so that it is always at hand. Or play it right now on your computer, because when it got its popularity, many developers remade it in their own way. And now you can play it on hundreds of sites, with different variations, starting from slices of pizza, which turn into different food, ending with various actors.


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