The path from wealth to poverty Victoria Filippova

Victoria Filippova is the beloved granddaughter of Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, who went from wealth to poverty, was married twice, treated her daughter and mother for alcoholism, and died at the age of 65. None of the relatives knew that Victoria was terminally ill. The biography of Victoria Filippova has long been hidden from the public. And only before her death, she shared with reporters the tragic story of her life.


Victoria Filippova (Milaeva) was born in 1953. Her mother, Galina Brezhneva, being a freedom-loving rebel, at the age of 22, fled from the house of the Secretary General of the USSR after her beloved - circus Milaev, from whom she gave birth to a daughter. The girl was named after grandmother Victoria Petrovna, later she became the darling of the secretary general.

The girl’s childhood would seem cloudless to many. Little Vikulya had everything she wanted. A senior grandfather provided the baby with the best clothes and the most unusual toys.

Chita Brezhnev with granddaughter Victoria

However, little Victoria constantly felt a lack of parental warmth and attention. Mother and father did little to raise their daughter. My father worked in a circus. Galina also got a make-up artist in the circus to spend as much time as possible with her lover. The couple constantly toured the country with a circus troupe, and bought little gifts and toys from their little daughter. The lack of parental support affected the character of Victoria Filippova. As her relatives note, later she became very insecure.

Youth and education

Victoria Milaeva after graduating from high school entered the Moscow State University at the Faculty of Education. However, the prospect of becoming a teacher did not cause the girl much interest, she was not serious about studying and soon transferred to GITIS at the faculty of theater studies.

Marriage and birth of a daughter

Being the granddaughter of the party’s general secretary, Victoria was considered an enviable bride. But she met her first husband by accident. The young tall brunette Mikhail Filippov immediately liked the young beauty. The guy was born and raised in a poor family. However, such a mesalliance did not embarrass Victoria, and her imperious grandfather was forced to approve this alliance. In this photo, Victoria Filippova with her husband and grandmother.

Victoria Brezhnev with her husband and grandmother

In 1973, a daughter was born to Victoria and Mikhail, who, according to family tradition, young parents named in honor of their grandmother Galina. But this alliance was not lasting. Beginning with a stormy romance, it also ended violently. The young spouse, having tasted the money, began to start novels on the side. And Victoria Filippova, while studying at GITIS, fell in love with a young student Gennady Varakutu.

Filippov’s marriage broke up in 1977. And in 1978, Victoria married for the second time to singer Varakutu. However, this marriage did not last long, soon Brezhnev’s granddaughter survived a second divorce.

Life after the death of an influential grandfather

After the death of the Secretary General in 1982, Victoria and her family faced big problems. The family suffered all kinds of persecution and deprivation. In addition, Victoria's mother was addicted to alcohol, so she had to regularly deal with her binges. At the same time, her daughter was very sick, and a lot of money was required for treatment. Victoria had to exchange two apartments owned by her family, as well as sell the famous summer house of Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev.

Last interview

So the beloved granddaughter of the Secretary General of the USSR remained in poverty. Relations with the daughter did not work out. Galina, having matured, began to drink, later she spent 6 years in a psychiatric clinic.

Victoria Filippova herself died on January 5, 2018 from cancer, which she did not report to her loved ones until the last day.


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