Game loot - what is it?

To date, multiplayer role-playing games have become incredibly widespread - largely due to improved speed and quality of Internet connections, as well as a significant increase in high technology. This allowed us to create excellent computer games that could function not on one computer, but on the network. As with any other community, fans of these games very quickly began to use their own jargon, which allowed them to quickly chat, without wasting time on long messages. So the terms "pvp", "heal", "loot" appeared. What is hidden behind these letter sets?

Many of these words are transliteration of English terms or even abbreviations of English terms. So, "heal" is a word that came from the English heal, which means "to heal, to heal." That is, in battle, instead of writing a whole phrase with a request to treat a character, you could just write “heal” in the chat, and you were quickly healed. However, this article will focus on one specific term - “loot”. What is loot and how to use it are issues that concern every newbie in multiplayer games. Many people ask this question, because they often hear this term, but cannot understand how to use it. That is why you need to talk in more detail about what loot is, what priority is for loot, and so on.

What is loot

loot what is

Loot - what is behind this word? Firstly, this is again transliteration from English, where loot means "rob", "get". But what does this mean in computer games? You should immediately pay attention to the fact that here loot is a noun, and it denotes all those things and objects that you find in the game world, killing monsters, opening chests and so on. Accordingly, to “loot” is to collect everything that you will find in your path. You can use these things for yourself, or you can sell them in order to later spend money on something more necessary. As you can see, everything is quite simple, there is no mystery hidden behind the word "loot". What is this loot, you already figured out. The time has come to take a look at his brief history.

The origin of loot

what is loot in avatar

Naturally, computer games did not always exist, but this concept arose long ago, at the time of the popularization of board games, especially those that operated in the "Dungeons and Dragons" system. The essence of such games was usually that you and a group of players had to go down into the dungeon and clean it from monsters. And the most important non-plot reward there was all the treasures that fell from monsters, as well as those that you could find in chests, barrels and so on. All this received the name "loot", which very quickly became generally accepted. Gradually, it moved to computer games, even those in which the essence is not to clean the area from monsters. So now you know not only what “loot” means, but where the term came from.

Loot Theft

what does loot mean

However, you should not expect that in the gaming community everyone will be professionals, with a sense of dignity and an understanding of the basic rules of the game and the principles of courtesy. Since people learned what “loot” is in games, they have come to know the problem associated with it, namely its theft. Many players make very little contribution to the victory over a monster, but try to grab as many of the most valuable things as possible. Naturally, the rules of the game do not spell out that you can’t do this, but there are also unwritten rules that you should never forget about. The fact is that it does not matter, we are talking about what a loot is in Avatar or World of Warcraft - there are always certain laws by which absolutely all players should act.

Loot Priority

what is loot in games

Just understanding what a loot is in Avatar or any other multiplayer game will not be enough for you. After all, there are certain rules by which loot is distributed between players. For example, in the most popular massively multiplayer role-playing game "World of Warcraft" there is such a thing as priority on loot. According to it, you should take only those things that are most suitable for your class. Moreover, even if you need an item that enhances healing abilities, you first need to think about whether you have someone in the clan who needs it. If everyone complied with these unwritten rules, then playing multiplayer games would be much more pleasant.


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